Archive | 2021

Happiness Healing with Aromatherapy

Happiness Healing with Aromatherapy
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know…………If you want to be happy, learn to move on. What does that mean? It simply means, learn the lesson from your mistakes, let go, and move on. Resentment, anger creates worries and devoid us of being happy. Remember energy follows where our

                      Happiness Healing

attention is. Identify and understand your situation and let it go. Master Stephen Co, a teacher, author, a healer, an expert in Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga, always use this metaphor, cars have proportionately larger windscreen than the back view mirror because when we are driving, we want to move forward not backward.

Why are we unhappy? It’s because of our disturbed mental-emotional health, our strained relationship, our conscious, our anger-ego-greed-lust-insecurity-fear, lack of understanding and accountability, and our physical health (WHO, analysed that on an average every 100 people has 200 illnesses). These negative qualities of our personality, makes us hostile and we start blaming others for our mishaps (while sometimes without realizing, we unknowingly give this right to others to take advantage of our trust, of our simplicity, and as a result get hurt) and in turn lose happiness. To attain happiness, we can follow these guidelines:

  1. Staying Grounded by regularly practicing meditation, yoga, mindfulness, and exercising, will help with our spirituality, hormonal balance, which in turn will keep our stress and anxiety in check.
  2. Avoid negativity and toxic people who pull you down, instead of being your support.

3. Pay attention to self-care by giving yourself a TLC (tender loving care). Catching up  on  tasks is great, but don’t hesitate to take breaks and pause.

  1. Indulge in activities that gives you pleasure, but you haven’t had time for it before. You deserve it.
  2. Walk in nature to get connected with your surroundings and the beautiful mother nature.
  3. Be compassionate and perform the random act of kindness, it leads to profound happiness in life and will get blessings in return.
  4. Be thankful and show gratitude for the abundance in life.
  5. Spend quality times with your loved ones.
  6. Finally, smell your favourite Essential oil and pamper yourself to a nice Aromatherapy massage. Essential oils have the power to affect person’s mood. Aromas are highly emotive, and everyone reacts to scents differently based on their past experiences, memory, and emotions. A sense of smell is one of the five senses and a powerful connector between people and the world around them.

Essential Oils are natural, volatile, concentrated, liquid plant extracts with different therapeutic properties and have been used since ancient times to cure different ailments and in beauty products. Tangerine, Peppermint and Eucalyptus essential oils can help with the mental focus, discipline, and coping mechanisms, Grapefruit essential oil helps to uplift, to cheer up, while Rose absolute and Geranium essential oil brings balance of spirit and feeling of harmony. Rosemary is clarifying, Sandalwood, Clove, Frankincense essential oils, help with breathing, grounding, and to stay centered.

Happiness Room Spray:

Essential Oils

                     Essential Oils

3-4 oz. Distilled Water

1 Tbsp Alcohol

10 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil

10 drops Lavender Essential Oil

8 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil

8 drops Ylang ylang Essential Oil

In a 4 oz. glass spray bottle add essential oils, 3 oz. distilled water, 1 Tbsp alcohol (I use Vodka), close the bottle, mix, and label. Spray in room as desired. Mix well before each use.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing

Aromatherapy Massage Benefits

Do you know……. Massage is a general term for pressing, rubbing and manipulating your skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments which can be beneficial to most people. Massage is not only enjoyable, but it aids in the maintenance of physical and mental well-being. Our body self-repairs throughout our life span, but the normal wear-tear is unavoidable with gradual aging process. According to American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), there are several benefits of getting massage done, some of which are:

Relaxes tight muscles and improves mobility of joints

                Aromatherapy Massage

Increases strength and flexibility

Improves posture and coordination

Increases circulation, thus relieves itchy-dry skin

Relief of tension and eases breathing

Increases Vitality and mental alertness

There are following types of massage:

Swedish massage: is a gentle form of massage that uses long strokes, kneading, deep circular movements, vibration and tapping to help relax and energize.

Deep massage: this massage technique uses slower, more-forceful strokes to target the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue.

Sports massage: is similar to Swedish massage for people involved in sports activities.

Trigger point massage: focuses on areas of tight muscle because of injury and overuse.

