Archive | October, 2019

Spiritual Health

Do you know…….Spirituality is not associated with religion, rather spirituality means a good stable emotional and mental health. It brings us into a greater harmony with ourselves (something bigger than one’s self), our surroundings, and to the divine or some supreme power.

Together with our physical hygiene, it’s of utmost importance to pay attention to

                        Spiritual Health

our emotional hygiene for a healthy living. We have to erase the impression of past incidents, because nothing could be done to reverse that, rather learn from our mistakes and save our energy field from the negativity to stay emotionally vibrant. Even before drinking water and eating our food, we should consciously pause for ten seconds to give positive affirmation of the family unity, happiness, love, respect, success, and so on to the water-food. Have a diary of gratitude, help the needy, and be a  strong human being to avoid being bullied. These things are easy said than done, but we all know that practice makes us perfect. Here are some beautiful quotes for our mind and soul:

“Don’t Take Anything Personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.”  Don Miguel Ruiz, Mexican author of Toltec spiritualist and neoshamanistic texts.

“We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.” Neil DeGrasse Tyson, American astrophysicist, author, and science communicator.

 “It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters.” Dr. Amit Ray, an Indian author and spiritual master. Well known for his teachings on Om meditation, integrated yoga, peace and compassion.

Essential oils, just like aromatic herbs have been part of spiritual awakening practices since ages. Many religions and cultures use various essential oils in their rituals, ceremonies or healing modalities, anointing, to cleanse and purify sacred places of worship by diffusing them, or by applying topically, or using different aromatic applications. Essential oils are a powerful tool for spiritual growth, angelic communication, meditation, or to simply bring out mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual benefits. Researchers are finding the powerful influence the aromas of essential oils have on brain-wave activity. Essential oils release molecules into the air that interact with the nervous and endocrine systems in such a way that alter the release of hormones and neurotransmitters involved in mood, memory, emotions, and cognition.

To erase biggest inner blocks and unlock new levels of abundance, happiness, following Essential oils could be used:.

Cedarwood, Cypress, or Juniper Essential Oil

Basil or Rosemary Essential Oil

Ylang ylang Essential Oil

Palo Santo Essential Oil

Frankincense, or Myrrh Essential Oil

Patchouli Essential Oil

Spikenard (jatamansi) Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

Can diffuse a blend or individual essential oil for spiritual guidance from higher self and divine light to cut down negativity or lower energies. Or place couple of drops on your palm, rub it with your palms, inhale the scent by cupping nose with your hands, say a prayer of gratitude for everything that you are blessed with. Or place a few drops on a cotton ball or a handkerchief to carry with you to attract good luck, repel negative energies, avoiding anxiety, stress, emotional trauma, and for a better communication.

Om Healing………..Uma

(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment

Detox with Essential Oils

Do you know…………Our body is designed to process and continuously excrete naturally occurring toxins from our body through our digestive, urinary, integumentary (skin), circulatory, respiratory, and lymphatic systems. Unfortunately, in present day culture, society, our body is constantly being exposed to new toxins from denatured foods and drinks, pesticides, herbicides, petroleum by-products, cigarettes. air-water pollutants, and other environmental factors.

Fatigue, constipation, gas, bad breath, low immunity, hormone imbalances, menopausal and fertility problems, skin problems, poor circulation, mood swings, stress, depression, frequent infections and mucus build-up all can be signs that the body needs extra detoxification. Skin, being the largest organ, excretes the most toxins from the body thus boosting blood circulation. This can be accomplished by doing skin detox with:

Regular exercise helps perspire

Breathe deeply for calm and

Consuming good diet and herbs

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and to flush out toxins

By simple traditional dry brushing the skin of the whole body towards the heart from bottom to top for removal of dead skin cells and increases lymphatic circulation

Aromatherapy body massage

Applying natural face detox mask using good quality, pure Essential Oils

These activities help to draw toxins out of the skin, unclog skin pores, and simultaneously revitalize, and restore skin’s natural luster. Essential Oils have been used since ancient times to cure various ailments and in beauty products. Essential Oils are pure, natural, volatile, fragrant extract of plants and their parts with different therapeutic properties. Few detoxifying Essential Oils are: Lemon, Frankincense, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang. Grapefruit, Juniper berry, Rose, Geranium

Body Detox Sugar Scrub

1/2 Cup Sea Salt

1.5 Cups Sugar

3 teaspoons Raw Honey

4 Tablespoons Castor oil (add more to have thinner fluid consistency, can use Grapeseed or Almond Oil as carrier oil)

1 teaspoon Vegetable Glycerine (glycerine)

5 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil

5 drops Frankincense Essential Oil

5 drops Juniper berry Essential Oil

5 drops Geranium Essential Oil

Mix Sea salt and Sugar in a large glass bowl, incorporate Honey and Glycerine, add Essential Oils to the mixture and stir well. Store in a glass jar with tight lid, label. To use, in a bath tub wet your body, take a handful of the mixture at a time and scrub your entire body, feet in circular motion and towards the heart to increase circulation and detoxification. Now, soak for 20-30 minutes in warm water to relax, rinse with clean water. You will feel fresh and rejuvenated. Can repeat this daily or twice a week or as desired and make new batch of scrub as needed.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment



Emotional Health Bonding

Do you know……. I heard on Brahma Kumaris ((World Spiritual Organization) talk show, that to Give, you have to be Emotionally Rich. This doesn’t mean that emotionally healthy people don’t feel stress, anger, and sadness, but they know how to effectively manage their negative

feelings? Emotional Health Bonding is focusing on being in tune with our emotions which fosters resilience, self-awareness, and overall contentment together with our sound physical health. We should groom our emotional bonding before getting into any relationship. Here I am not talking only about friendship or marriage or parenting type of relationship, rather from the time of conceiving, we should establish an emotional health bonding with the fetus in mother’s womb. Believe it or not, we are creating the child’s personality in the womb. We have heard that our mood (e.g.: anger, sadness, stress, frustrations) regulates type of hormonal secretion in our body, which in turn affects baby’s physical and emotional growth in the womb. Therefore, during pregnancy one should not only take care of their physical health, but should be mindful of their surroundings, their thoughts, and their emotional health.

It’s so true, in this fast-paced technology driven world, as we go about doing our business, we constantly pick up emotional baggage of negativity. Some of the hurtful comments and situations continue to play over and over in our head which after a while causes damaging effect to our emotional as well as physical health. Therefore, it’s of utmost importance that we take time to review, unload, and free ourselves of these toxic build ups to enjoy the gift of today.

There are many ways to improve and maintain good emotional health:

Be aware of your emotions and reactions to make proper adjustments

Express your feelings in appropriate manner without keeping it inside

Think calmly before acting on your emotions

Manage your stress through relaxation, breathing, yoga, meditation

Strive for healthy balance between work, family, and your own needs

Take care of your physical health by exercising, healthy diet, and good sleep

Create positive social connections with others

Find purpose and meaning in your life by volunteering, helping others in need

Stay positive, be thankful, forgive others and forgive yourself for making mistakes, spread love

 Researchers have found that Essential oils are a great way to reconnect back with nature and to achieve feelings of peace and forgiveness. When we inhale a distinct aroma, the scent travels through the olfactory system (controls our sense of smell) to the limbic system of our brain that produces a distinct response to the aroma to enhance our well-being and manage emotions. Based on individual requirement, can use following category essential oils to reap the benefit:

Calming Essential oils: Floral oils, are typically composed of monoterpene alcohols that have calming properties
Grounding Essential Oils: Tree, herb, and grass oils, primarily include sesquiterpenes, esters, and oxides that have grounding, soothing emotions and feelings of renewal properties
Uplifting & Energizing Essential Oils: Citrus oils, typically possess limonene, beta-pinene, and monoterpenes and Peppermint oil is energizing because high concentration of ketones
Warming Essential Oils: Typically Spice oils, because of their phenol content
Use our Serenity Blend Spray for achieving a state of relaxation and refreshing feel. Can be misted lightly on body and neck or use as a room freshener.
Specially Priced with this mailing:      $9.99    $8 only, plus S&H


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment


Being Love

Do you know………..Our world topples over, when we are betrayed by the person, who we trusted and believed with our life. When you reach your pain threshold, you realize the truth that you have lost everything to your foolishness. We try to blame that person for our irreversible devastation without accepting the fact that, we are the one who gave that power to manipulate our emotions and sincere feelings. We thought he/she is our ‘Soul Mate’, but we didn’t understand the real meaning of this term, which is where two souls are in harmony in their energy of love, peace, and respect for each other. Sharing the joys and wonders of life with another being who lights up your world is priceless, which something every human being deserves to experience, but not at the cost of manipulation.

This is where ‘Being Love’, comes into play. We are trying to experience the bliss from external sources and seeking other’s approval, thinking that is natural, but not paying attention to our ‘Inner Self’. We believe our identity to be; our name, our position, our fame, our relationship, our family, our nationality, our religion, and our physical body that we have acquired on the journey of life. We have to experience the soul consciousness, because feeling inherently loved, powerful, blissful, and worthy comes from within not from your partner or from outside. Give this precious gift to yourself of ‘Myself’ and love yourself the way you are. Don’t waste your energy trying to change opinions. “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection” – Buddha. “To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.”Robert Morley. A powerful tool to make yourself feel better is to live in the moment and Mindful Meditation.

Aromatherapy/Essential Oils, due to their specific therapeutic aromatic compounds, that imparts a very grounding yet uplifting sense of balance, encourage positivity, focus, and alertness:

Basil Essential Oil: promotes positivity, assertiveness
Bergamot Essential Oil: is calming, encourages determination, willpower
Clary Sage Essential Oil: for positive mood, calm and peace
Frankincense Essential Oil: encourages personal and spiritual growth, clears up emotional exhaustion, depression
Fennel Essential Oil: raise self-esteem, stamina, ward off negative thoughts
Geranium, Rose Essential Oil: emotional support, dissolves frustration, irritability
Grapefruit Essential Oil: energizing, brings feeling of joy, alertness, spontaneity
Lavender Essential Oil: supports our sleep, mood, worries and apprehension.
Vetiver Essential Oil: encourages self-esteem and is very grounding,     control/adapt to Change

Aromatic Mindfulness Diffuser Blend:

4 drops Patchouli Essential Oil

4 drops Orange, Neroli, or Grapefruit Essential Oil

2 drops Geranium Essential Oil

Add to a diffuser during day time or as desired. Diffusing essential oils for emotional, mental or spiritual health is the easiest way to reap their therapeutic benefits.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment