Do you know…………… Eating disorder (anorexia and bulimia) is engaging in unusual and persistent behaviors in order to prevent weight gain, by attempting to follow rigid dietary rules, like only consuming very small number of calories of a limited number of food at specific times per day, which puts the body in starvation mode. Per dictionary meaning; “Anorexia, also called Anorexia nervosa, a disorder characterized by fear of becoming fat and refusal of food leading to debility and even death.” It affects 3 in 100 and not surprisingly, it affects the teens

Eating Disorder
in industrialized countries the most. In Western world, where size zero models – actors are the role models, young people, especially girls, see themselves not standing up to the cultural expectations of the social norm. Anorexia is often preceded by a traumatic event and other emotional problems.
Common signs and some statistics from National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders:
- A key characteristic of anorexia nervosa is being extremely underweight compared to their ‘ideal weight’, lying about food intake,
- Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. 1 in 5 anorexia deaths is by suicide.
- 50–80 percent of the risk for anorexia and bulimia is genetic.
- 33–50 percent of anorexia patients suffer from depression, anxiety disorders, low self-esteem, and social phobia because of intense fear of weight gain or of “becoming fat,”
- At least 30 million people of all ages and genders suffer from an eating disorder in the U.S.
- They are generally addicted to an unhealthy amount of excessive, rigid exercising activities.
- Complications due to anorexia can include amenorrhea (loss of periods), infertility, reduced bone mass, cognitive changes, dry skin – hair, heart problems, and in severe cases even death.
Eating disorder is a serious condition and an early intervention is thought to be one of the most important ways of preventing complications due to anorexia. It’s not an easy disorder to be treated permanently, but today a wide range of effective treatments are available including; regularly monitored by a doctor, cognitive behavioral therapy, support groups, dietic guidance, acupuncture, guided meditation to reduce stress-anxiety, and therapeutic use of Essential Oils through Aromatherapy to tackle the underlying cause.
Inhalation of essential oils may alter emotions that could change the underlying psychology and disturbed-thinking pattern which supports the self-destructed behavior. Essential oil aroma directly affects the limbic system of the brain. There are several essential oils that are calming, anti-depressant, and soothing, that are traditionally used for anorexia based on each individual needs, eg:
Bergamot: Is uplifting, antidepressant, regulates the appetite.
Lavender: Is calming, anti-anxiety, and helps with insomnia.
Mandarin, Orange, Grape fruit, Tangerine, Neroli: Is gentle, calming, anti-depressant, promotes happiness. It calms nervous tension and restlessness. It is also traditionally used for digestive disorders.
Angelica: Is calming, helps release and let go of negative feelings, trauma or anger, used for loss of appetite as well.
Lemon: Is used for digestive problems, anxiety, anti-depressant. It promotes a sense of well-being. Its has invigorating, warming, and enhancing aroma. Lemon also promotes clarity of thought and purpose as well as physical energy.
Ginger: Is stimulating, used for courage, loss of appetite and other digestive disorder.
Jasmine: In addition to its romantic and exotic qualities, used to support healthy-looking skin.
Clary sage, Coriander, Patchouli, Basil, Peppermint Essential Oils can also be considered.
Eating Disorder Massage Oil:
4 drops Bergamot Essential Oil
3 drops Lemon Essential Oil
2 drops Lavender Essential Oil
2 drops Ginger Essential Oil
1 drop Patchouli Essential Oil
1 oz Almond or Grape seed or Coconut Oil
1 oz amber or dark glass bottle
Add essential oils in 1oz glass bottle, pour the carrier oil of choice, cap, label, and mix well. Massage on the sole of feet or on wrist or back of neck, or on stomach twice daily or as needed. Can just open the bottle and inhale deeply.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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