Aromatherapy (Therapeutic) massage: is supportive and restorative type of therapeutic massage using essential oil for healing. It’s not a deep tissue massage. Essential oils are natural, volatile, concentrated, liquid extract of different parts of plants that has been used since centuries to cure variety of ailments and in beauty products.

Can choose 1 or more essential oils (24-30 drops to 2oz of carrier oil) for DIY massage blend:

Muscle Relaxing and soothing: Lavender, Marjoram, Peppermint, Chamomile

Clarifying and balancing: Geranium, Clary sage, Frankinsence

Romantic and sensual: Ylang ylang, Sweet Orange, Jasmine

Purifying and cleansing: Tea tree, Lavender, Neroli

Energizing and uplifting: Peppermint, Clary sage, Rose, Sandalwood

Muscle Relaxing Massage Oil:

2 oz. carrier oil (Almond oil, Olive oil, grapeseed oil, or oil of your choice)

8 drs Neroli Essential Oil

8 drs Lavender Essential Oil

8 drs Chamomile Essential Oil

Add essential oils to a 2oz glass bottle, pour carrier oil, 6dr Vit E, close the cap, label, mix well. Use for massage as desired.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing




What is Epsom Salt

What is Epsom Salt?
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know……..Epsom Salt, that we use so lavishly as a natural remedy for number of ailments, to name a few; Muscle Cramps, Sprains, Fatigue, Skin problems, Athlete’s Foot, Toenail Fungus, Toxin Elimination, or General Aches, is not a salt. It’s a naturally occurring pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. Epsom Salt, takes its name from a bitter saline spring in Epsom in Surrey, England, where the salt was produced from the spring.

Epsom salt helps to alleviate stress as stress drains the body of magnesium and increases levels of adrenaline. When we take bath of Epsom Salt, salt is absorbed in through the skin and replenishes the level of magnesium in the body which helps to produce serotonin, a mood-elevating chemical within the brain that creates a feeling of calmness and relaxation. Also, used for Arthritis pain and swelling, Sprains, Swollen and tired feet, Sunburn pain and redness, Sore muscles after workout.

Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate) also helps in gardening with seeds germination, makes plants grow bushier, produce more flowers, increases chlorophyll production.  Can add 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt to a gallon of water and sprinkle on lawn to keep the grass healthy and green.

Epsom salt is for external use only. There are no clinical studies done proving the safety and benefits of oral consumption of Epsom salt. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have not approved Epsom salt, so there are no official guidelines regarding the proper dosage or how to consume it. It is not good for people with severe skin infection and inflammation, or have kidney disease, or people who are pregnant. People use Epsom salts baths as a home treatment for plenty of minor ailments, but there aren’t sufficient studies to back them up. Taking this type of bath probably won’t hurt you, but if you have health concerns, always check with your doctor first.

Quick and easy nourishing Aromatherapy Bath Salt: make for yourself or gift it to family-friends

2 cups Epsom Salt

½ cup Baking Soda

2 Tbsp Dried Lavender Flower (or can use 10 drops Lavender Essential Oil)

6 drops Geranium Essential Oil

10 drops Orange Essential Oil

In a large bowl place Epsom salt and baking soda, mix well with a whisk, add essential oils, mix well. To colour (optional) the salt, use just few drops of food colouring of your preference, stir well, store in airtight glass jar, leaving half inch space at the top, label. After running a warm bath, pour ½-1 cup into bath and stir with your hand. Enjoy the relaxing, nourishing bath for 15 minutes to half an hour as and when you desire.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing

Aromatherapy and Body Clock for Sound Sleep

Aromatherapy and Body Clock for Sound Sleep
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know…………… Sleep is regulated by two body systems: sleep/wake homeostasis and the circadian biological clock. According to the National Institutes of Health, our body clocks regulate our body’s circadian rhythms; the patterns of physical, mental, and

                          Circadian Biological Clock

behavioral changes, including sleep patterns, regulated by body temperature, hormone secretion, and external factors like light and darkness. Our body’s master clock is in a part of the brain’s hypothalamus called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which receives light information from the retina in the eye and sends the information to the parts of the brain, and the gland that releases the sleep hormone, melatonin, which gets suppressed by light. Circadian rhythm causes the level of wakefulness to rise and dip throughout the day. Most people feel the strongest desire to sleep between 1:00pm and 3:00pm (the post-lunch, afternoon nap) and then again between 2:00am and 4:00am, that can vary from person to person.

