Do you know…… Hippocrates said, “Food is medicine.” Therefore, to have health and vitality, one must consume low fat and high fiber food. Should avoid high fat meal, be active, and try to follow some sort of 20-30 minutes exercise regimen daily. Green leafy vegetables are high in calcium, magnesium, low in sugar, and protect against heart disease.

Chrysanthemum tea
Several plants have been grown as a house plant, in gardens, and commercially for their ornamental decorative purposes together with their therapeutic and nutritional values. They have been used since centuries for their medicinal, aromatic properties in Cosmetic industries, in Naturopaethy, Ayurvedic, and Chinese medicine, to promote healing and well-being. For eg:
Rose (Rosa species): for their culinary, cosmetics, medicinal, aromatic properties. In far East, rose petals, rose water, rose essence are used in many food recipes and cosmetics. Rose Essential Oils are rich in vitamins, minerals, and are used in Aromatherapy as an antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-oxidant, moisturizing, astringent Dog rose hips are used for medicinal remedies,
Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis): flowers and leaves are very nutritious and used for culinary purposes. Hibiscus Essential Oils are extracted from leaves and flowers of the plant. It is rich in anti-oxidants, amino acids, Vitamins A & C and used for deep conditioning hair treatment, hair growth and shine, dandruff control.
Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus): it is herbaceous perennial plant. Carnation flowers are very fragrant and considered to be anti-spasmodic, diaphoretic, nervine, and invigorating. They have been traditionally used for treating fevers. It has peppery flavour and flower petals are used in salads and for dish garnishing. Carnation absolute is obtained from the flowers of carnation plants by solvent extraction method and is anti-bacterial, alleviate gastric discomfort.
Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium): or mum flowers are found all over the world and contain aminoacids, Vitamins A & B. Besides being an ornamental flower, it is used to relieve cold-flu symptoms, high blood pressure, and as nerve calming. In China, Chrysanthemum tea is very common.
Calendula (Calendula officinalis): Calendula is an annual herb with yellow to orange flowers (commonly known as Marigold flowers) and is often used in soups, salads, stews, and for the treatment of inflammation and skin wounds. Calendula officinalis essential oil is antimicrobial, anti-inlammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-spasmodic and is often used in wound healing and treating diaper rash.
Lotus (Nilumbo nucifera); It is a perennial, aquatic herb from India. Lotus plant and flower symbolizes knowledge, purity, serenity, and considered a sacred symbol in India, China, Egypt. Lotus flower opens in the morning and closes at night. All parts of the plant have been used since centuries for culinary and medicinal purposes. Lotus essential oil is extracted from dried lotus flowers through steam distillation and is mostly used for enhancing mood, spirituality, relaxation, and serenity. It is antidepressant, aphrodisiac, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, nervine, antimicrobial.
Just like these, there are several other plant varieties like; Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla), Periwinkle (Catheranthus roseus), Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis), Amaltas (Cassia fistula), Ashoka (Saraca asoca), etc. have been used in culinary and for their medicinal properties. Kaffir lime (Bergamot).
Chrysanthemum tea:
3-6 personally dried pesticide free Chrysanthemum flowers or store bought
Boil 8oz water, add flowers, cover and let it steep for a few minutes, strain in a cup and enjoy the tea.
As always, if you’re pregnant or nursing, ask your doctor before drinking chrysanthemum tea.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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