Boost Positivity with Essential Oil
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!
Do you know……..Over the past two years we all are going through a strange period of on and off covid restrictions. Even mother nature is not being very cooperative. Still with cold Spring temperatures we are moving towards Summer,

Boost Positivity with E. Oil
challenging ourselves to face the ongoing unpredictability of our surroundings. We are not sure if we are enjoying the work from home schedule or getting fed-up of being around family 24×7 or do we like the regular office routine of 8am to 5pm? Therefore, it is important that we keep our mind, our brain healthy both holistically and spiritually. For our brain to work optimally throughout our life, we will have to make better life choices of healthy balanced diet, regular exercise, meditation, yoga, or some physical activity, creative mental activities, a good night sleep, managing inevitable daily stress, and keep a healthy heart.
We can use Essential Oils to maintain our brain health, to increase awareness, regulate sleep pattern, manage stress- anxiety, enhance calmness, alleviate muscle soreness. Essential oils are natural, concentrated, volatile, liquid aromatic extract with individual therapeutic properties from different parts of plants and have been used since centuries in beauty products and to cure various ailments. e.g. Frankincense, Lavender, Vetiver, Peppermint, Rosemary, Ylang ylang, Orange, Rose, Eucalyptus, Tea tree, Sage, Lemon, Geranium, Sandalwood, etc. Essential oils could simply be diffused, inhaled or can be applied topically with a proper dilution.

Boost Positivity with E. Oil
Mood Enhancer Room Spray: 4oz
20 drops Lavender Essential Oil
18 drops Orange Essential Oil
10 drops Geranium Essential Oil
4oz Distilled water
1Tbsp Vodka
In a 4oz dark glass spray bottle drop essential oils, add alcohol (vodka), fill with distilled water, cap, label. Mix well before each use and spray in the room or in your surrounding as and whenever desired.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing
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