There are five stages of sleep: stage 1, 2, 3, 4 (Non-REM), and 5 is REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, according to the American Sleep Association (ASA). Over the course of the night, the body will go through this five-stage cycle four to six times, spending an average of 90 minutes in each stage. Stage 1 is considered light sleep, and it is easy to wake someone. Our eye movements stop, and brain waves slow in stage 2. However, stages 3 and 4 are referred to as deep sleep. In REM sleep, the sleeper experiences dreams. Each stage of sleep serves a unique restorative function, including muscle recovery, hormone regulation, and memory consolidation.

According to Chinese medicine, it is not only how much sleep you get that matters, but also at what time do you sleep? In Chinese medicine, energy or qi, moves through the body’s meridians and organs in a 24hour cycle. Every two hours the qi (or energy) is strongest within a particular organ and its functions within the body. A bedtime of 10:30pm (at the latest) is advised so that you are asleep by 11pm when the Liver and Gallbladder start to regulate qi, process emotions, balance hormones and detoxify the body. From 11 PM – 3 AM, the Liver and Gallbladder is active which is most important for maintaining health, especially as we age. Any disharmony in our physical body, is tied to our emotional and mental state.

Aromatherapy is a good way to promote relaxation that can help get your body into a restful state ready for sleep. Aromatherapy is the science and art of using Essential oils to heal the mind, body, and soul. Essential oils are pure, natural, concentrated, volatile, aromatic, liquid extract from different parts of plants. Making specific essential oil (s) aroma a part of bedtime routine, can help train our mind with falling asleep. Not only do essential oils with a sedative property promote sleep, but they can also diminish anxiety, lower blood pressure, and relieve stress that builds up throughout the day. Many people prefer to use essential oils, because they are natural and do not create the common side effects of drowsiness and other health risks associated with many conventional sleep medications. Though, more research is still needed regarding essential oils and sleep, the studies done so far do suggest that using essential oils before bedtime can help alleviate mild to moderate sleep problems. Essential oils can be used in variety of ways; in a diffuser, or can be applied topically mixed in a cream or a carrier oil, or spritzed on, or in a room spray. Following Essential Oils could be used to alleviate insomnia due to stress, depression, headache, fatigue: Cedarwood, Clary sage, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Sandalwood, Sweet Orange, Valerian, Ylang ylang

Try following these simple steps for bedtime preparation to reset sleep cycle and help fall asleep:
* Set a consistent bedtime routine

* Keeping a set sleep schedule

* Avoid late meals, ideally 2-3 hrs. before bedtime

*Do not exercise close to bedtime, ideally 3-4 hrs. gap

*Schedule 30mts wind down period before sleep:

Dim the light
Read relaxing book
Listen to soothing music

*Avoid alcohol, nicotine, caffeine close to bedtime & early evening to prevent stimulating the body

*For chronic insomnia, consult your medical provider
Sleep Blend: 5ml

Mix 10 drops of Lavender essential Oil and 5 drops of Roman chamomile essential oil in a 5 ml euro glass bottle, top with 5ml sweet almond carrier oil, cap, mix, and label. Massage 6-8 drops onto feet and neck at bedtime.

Diffuser Blend:

Diffuse 3 to 4 drops each of Lavender, Cedarwood, and Orange Essential Oils in a diffuser at night during bedtime. Most diffusers have a timer or automatic shut-off, so you can let it run as you fall asleep without any worries.

Sweet dreams!

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing

Aromatherapy for Emotional Resilience

Aromatherapy for Emotional Resilience
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know………Every day we face challenges in our personal life that test our resilience. Psychologists define emotional resilience, as the ability to adapt to a stressful situation. It is your capacity to cope and bounce back from a crisis or a change in your life situation. Following are a few healthy coping mechanisms to get through a stressful situation and build emotional resilience:

  • Take care of your physical body with good nutrition and exercise.
  • Surround yourself with supportive, positive people to harness their inspirational and uplifting power.
  • Learn to adapt to change.
  • Take action, be proactive and empower yourself to initiate positive changes for a happy, healthy life.
  • Be grateful for what you have without moaning and complaining about what you are lacking. Though, the saying “count your blessings” may sound cliché, expressing gratitude is a powerful, uplifting exercise.
  • Be positively optimistic and believe in your strengths and capabilities.
  • Learn to laugh and be happy though, it is difficult to do at the time of stress and grief.
  • Aromatherapy, which is the art and science of using Essential Oils to create harmony and positive energetic vibrations that will support your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Essential Oils have been used since centuries in perfumes, beauty products, and to cure different ailments. Essential oils are pure, concentrated, natural, volatile, liquid extract from different parts of plants.

Uplifting Resilience Blend:

20 drops Cedarwood Essential Oil

(to encourage perseverance and focus, it is also calming and sedative)

20 drops Rosemary Essential Oil

             Aromatherapy for Resilence

(excellent brain and nerve tonic, increases concentration, boosts mental clarity)

20 drops Frankincense Essential Oil

(grounding, calming, raises the energetic vibration)

10 drops Rose or Geranium Essential Oil

(for promoting emotional balance, building immunity, also mood enhancer, encourage adrenal and hormonal balance)

Mix the following essential oils in a dark colored 5 ml glass euro bottle, cover, mix well, label. Can use 6-8drops of this blend in a diffuser or burner, or massage onto the base of the skull, or rub on the inside of the elbow or on the wrist, or apply 2-3 drops to the palms, rub together and inhale, or use as desired.

Some other Essential Oils with energetic clearing properties are:

Black spruce




Lemon and other Citrus oils




White sage


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing

Aromatherapy for Calming Anxiety

Aromatherapy for Calming Anxiety
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know…….. Anxiety is a general feeling of apprehension and feeling anxious about a situation, e.g.: social anxiety, reaching school on time, new classmates. new teachers, homework, about the future, job interview, separation anxiety, etc.

  Essential Oil Spray for Stress

It’s normal to experience occasional anxiety, but when it becomes persistent and overwhelming, then it could be anxiety disorder, e.g.: obsessive compulsive disorder, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), panic attacks and needs immediate medical attention. Anxiety-related illnesses are on the rise. Anxiety is often linked to depression and living with anxiety could be exhausting which could happen at any time. Anxiety is not just in someone’s head as it often manifests in physical symptoms of depression, dizziness, fainting, heart palpitations, lethargy, loss of appetite, loss of sleep, nausea, nervous twitches, sweating, shaking, stuttering, and even suicidal thoughts. The constant struggle with anxiety, could wear people down emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Many studies have shown the usefulness of Essential Oils in alleviating anxiety. Since centuries, Essential Oils have been utilized in cosmetics, fragrances, healing, as an antiseptic, and for health remedies. Essential Oils are natural, volatile, concentrated extracts taken from the roots, leaves, seeds, bark, or blossoms of plants. It should be diluted for a safe topical application following all safety rules and an expert advice. Essential oils could be inhaled or massaged topically on skin or could be diffused in the room or use for relaxing bath at the end of a long, tiring day to de-stress. Essential oil scents can stimulate smell receptors located in the nose which connect to the part of the brain that controls stress, heart rate, hormone levels, etc. Thus, essential oils can positively affect our mood and emotions. Although research has shown that aromatherapy may help relieve anxiety, it’s no substitute for seeing a healthcare professional.

Following Essential Oils could be used to relieve anxiety symptoms:

Bergamot: sedative, for nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia, depression

Clary sage: sedative, nervine, for nervous tension, panic, depression

Frankincense: sedative, for anxiety

Geranium: nervine, for anxiety, depression

Grapefruit: for depression

Jasmine: sedative, for self-esteem, depression

Jatamansi: referred to as Spikenard, used in Ayurvedic medicine to calm the mind and encourage sleep

Lavender: sedative, nervine, for panic, insomnia, depression

Lemon grass: for depression

Neroli: sedative, for anxiety, panic, insomnia, self-esteem, depression

Orange: sedative, for nervous tension, insomnia, depression

Patchouli: for depression

Peppermint: nervine, for panic, depression

Rose: sedative, for nervous tension, self-esteem, depression

Sandalwood: sedative, for nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia, depression

Valerian: promote sleep and calm nerves, sedative

Vetiver: sedative, nervine, for nervous tension, insomnia

Ylang Ylang: sedative, for anxiety, panic, depression

Air Freshener for Anxiety:

12 drops Lavender Essential Oil

12 drops Lemon or Bergamot Essential Oil

8 drops Frankincense Essential Oil

4 drops Geranium Essential Oil

2oz Distilled Water

1oz Alcohol(vodka)

In a 4oz spray glass bottle, add essential oils, pour distilled water and alcohol. Close, label the bottle and let the blend sit for a day before using it. Spray as needed, mixing well before each use. (If aroma is too strong, can reduce essential oils to 18 drops per your sensitivity)

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing

Yoga and Essential Oil

Yoga and Essential Oil
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know…………… With age, it is important to maintain flexibility in our joints to move around freely with ease, which can be attained with regular practice of Yoga and incorporating Essential Oils. When joints are stiff, we lack the range of motion to move freely and any stress on the joints-ligaments, could be the cause of injury.

Yoga and Essential Oil Harmony

Yoga is a spiritual and ascetic discipline which originated in ancient India and includes a group of specific bodily postures, breath control, simple meditation that is practiced for health and relaxation. Yoga was first introduced to the Western world by Swami Vivekananda (was an Indian Hindu monk, a chief disciple of the 19th-century Indian mystic Ramakrishna Paramahansa) more than a hundred years ago and is rapidly getting integrated into our public education, health care, and the workplace. There are several different styles of Yoga. Here are some practical benefits of Yoga you may experience:

Increased Flexibility and balance

Improved muscle strength and tone

Reduced Joint Pain

Increased Stamina and Body awareness

Reduced Stress, Relaxation, and better sleep

Aromatherapy with the use of Essential Oils, is incorporated to enhance the practice of Yoga for their emotional and physical benefits. Yoga and aromatherapy go hand in hand in improving the overall wellbeing, both physical and spiritual. Essential oils are natural, liquid, volatile, concentrated extract of different parts of plants. Based on their therapeutic properties, essential Oils can be used during yoga session in a diffuser, or by mixing several drops with water in a spray bottle, or by mixing with carrier oil for anointing students with their permission on the forehead, or cleanse and purify yoga classroom, as well as yoga mats. Some of the popular Essential Oils used during Yoga are:

Lavender: decreases stress and anxiety, calming, anti-inflammatory, for sore muscles, anti-bacterial

Frankincense: grounding, balancing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent,  boost cellular regeneration, strengthens the immune system, and stimulates the lymphatic system

Eucalyptus: anti-inflammatory, decongestant, disinfectant, antiseptic

Myrrh: for immune system, anti-infectious, antiviral

Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit, Tangerine: calming, cleansing, purifying, energizing

Jasmine: meditative

Essential Oils

Essential Oils

Yoga Mat Mist Blend

12 drops Lavender Essential Oil

12 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil

12 drops Orange or Lemon or Tangerine Essential Oil

4 oz Distilled water

Combine above essential oils in a spray bottle, top with distilled water, close, label, mix well before each use. This is a wonderful cleansing and refreshing mat spray that can be used every time before and after yoga or exercise.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing

Aromatherapy for Spring Allergy

Aromatherapy for Spring Allergy
A Lovely Memorial Day Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know………. We are amidst Spring season now and the mother nature is bursting with renewed energy everywhere. Spring is the time for new growth, new beginning, fresh potential, and spring cleaning. Day light is getting longer, grass is greener, flowers are blooming, and the early morning melodious chirping of birds.

                        Spring Allergy

Unfortunately, with beautiful warm weather and long sunny days of Spring comes the allergy season, because of the release of pollen into the atmosphere. Each year, millions of Americans suffer from this seasonal allergy, commonly known as Hay Fever. When an allergic person breathes in pollen, their immune system releases antibodies that attack pollen as foreign bodies and releases histamines into the blood. This triggers the allergic symptoms of: Runny nose, Itchy and Watery eyes, Sneezing & Coughing, Post Nasal Drip, Scratchy or sore throat, Irritation or infection in the ears, and Wheezing. Allergy symptoms could be relieved by following these natural approaches:

 Aromatherapy: an alternative-holistic healthcare modality, is the art and science of therapeutically using Essential oils to alleviate variety of ailments. Essential Oils are pure, natural extract of different parts of plant with individual aroma and chemical properties. Recommended Essential Oils: 

  • Peppermint: Peppermint essential oil is highly versatile. It can help to clear the airways and relieve headache, boost energy on a sluggish, hazy day.
  • Lavender: Lavender is calming, cleansing and anti-inflammatory. In addition to reducing swelling in the airways, lavender’s relaxing scent eases nerves and can be beneficial for headaches.
  • Eucalyptus: is analgesic, anti-inflammatory, good for cold cough
  • Roman chamomile: is very relaxing and eases inflammation. But, if a person has ragweed allergy, do not use this oil and don’t drink chamomile tea as it can make symptoms worse.
  • Frankincense: is anti-inflammatory, grounding, skin friendly, relaxing, nervine
  • Lemon: is cleansing and soothes respiratory inflammation, can reduce stuffiness, uplifting and calming.

Essential oil Blend for Allergy relief:

                          Use of Neti Pot

5 drs Lavender Essential Oil

5 drs Lemon Essential Oil

5 drs Peppermint Essential Oil

5 drs Eucalyptus Essential Oil

10ml Jojoba Carrier Oil

Add these Essential Oils in a 10ml dark colored glass euro bottle and top with Jojoba carrier oil. Close, label, and mix well before use.

Ways to use the blend:

  • Rub 1 – 2 drops of the essential oil blend into the palms of hands, bring over nose and take 4 – 6 deep breaths or add 4 – 6 drops on a cotton ball in a zip lock bag to carry along and inhaling as needed.
  • Rub few drops onto feet, forehead, or chest (best done at night, so to keep inhaling aroma while asleep).
  • Diffuse 4 – 6 drops of the blend without carrier oil, in an aromatherapy diffuser throughout the day or night to ease allergic discomforts.

Nasal Irrigation: through a Neti pot(that looks like a small teapot) or a squeeze bottle with a combination of warm or room temperature distilled/sterile water, ¼ tsp salt, and ¼ tsp baking soda that will help to clear mucus and open sinus passages.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing



Our Thoughts Our Own Creation

Our Thoughts Our Own Creation
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know………. No one can choose your thoughts or actions, those are yours alone. We have heard,” Like attracts like,” that is, whatever positive or negative energy we emit, brings about positive or negative results in our life. We often combine our thoughts and feelings and start

       Our Thoughts, Our Creation

visualization to manifest our desire. Every thought, every emotion is our own creation based on our internal and external environment, but there are random life events that is not under our control; the death of loved ones, pandemics, car accidents, natural calamities, families we are born into, etc. So, with divine intelligence and power, we do have choice to generate the thought that we want and stop that we do not want to grant us the power to create the changes we want to design our future. Thoughts also help overcoming complex challenges and teach us to customize our actions to meet the diverse needs of people we interact with.

“Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” Lao Tzu

Others have expressed similar ideas for centuries. Buddha said, “What you dwell upon you become.” Jesus said, “It is done unto you as you believe.” Indian philosopher and theologian, Adi Shankaracharya said, “Whatever a person’s mind dwells on intensely and with firm resolve, that is exactly what he becomes.” It says in the Talmud, “We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.” More recent sages like Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “We become what we think about all day long.” Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it you can do it.” Napoleon Hill said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.” Norman Vincent Peale said, “Change your thoughts and you change your world.”

