Archive | January, 2019

Lice Treatment with Essential Oil

Do you know…….Lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) are tiny, wingless parasites that feed solely on human scalp and survive on minuscule amounts of blood. An adult louse can be light brown or grey, is two-three millimeters long. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), 6 to12 million elementary school-aged children get lice each year in the U.S. Head lice can be contagious, but do not carry disease and do not pose a medical threat of any kind. Adults and children get infected primarily through head-to-head contact with an infected child-adult who has either lice or their eggs (nits), or through sharing items like hats, combs, pillows, bedding, scarves, and towels.

Wet combing using a fine toothed comb is the easy, cheap, effective, but time consuming method of treating head lice or can use over-the-counter medicated shampoo. For non-toxic natural alternative to treat lice use Essential Oil which is plants natural defense against pests and pathogens. That is why they can be an effective treatment for head lice. Essential oils that are effective against lice are:

            Lice Treatment with Essential Oil

Tea tree Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

Neem Essential Oil

Clove Essential Oil

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Aniseed Essential Oil

Peppermint Essential Oil

Thyme Essential Oil

Nutmeg Essential Oil

Rosemary Essential Oil

Lice Treatment Blend

10 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil

8 drops Lavender Essential Oil

8 drops Peppermint Essential Oil

4 drops Rosemary Essential Oil (for child 2-5 yrs, substitute Thyme Essential Oil)

1.5 oz (45 ml) Coconut Oil

0.25 oz (7.5ml) Olive Oil

0.25 oz (7.5ml) Neem Oil

Melt Coconut Oil in a 4oz glass jar in a hot water pan, remove the jar, add Olive Oil, Neem Oil and all Essential Oils, mix, close the lid, label.

Dampen hair and massage the Lice Treatment blend into the scalp and hair upto edges. Comb through the hair with a fine tooth comb, cover head with a shower cap and allow to sit for 2-4 hours. Carefully remove shower cap, and dispose in a sealed zip lock bag. Comb hair once again, Rinse with a mixture of equal parts of Apple Cider Vinegar & water and Shampoo. Repeat every 4-5 days for 3-4 wks.

Om Healing………..Uma

(Founder of AromaWellness)
visit, to order
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment

Essential Oils and Diabetes

Do you know……………… Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that is present around the globe. The statistics on the CDC’s (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) site are indicative of a growing diabetes epidemic in the United States and throughout the world. There are three major types of diabetes:

Type 1 Diabetes: Also known as Juvenile Diabetes, occurs when the body fails to produce insulin (a hormone that regulates the movement of sugar into our cells ). People with Type I Diabetes are insulin-dependent.

Type 2 Diabetes: is the most common type of diabetes and affects the way body uses produced insulin. It’s called insulin resistance.

Gestational Diabetes: This type occurs in women during pregnancy and usually resolves after giving birth.

Diabetes can have very serious and life-threatening complications, from poor wound healing to

               Essential Oils and Diabetes

peripheral neuropathy to cardiovascular problems, if not managed properly in timely manner. Besides prescribed medications to control diabetes effectively and minimize the diabetic complications, people diagnosed with diabetes, should educate themselves about the disease, limit sugar intake, have balanced diet, and follow proper daily exercise routine. Another holistic approach is to incorporate Essential Oils for diabetes, used in various ways for overall wellness though,  more research is required to prove the validity of Essential Oils in stabilizing blood glucose level. Essential Oils have been used since centuries in one form or another to alleviate different ailments and we all know that several chemical compounds isolated from Essential oils have been used successfully to manufacture many western medicines.


Diabetes is a complex disease that has many contributing factors and can create different symptoms in different people like; poor diet, high blood pressure, obesity, stress, and physical inactivity. Therefore, for diabetes, several Essential Oils are used synergistically (with proper dilution and safety precautions – refer to to reap the proper benefit. Some of the Essential Oils said to be beneficial are:

Cinnamon, Fenugreek, Cumin, Oregano

Geranium, Rose,


Clary Sage

Lemon, Orange




Diffuser Blend for Diabetics:

25 drops  Orange Essential Oil (gentle, uplifting)

15 drops Lavender Essential Oil (calming, ease anxiety)

8 drops  Rose  or Geranium Essential Oil (soothing, relieve guilt anxiety)

2 drops Vetiver Essential Oil (grounding)

Add Essential Oils to a dark coloured glass Euro vial/bottle, close the bottle, label, and mix well by rolling the bottle in between hands. Now add the 4-10 drops of this blend to a diffuser (per manufacturer’s instructions) or a candle warmer as you desire.


