Do you know……………The bitter frigid winter temperature and snow affecting the nation, create travel nightmare and traffic accidents related to slippery road conditions. Please be mindful and continue to protect yourself from frostbite and hypothermia by wearing warm lightweight clothing in several layers, boots, mittens, and a hat. Stay indoors, if possible.

Aromatherapy Aid to Cold
I must admit that as much as prettier snow looks from inside, it also brings the cold (that can attack the upper respiratory tract and is spread in the air from person to person) and flu season with it. We all have endured the misery of a cold and familiar with the symptoms of Chest and Nasal Congestion, Headaches, Coughing, Scratchy Throat, Runny Nose, and/or Difficulty Breathing, which is our body’s defense mechanism. There isn’t a known cure for the common cold, that is if you have a cold, the only thing you can do is let it run its course. Most colds clear up within a weak. Have mom’s chicken soup, which study suggested has anti-inflammatory properties that help lessen the severity of respiratory infections. Drink plenty of warm liquids/fluids to stay hydrated, salt-water gargle to soothe sore throat-cough, and rest.
Before reaching out for the conventional medicine, try to use the effective natural remedy of Essential Oils through Aromatherapy. Essential oils have been used for centuries to fight the symptoms of the common cold and various other ailments. It could be added to bathwater, to the diffuser or could be applied directly to skin with proper dilution, or used in steam inhalation to break up congestion. Essential oils help the body fight off infection, serve to strengthen the immune system. Following are some of the Essential Oils that have the therapeutic properties (anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-microbial) to manage the symptom:
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Rosemary Essential Oil
Frankincense Essential Oil
Oregano Essential Oil
Tea Tree Essential Oil
Pine Essential Oil
Lavender Essential Oil
Peppermint Essential Oil
Lemon Grass Essential Oil
Thyme Essential Oil
Lemon Essential Oil
A very simple effective way of using essential oil/oils to manage your symptoms is Inhaler; just put a few drops of the essential oil of your choice (10 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil and 10drops of Lavender Essential Oil, 6 drops Peppermint Essential Oil) into a bowl and place the wick in the liquid, let it soak for couple of minutes, insert into the tube, seal, cap, label, and use it as required. Can place these oils on a travel pack of tissue into a sealed zip lock bag to carry with you and when nose is congested, just take out a tissue, and breathe deeply to help lessen the congestion.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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