DIY Essential Oil Blend for Frostbite
A Lovely Monday Morning to you all!
Do you know…… Frostbite causes the skin to become cold, pale, and numb from poor circulation after exposure to the cold. People living in colder climate where temperature drops beyond zero degrees or when people are engaged in winter sports activities, or mountaineering could get frostbite. Frostbite occurs as result of lengthy exposure of skin to extreme cold (freezing) that damages the blood vessels and tissues due to poor blood circulation. This commonly affects extremities (fingers, toes), nose, ears, where extreme cold alters blood circulation and causes burning or itching sensation, hardening, numbness, purplish-red skin, swelling, pain, and sometimes resulting in gangrene. Children and elderly suffering from bad blood circulation or by the Raynaud’s disease, are most susceptible to the effects of cold.
Frostbite occurs in several stages. The signs and symptoms of frostbite depend on the extent and depth of tissue injury:

Frostbite Stages
Frostnip: is a mild form of frostbite leads to numbness in the affected area, may feel pain and tingling. Frostnip does not permanently damage the skin.
Superficial frostbite: appears as reddened skin that turns white or pale. Skin may begin to feel warm, a sign of serious skin involvement. If treat frostbite with rewarming at this stage, the surface of skin may appear mottled. May notice stinging-burning and swelling. A fluid-filled blister may appear 12 to 36 hours after rewarming the skin.
Deep (severe) frostbite: advanced frostbite exposure affects all layers of the skin, including the underlying tissues. Skin turns white or bluish gray, may experience numbness, losing all sensation of cold, pain or discomfort in the affected area. Joints or muscles may no longer work. Large blisters from 24 to 48 hours after rewarming. Later the affected area turns black and hard as the tissue dies, subsequently Gangrene can develop, placing the individual at high-risk for infection and may also necessitate amputation.
Mild to medium frostbite can be treated quite easily and may take 5-10 days to heal completely. However, severe frostbite, hypothermia (a condition in which body loses heat faster than it can be produced) needs immediate emergency medical attention. Signs and symptoms of hypothermia include: intense shivering, slurred speech, drowsiness and loss of coordination. While waiting for emergency medical help or a doctor’s appointment, take appropriate self-care measures of protecting the affected area from further cold, not walking on frostbitten feet.
There are many natural cures together with aromatherapy (use of essential oils) for mild to medium frostbite to help warm up and soothe pain from the cold:
First and foremost, wear appropriate clothing in severe weather to stay warm; thick wool socks, gloves with liners, heavy or down jacket, scarf, hat, etc
Dehydration is a result as well as a contributory factor to frostbite. Replenish body fluids and restore the salt and sugar balance by drinking plenty of fluids.
Almonds, soak 5-6 almonds overnight, in the morning grind with Aloe Vera to make a paste and apply on affected areas. Almonds are rich in Vitamin E which our body requires for repairing and growing new tissue.
Ginger, fresh Ginger regulates healthy blood circulation and help the blood in reaching the peripheral parts of the body. Prepare some fresh ginger tea and drink warm with honey or can consume some crushed fresh ginger with honey. Honey is also an anti-bacterial and will prevent from infection.
Essential Oils, are aromatic, volatile, therapeutic, liquid concentrate, extracted and distilled from the leaves, stems, flowers, bark, roots, and/or other parts of a plant. Essential Oils can be inhaled, or applied topically with proper dilution on wrist, neck, temple, or can be used in diffuser. For frostbite can use: Pine, Cypress. Lavender, Tea tree, Clove, Thyme, Frankincense Essential oils
Soothing Frostbite Essential Oil Blend
4 drops Lavender Essential oil
4 drops Cypress Essential Oil
2 drops Geranium Essential oil
4 drops Vit E
5 ml Olive Oil or Jojoba Oil or Grape Seed Carrier Oil
Add essential oils in a 5ml dark Euro Glass vial, fill with carrier oil, mix well, close, and label. When get that aching cold frostbite from being outside, immediately go inside, apply 5-6 drops of essential oil blend to the affected area, rubbing very gently without damaging the tissue any further and restoring the circulation. Apply 2-3x daily until the pain and redness subsides. Seek medical help.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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