Jean Valnet, MD,  The Practice of Aromatherapy
Robert Tisserand, The Art of Aromatherapy

Shirley Price, The Aromatherapy Workbook


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
visit, to order
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment

Aromatherapy for Brain Fitness

Do you know…..…..In recent years, neurologists have discovered that our brain continues to change throughout our lives due to the phenomenon of plasticity i.e. modern research has demonstrated that the brain continues to create new neural pathways and alter existing ones in order to adapt to new experiences, learn new information, and create new memories. It’s very important to have good memory to lead a normal, quality, healthy life. There are plenty of ways to promote a better memory by eating healthy, avoiding alcohol abuse, implementing cognitive exercises, consuming modern medicine and the natural approach of using Essential Oils, though more research needs to be conducted. We have to have the understanding that nothing works instantly and will have to administer patience with positive affirmation. 

Essential Oils have been used since centuries for variety of health benefits. When an aroma is inhaled, it travels through our olfactory system to the limbic system of the brain (that includes the Hippocampus-responsible for long-term memory, the Amygdala-associated with emotions, the Hypothalamus-regulates the autonomic nervous system and hormones, and the Cingulate gyrus-regulates blood pressure, heart rate) and exhibits profound psychological and physiological effects. Essential Oils could be used to stimulate the brain for the benefit of increased cognition, mood boost, mental fatigue, relaxation, and other benefits, as essential oils pass through the blood-brain barrier with relative ease. This allows the oils to reach the site of injury and reduce the inflammation more effectively.

Some of the oils considered good for our brain fitness are:

Rosemary Essential Oil

Peppermint Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

Lemon Essential Oil

Vetiver Essential Oil

Grapefruit Essential Oil

Basil Essential Oil

Frankincense Essential Oil

Can use these essential oils in any combination in the diffuser, or for direct inhalation, or apply topically on the skin with proper dilution and safety precautions (refer to

Cognitive Room Spray Blend

25 drops Rosemary Essential Oil

10 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil

8 drops Peppermint Essential Oil

5 drops Vetiver Essential Oil

Fill a 4oz. glass spray bottle with 1.5oz. of alcohol(Vodka) and 3oz. of distilled water without overfilling the spray bottle to leave room to mix the blend before every use, add essential oils, cap the bottle, label, mix and let it sit for a day for essential oils to marry (blend well) before using the spray. Spray as desired.


Om Healing………..Uma
 (Founder of AromaWellness)
visit, to order 
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment

Aromatherapy for Winter Cold-Cough

Do you know…………….With the frigid winter temperature, snow, and slippery road conditions, you have to continue to protect yourself from frostbite and hypothermia by wearing warm lightweight clothing in several layers, boots, mittens, and a hat. Stay indoors, if possible.

              Aromatherapy for Cold-Cough

I must admit that, as much as prettier it looks from inside, it also brings the cold-cough (that can attack the upper respiratory tract and are spread in the air from person to person) and flu season with it.  We all have endured the misery of a cold-cough and familiar with the symptoms of; Chest and Nasal Congestion, Headaches, Coughing, Scratchy Throat, Runny Nose, and/or Difficulty Breathing, which is our body’s defense mechanism. Before reaching out for the conventional medicine, try to use the effective natural remedy of Essential Oils through Aromatherapy, being aware of Essential Oil Safety (refer to during pregnancy, nursing mothers or caring for children under 12 years of age.

Essential oils have been used for centuries to fight the symptoms of the common cold and various other ailments. It could be inhaled directly, or added to bathwater and steam inhalation, or to the diffuser, or could be applied directly to skin with proper dilution (refer to Essential oils help the body fight off infection and serve to strengthen the immune system. Following are some of the Essential Oils that have the therapeutic properties (anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-microbial) to manage the symptoms of cold-cough-flu:

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Pine Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

Peppermint Essential Oil

Thyme Essential Oil

Lemon Essential Oil

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Rosemary Essential Oil

Frankincense Essential Oil

Oregano Essential Oil

Sinus Congestion Inhaler Recipe

5 drs Peppermint Essential Oil

5 drs Eucalyptus Essential Oil

5 drs Tea Tree Essential Oil

5 drs Lemon Essential Oil

Add Essential oils in a small glass bowl and soak the inhaler wick in it. Replace the wick in the inhaler holder, close, label, and inhale as needed.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
visit, to order
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment