Aromatherapy Safety for Babies and Children
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!
Do you know………We avoid using Essential Oils on a newborn unless it is

Aromatherapy Safety for Babies
utmost necessary that outweighs the potential risk. No matter the brand, quality Essential oils are used typically highly diluted for babies and young children (12 yrs and younger) as compared to use with adults to avoid redness or any adverse reactions, because newborns have very tender skin and organs.
Use 1-2 drops of essential oil to an ounce (30 ml) of a suitable carrier oil such as; coconut, olive, or almond oil following adequate dilution guidelines as follows (detailed in ‘Essential Oil Safety’ by Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young):
AGE | Percentage | Max # Drops |
infant – 2 yrs | 0.1% – 0.2% | 1 – 2 drops/oz of carrier oil |
2 – 6 yrs | 1% – 2% | 9 – 24 drops/ oz of carrier oil |
6 – 14 yrs | 1.5% – 3+% | 12 – 28 drops/ oz of carrier oil |
Measurements/conversions (by volume)
30 ml= 1 fl oz = 600 drops = 2 Tbsp
5 ml = 1/6 fl oz = 100 drops = 1 tsp
1 ml = 1/30 fl oz=20 drops = 1/5tsp
Intermittently diffusing the oils in low level in baby’s room is an effective way to reap the benefit of Essential Oil molecules or apply appropriately diluted oil to the back, stomach, chest, or bottoms of the baby’s feet. Always test the diluted oil on yourself first and then on a very small-tiny area on baby to be sure their skin will tolerate the blend. Peppermint, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary essential oils are all avoided in younger children (12 yrs and under) because they contain a chemical constituent called cineol 1,8 and menthol.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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