Happy Hormones and Aromatherapy

Do you know………….. Hormones play a huge role in the way that our body reacts and responds to life, and even the slightest imbalance causes unpleasant symptoms. Today, I will talk about the Happy Hormones. Many of you have probably already noticed the feeling of pure satisfaction after a workout or helping others in need or the growing confidence in your own capabilities after completion of a project. This is the result of biochemical processes and the release of so-called Happiness Hormones in our body. The most popular ones are Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphin (D.O.S.E. of happiness).

Technically, some of these are neurotransmitters (A chemical that is released from a nerve cell which transmits an impulse from a nerve cell to another nerve, muscle, organ, or other tissue) and not hormones (A chemical that is secreted by specialized glands called endocrine glands into the bloodstream), but for our topic here, we will call them Hormones.

Dopamine: is a neurotransmitter and is produced in three different areas of the brain including hypothalamus. These three areas of the brain affect different bodily functions, such as movement, memory, sleep, mood, pleasurable reward and to take action to move toward them, emotional responses, behavior and cognition. Dopamine is the main reason why you feel good while exercising. Why you are able to finish your workout even if your body and your mind both want to give up. Also, when you are appreciated for your work or at home, Dopamine is released that makes you feel accomplished and happy. Similarly, when you buy a new car or a house, or new home-computer gadgets, or any type of shopping, your happiness is because of Dopamine. The presence of a certain kind of dopamine receptor is also associated with sensation seeking people, commonly known as “risk takers.”

Oxytocin: is a naturally occurring hormone that is made in the hypothalamus and is stored and released by the posterior pituitary gland in the brain. Oxytocin is the “love” hormone released upon physical contact, during an orgasm and childbirth, lactation, hugging others and even shaking hands, and effects testosterone production. Oxytocin provides feelings of love and trust, which is why relationships boost our happiness.

Serotonin: is a chemical that is produced in brain, though 90% of serotonin supply is found in the digestive tract and in blood platelets. It is sometimes called the “happy chemical”, because it contributes to happiness, boosts our mood, makes us more agreeable and sociable, regulates appetite and digestion, memory, sexual desire and has a wide variety of functions in the human body. As the precursor for melatonin, it helps regulate the body’s sleep-wake cycles and the internal clock. It’s good to choose positive thoughts and remember happy events, expose to sunlight and walk in the nature, consume carbohydrate with tryptophan (milk, corn), that our body converts to serotonin.

Endorhins: They are manufactured in brain, spinal cord, and many other parts of our body. Endorphins are the body’s very own natural analgesics, or painkillers. They are released during times of stress and pain, trigger a positive feeling in the body during strenuous exercise, and puts a person in a good mood. Endorphins function in the brain similarly to morphine. This is a feeling of everlasting power, joy, described as euphoric and among runners, this state is also known as the “runner’s high”. It can be accompanied by a positive and energizing outlook on life, doing rigorous exercise with guidance and consuming spicy food.

In any case, it’s nice to know that we are physically geared towards happiness through the production of “happy hormones”. Happiness is not only in our minds, it is also in our bodies and lifestyle factors affect them.

Utilizing Essential Oils: Maintenance of the body-mind-soul, is the key to reach balance in life utilizing Essential Oils (Aromatherapy) tool on a consistent basis, ensures that we will be providing our body with natural solutions for hormonal balance. The fragrance of an essential oil can directly affect our emotional state as our sense of smell is directly linked to the limbic system of the brain that activates the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the hormone control center in the body that regulates the sex drive, energy levels, stress, and happiness. To reap the rewards of Aromatherapy, use Essential Oils proactively with patience. Apply Essential Oils topically(diluted) over the wrists, feet, back of the neck and ovaries or inhale directly, in combination with lifestyle modifications in diet and exercise. This will allow the body to heal itself and find its own equilibrium. Following Essential Oils are good for Hormonal Balance function:

Patchouli, Peppermint, Geranium, Ylang ylang, Rose, Sandalwood, Thyme, Lavender, Jasmine, Clary sage, Bergamot, Green myrtle

Hormonal Balance Synergy Blend:

8 drops Clary sage essential oil
4 drops Lavender essential oil

4 drops bergamot essential oil
2 drops geranium essential oil
2 drops ylang ylang essential oil
10 ml Almond oil

Place essential oils in a10 ml. glass rollerball bottle, fill to the top with almond oil, cover, mix, label. Roll the blend over ovaries and pulse points (neck, ankles, and wrists) 2-3 times/day or as needed.

At the end, it’s very simple, to stay happy; apply your essential oils regularly, exercise every day to get endorphins, accomplish goals to get dopamine, be nice to others and to yourself to get serotonin, and hug your family-friends-kids to get oxytocin.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment