Do you know——–Brain Blip is a temporary inability to remember information like; forgetting names of a person-place, forgetting why you entered a room, can’t find a word want to use, etc.

Aromatherapy for Brain Blips
Also, in our fast-paced culture of constant distractions with texts and e-mails, it’s not easy to maintain our concentration and stay focused. Sometimes, it could be very frustrating and if this brain blip gets progressively worse, then conventional medical intervention is necessary. However, together with healthy diet (Foods high in omega-3s, vitamins, and minerals are beneficial for focus, attention, and memory, like; avocados, blueberries, caffeine in moderation, flax seeds, dark leafy green vegetables and much more), regular exercise, yoga, and the use of essential oils, is a great way to keep focused throughout the day without having to deal with side effects of traditional drugs.
Essential oils are natural, volatile, aromatic plant compounds that have been used for thousands of years for their variety of health benefits. Recently, supplements containing essential oils from natural plant sources have also begun to grow in popularity. However, always seek an expert advice before ingesting essential oils in any form. Essential oils have amazing effects on our mental state by protecting our brain from damage by free radicals, stimulate the nervous system, and could elevate people’s mood as well. Using essential oils to either stimulate or relax the mind to improve focus and concentration should be practiced diligently. Mostly, essential oils high in sesquiterpenes (a class of terpenes that consist of three isoprene units. One isoprene unit has 5 carbons with hydrogens attached to it, the empirical formula C15H24) are used aromatically to promote clarity and focus. Some of the Essential Oils used for focus and concentration are:
Lavender, Cedarwood, Myrrh, Patchouli, Frankincense, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Peppermint, Spearmint, Vetiver, Lemon, Wild Orange, Clary sage, Black Pepper, Ylang ylang, Eucalyptus
On-the-Go Rollerball Blend
3 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
5 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
5 drops Rosemary Essential Oil
7 drops Wild Orange Essential Oil
10 ml Grape seed Carrier Oil
1 ml Alcohol (Vodka)
In a 10ml glass roller ball bottle, add essential oils, combine with Grapeseed oil and Vodka, Cover, label, and mix well gently. Apply on wrist, or temple, or back of neck, or under the nose as needed.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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