Lavender Essential Oil, A Friend
Do you know………. Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula angustifolia) is just as popular

Lavender Oil, A Friend
today as it was over 2500 years ago. It has been used for centuries; Egyptians used for mummification, Greeks used for perfumery, Roman civilization recognized lavender for its healing and antiseptic qualities, in 16th century France, lavender was regarded as an effective and reliable anti-infection oil.
René-Maurice Gattefossé, a French chemist and scholar, born in Montchat near Lyon in 1881, is regarded as the Father of Aromatherapy and inventor of the word Aromatherapy. In 1910, while working in the laboratory, he burned his hand and plunged his hand into the nearest tub of liquid which just happened to be Lavender Essential Oil. He was later amazed with negligible scarring and experienced firsthand the healing power of Lavender Oil on skin. This inspired him to experiment with Essential Oils during the First World War on soldiers in the military hospitals that increased the rate of healing the wound and so on. His book Aromathérapie: Les Huiles Essentielles Hormones Végétales, brought his ideas to the attention of a wider public in 1937. It was translated into English as Aromatherapy and so the name was born.
The name “Lavender” is derived from the Latin, lavare, meaning, “to wash”. Greeks and Romans perfumed their bathwater with lavender for clean wash, burned lavender incense.
There are several species of lavender with hundreds of various genotypes differentiated by variations ranging from growth form to chemical composition of essential oil. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is the most versatile of all essential oils that belongs to Lamiaceae family with calming, relaxing, and balancing attributes. It is extracted from the fragrant flowers of the lavender plant by steam distillation. The major constituents of Lavandula angustifolia essential oil are linalol (Monoterpinol), linalyl acetate (Esters), 1,8-cineole, camphor, and endo-borneol. Because of its sweet, floral, herbaceous fragrance and therapeutic properties, Lavender oil is used in everything from soaps, shampoos and lotions to potpourri, massage oils and air fresheners. It’s like having your own first-aid kit.
Lavender Essential Oil has many health benefits including:
- It is used as a disinfectant, an antiseptic, an anti-microbial, an anti-inflammatory
- Nourishing skin due to its high antioxidant content
- Reducing stress and anxiety
- Sleep aid
- Heal wounds and minor burns
- Alleviating pain
- Stimulating the brain
- Improving blood circulation
- Disinfecting and cleaning
- As a natural air freshener
Quick and Easy Recipes Using Lavender Essential Oil:
Soothing facial toner: Add 2 drops of Lavender Oil (as an antiseptic) to 1 tsp of witch hazel (tones the skin). Mix and soak a cotton ball with the blend, apply onto the affected areas daily or as needed.
Healing cuts and scrapes: Add 3-4 drops of Lavender oil to 1 tsp of Coconut Oil or Tamanu Oil (to promote wound healing by stimulating the skin to produce new cells), apply the mix with a Q-tip or a cotton ball or a clean hand to the bruise as needed.
Hair massage oil: Mix 10 drops each of Lavender, Cedarwood, and Thyme Essential Oil in 1oz (30ml) of Coconut or Almond Oil and massage into the scalp daily at night for a minimum of 3 months. Can wash hair in the morning or leave.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
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