We create our own destiny. We perceive, we interpret the events in our life and subsequently respond with our thoughts and behavior. We do have potential to change our thoughts through our own consciousness. Scientists have studied that with our brain plasticity we can change the process of our thinking and divert it towards creative positive thinking to increase our

potential. This could be attained with spiritual practice and meditation, which is rapidly becoming accepted practice in technology driven environment. Meditation does not specifically belong to any religion, culture, or spiritual group. The main idea of meditation is to journey from external activity of this fast paced, technical world to our inner calm-peace-silence in the present moment. It helps to see the situation clearly, to ascertain proper observation, interpretation, and to take correct action. Researchers have proved that meditation is a powerful tool to eradicate stress and for maintaining physical, mental, emotional wellbeing. Businesses, organizations like Google, Facebook, Yahoo, PG, HBO are using meditation to improve employee’s happiness, productivity and achieving greater business success. So, the power is in our hands as to how do we perceive the situation, what thoughts do we create, and how do we react? Aromatherapy using Essential Oils is one of the great healers and have been an important part of rituals and meditations for ages in ancient cultures around the world. Essential oil is the therapeutic, natural, concentrated, volatile, liquid extract from different parts of the plant. It can enhance the experience by grounding and promoting a sense of calm to mind, body, and spirit.

Meditation Diffuser Blend

2 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil

4 drops Frankincense Essential Oil

4 drops Myrrh Essential Oil

Combine and add to a diffuser to experience the grounding and calmness as and when needed.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing

Quick Glance at Pranic Healing

Quick Glance at Pranic Healing
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know…….. Pranic healing originated in India. It was mentioned in ancient Indian texts that sages and yogis practiced Pranic healing with body’s innate ability to heal itself to treat illnesses. Pranic Healing utilizes “Life force,” “Energy,” or “Prana”. Prana is the Sanskrit word means “Life-force” that sustains us physically, emotionally, and mentally. It has many names from ancient wisdom traditions: “Prana” is the energy that is moved in Yoga, the “Mana” used by Kahunas for healing, the Chinese refer as “Chi” that is manipulated in acupuncture and generated in Tai Chi, and it is the “Ki” used to defend oneself in martial arts Aikido in Japan, it is the “Ruah” or “Manna” mentioned in the bible and what the Greek philosophers called “Pneuma”. This invisible bio-energy or vital energy keeps the body alive and maintains good health. Now, it is practiced by hundreds across the world.

“Miracles are fantastic events, which utilized hidden laws of nature. Most people are unaware of these laws. Miracles do not break the laws of nature, they are actually based on them.”  Grand Master Choa Kok Sui.

Pranic healing is a simple, yet powerful and effective “no-touch” energy healing modality based on the fundamental principle that the body is a self-repairing entity, developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, modern founder of Pranic Healing®. He developed Pranic Healing over 20 years period using experimentation and evidence-based research which has shown to have immediate positive results contributing to better health and wellbeing. The healing process is accelerated by increasing the life force or vital energy to the affected part of the body. Pranic energy comes from three different sources: the sun, the earth, and the air. We can also get Pranic energy from plants, water, and food. Pranic healing is applied on the bio-electromagnetic field (the aura, or energy body) surrounding the physical body. Researchers hope the next decade will bring significant increases in research efforts to study the impact of biofield therapies in promoting health. Pranic healing can be used to help in the healing of:

            Pranic Healing

Stress and anxiety
Increase energy levels
Improve immunity

Pain Management

During my travel this last winter, I was introduced to Master Stephen Co’s (studied and trained under Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, the founder of Pranic Healing, for over 20 years and was given the opportunity to share these teachings in the United States. He is the co-author of “The Power of Prana” & “Your Hands Can Heal You” and has been sharing these teachings worldwide since 1988) several You Tube Pranic Healing sessions as well as live zoom sessions. As a clinical Aromatherapist and a Reiki healer, I got inspired with this energy healing modality. Since then, I have been constantly working on to increase my knowledge of Pranic Healing technique and looking forward to soon incorporate into my practice.

Some of the popular Essential Oils used during Meditation and Healing are:

Lavender: decreases stress and anxiety, calming, anti-inflammatory, for sore muscles, anti-bacterial

Frankincense: grounding, balancing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent,  boost cellular regeneration, strengthens the immune system, and stimulates the lymphatic system

Eucalyptus: anti-inflammatory, decongestant, disinfectant, antiseptic

Myrrh: for immune system, anti-infectious, antiviral

Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit, Tangerine: calming, cleansing, purifying

Yoga, Meditation, and Aromatherapy make perfect pair and support the well-being of our body, mind, and spirit.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing