Detox with Aromatherapy
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!
Do you know………… Our human body is designed to process toxins naturally. At physical level 3% toxin gets cleared through daily bowel movement, 7% gets cleared through urination, 20% gets cleared through perspiration, and the remaining 70% detoxification is done through breathing process. Unfortunately, since the 20th century, we have been increasingly getting exposed to new toxins from denatured foods and drinks, regular use of intoxicants such as alcohol and marijuana, cigarettes, pesticides, herbicides, petroleum by-products, air and water

Detox with Aromatherapy
pollutants. The main reason of our sickness is the constant accumulation of daily toxins from the consumption-exposure to the physical and emotional negative psychic impressions, and environmental pollutants.
Therefore, it is very important to do total detoxification at physical, emotional, and spiritual level with self-realization by practicing; Yoga, Meditation, Deep breathing, Exercising, Walking-Jogging, doing Charity, and adding Aromatherapy to your daily routine. Aromatherapy is the art and science of using Essential Oils for different ailments since centuries. Essential Oils possess therapeutic properties and are natural, volatile, concentrated, liquid extracts from different parts of plants. Essential oils work on many levels as physical toxins are removed, negative thoughts and emotions are also released. According to a NAHA blog, when it comes to eliminating toxins, the rule is: Reduce, Relax, Refresh and Relish! Some detoxifying Essential Oils:
- Lemon: oil stimulates white blood cells to defend the body against infection, aid in clarity to the mind. Detoxifies through the blood and liver.
- Lavender: oil is calming, tonic for the nerves, great for sleep
- Grapefruit: oil is antiviral, antiseptic, diuretic, reviving, uplifting, disperse negative energy, supporting the body in decreasing
Detox with Aromatherapy
unwanted mucus during detoxification.
- Peppermint: oil for cleansing the lymphatic system, a sluggish digestion, support the gallbladder, and decreases inflammation.
- Oregano: powerful anti-bacterial oil, high in antioxidants.
- Ginger: often used for digestion, motion sickness and nausea.
- Juniper: helps the body to throw off toxic wastes, improves elimination and supports liver function. Detoxifies through the kidneys, skin and urinary tract.
- Fennel: helps with nausea, digestion, flatulence. Detoxifies through the skin, kidneys and the digestive tract.
- Bergamot: creates a sense of well-being, relaxation, and regulates craving
- Geranium: enhances circulation, balances hormones, and fights yeast while protecting helpful bacteria. Detoxifies by toning the liver, pancreas and spleen.
Can use these essential oils individually or in a blend for diffusing to detox emotionally and mentally or create a detoxifying blend with a carrier oil to apply over kidneys and bottom of feet
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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