Archive | March, 2022

Essential Oils for Restoring Balance in Spring

Essential Oils for Restoring Balance in Spring
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!

Spring season is here now. We all survived long nights, frigid temperatures, drying indoor heat, cold-flu, and fading tan lines. Spring is the time for new growth, new beginning, fresh potential, and spring cleaning. It is ‘Kapha’ time of the year.


According to Ayurveda (Ayu=life, Veda=knowledge, is a comprehensive system of healing), universe is composed of 5 Elements:

Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth

These five elements combine to make three Doshas, that controls all the function of our mind and body:

          Vata(Air and Ether) –Fall-Early Winter, Later life

          Pitta(Water and Fire) –Summer, Adolesent-Middle age

          Kapha(Water and Earth) –Late winter-Early Spring,    Birth-Puberty

Three Doshas

Kapha is comprised of water and earth element. According to Ayurveda this dosha is slow, moist, cool, heavy, smooth and responsible for the stability, lubrication, and support of our physical body. Characters of a Kapha personality; have big eyes, smooth, dense skin, have exceptional endurance, robust, and strong, love to eat, enjoy stable partnership and love children, a loyal friend, warm, compassionate, have patience, easy going. Out of balance Kapha people could be lethargic, have food cravings, low metabolism, can gain weight easily, feeling of sadness, depression, congestion. To keep Kapha balanced, they should eat dry, warming, pungent, bitter flavored food that has stimulating properties, and stay away from sweet, sour, salty, oily foods, exercise daily, follow a yoga routine, keep a gratitude journal, go on outing with friends.

Together with consuming balanced healthy diet, exercising, Aromatherapy (an alternative healthcare modality) is another good and easy way of restoring balance of heavy, cold and wet nature of excess Kapha dosha and to achieve abundant health. Aromatherapy is a science and art of using Essential oils for our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Essential oils are natural, concentrated, volatile, liquid aromatic extract with individual therapeutic properties from different parts of plants and have been used since centuries in beauty products and to cure various ailments. Warm, spicy, and invigorating aromas are generally the most balancing for Kapha dosha. With proper dilution, essential oils can be used to massage, in bath, in diffuser, or can be inhaled directly. Some of these Essential Oils include:

Bergamot, Orange, Ylang ylang, Cardamom, Cedar, Cinnamon, Ginger, Black Pepper, Clove, Frankincense, Rose, Marjoram, Eucalyptus, TeaTree, ClarySage and Tulsi

Good Carrier oils to make dilution: Mustard seed, Almond, and Grape seed

Aromatic All-purpose Daily Cleanser:

Add 18 drops each of Lemon grass and Tea Tree Essential Oil to 4oz glass spray bottle, top with 3 oz distilled water and 1oz white vinegar, close, label, mix well. Spray countertops, leave for 2-5 minutes, wipe clean with a paper towel or a rag to naturally disinfect leaving behind pleasant fragrance.

Refreshing Spring Room Spray:

Add 24 drops Sweet Orange essential oil in a 4oz glass spray bottle, top with 1oz Lavender Hydrosol or Rose water and 3 oz distilled water, close, label, mix well. Spray in the room as desired.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing


Aromatic Yoga-Exercise Mat Cleansing Spray

Aromatic Yoga-Exercise Mat Cleansing Spray
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know………With ever increasing popularity of yoga around the world for our mental, emotional, and physical health, use of yoga/exercise mats are increasing too. We know that many of us sweat during our yoga routine and our yoga mat could become sticky and smelly. Very likely, our yoga mats could be a breeding ground for bacteria that could be harmful for our overall wellbeing. This could be avoided with a simple, easy home-made spray with essential oils which will be refreshing, economical and far better than the ready-made over the counter chemical laden antibacterial spray.

DIY Aromatic Yoga-Exercise Mat Cleansing Spray:

DIY Yoga Mat Cleansing Spray

4oz Glass spray bottle

Distilled water

15ml Vodka-optional

15 ml Witch hazel

10 drops Lavender essential oil

10 drops Tea tree essential oil

16 drops Sweet Orange essential oil

Add essential oils to a 4oz glass spray bottle, pour Vodka and Witch hazel, top with distilled water. Cap the bottle, label, mix well. After each use, spray down your mat leaving on the solution for 30 seconds. Then wipe with a clean cloth or a paper towel and let it air dry. This will keep your mat bacteria free with fresh aromatic feel.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing

Aromatherapy Safety for Babies and Children

Aromatherapy Safety for Babies and Children
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know………We avoid using Essential Oils on a newborn unless it is

            Aromatherapy Safety for Babies

utmost necessary that outweighs the potential risk. No matter the brand, quality Essential oils are used typically highly diluted for babies and young children (12 yrs and younger) as compared to use with adults to avoid redness or any adverse reactions, because newborns have very tender skin and organs.


Use 1-2 drops of essential oil to an ounce (30 ml) of a suitable carrier oil such as; coconut, olive, or almond oil following adequate dilution guidelines as follows (detailed in ‘Essential Oil Safety’ by Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young):

AGE     Percentage        Max # Drops
infant – 2 yrs     0.1% – 0.2%       1 – 2 drops/oz of carrier oil
2 – 6 yrs     1% – 2%       9 – 24 drops/ oz of carrier oil
6 – 14 yrs     1.5% – 3+%      12 – 28 drops/ oz of carrier oil

Measurements/conversions (by volume)
30 ml= 1 fl oz = 600 drops = 2 Tbsp
5 ml = 1/6 fl oz = 100 drops = 1 tsp
1 ml = 1/30 fl oz=20 drops = 1/5tsp

Intermittently diffusing the oils in low level in baby’s room is an effective way to reap the benefit of Essential Oil molecules or apply appropriately diluted oil to the back, stomach, chest, or bottoms of the baby’s feet. Always test the diluted oil on yourself first and then on a very small-tiny area on baby to be sure their skin will tolerate the blend. Peppermint, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary essential oils are all avoided in younger children (12 yrs and under) because they contain a chemical constituent called cineol 1,8 and menthol.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing