Aromatherapy & Spirituality
Do you know……… In my Mindfulness Meditation class, I was taught and ironically heard the similar very powerful, important life message on ‘Awakening with Brahma Kumaris’ (World Spiritual Organization) talk show. I wish I would have learnt it long time back, but in Hindi language, there is a proverb, ‘jab jaago tabhi savera’, which is like the phrase, ‘Better late than never’. Here is the message and how we can tap into therapeutic qualities of Essential Oils for the peace and tranquility in our lives:

Aromatherapy & Spirituality
When you really decide and not just wish, when you really commit and not just try, when you really
take responsibility and not just hope, that’s when miracle happens in life. Wish, try, and hope have an element of doubt, while decision, commitment, and responsibility will ensure success. The power of discernment and decision work together. We may discern right, but till we implement in our daily life, we will not create miracles. Words like wish and try, deplete soul power and postpone our success.
We can’t let situations-people rob us of our soul power. It’s like giving our power away to anyone and everyone and allowing them to rob us. Even when we move away from situations and decide to keep silent, we are depleting our power more, because in silence, we are thinking of that person-situation more as our mind is not at peace. Love, peace is every soul’s natural power, innate quality, but for it to flow unconditionally, will have to change ourselves with loving intention and knowledge. This way, gradually layer of our accumulated, acquired ego, anger, hurt, name, status, start getting chipped off and the originality of soul will emerge. Therefore, for our own peace and power, we will have to learn to forget, forgive others (no matter whatever the underlying cause is), stop thinking of the incidence over and over, cursing, and blaming others.
We have a choice to create our habitual way of thinking, living, and behaving, which soon becomes our automated way of responding. When we blame others for our habitual response, we are giving our power away to them and become ‘unaware of living’. You will be surprised to know that you are not the only one with problems rather no one is free of problems. It’s also pretty easy to deal with them and get out of them, using;
Simple Mindful Meditation
Proper Exercise & Deep Breathing
Healthy Eating, and
Aromatherapy/Essential Oils, due to their specific therapeutic aromatic compounds, that imparts a very grounding yet uplifting sense of balance, encourage positivity, focus, and alertness:
Basil Essential Oil: promotes positivity, assertiveness
Bergamot Essential Oil: is calming, encourages determination, willpower
Clary Sage Essential Oil: for positive mood, calm and peace
Frankincense Essential Oil: encourages personal and spiritual growth, clears up emotional exhaustion, depression
Fennel Essential Oil: raise self-esteem, stamina, ward off negative thoughts
Geranium, Rose Essential Oil: emotional support, dissolves frustration, irritability
Grapefruit Essential Oil: energizing, brings feeling of joy, alertness, spontaneity
Lavender Essential Oil: supports our sleep, mood, worries and apprehension.
Vetiver Essential Oil: encourages self-esteem and is very grounding, control/adapt to Change
Aromatic Mindfulness Diffuser Blend:
4 drops Patchouli Essential Oil
4 drops Orange, Neroli, or Grapefruit Essential Oil
2 drops Geranium Essential Oil
Add to a diffuser during day time or as desired. Diffusing essential oils for emotional, mental or spiritual health is the easiest way to reap their therapeutic benefits.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
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