Do you know…….Lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) are tiny, wingless parasites that feed solely on human scalp and survive on minuscule amounts of blood. An adult louse can be light brown or grey, is two-three millimeters long. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), 6 to12 million elementary school-aged children get lice each year in the U.S. Head lice can be contagious, but do not carry disease and do not pose a medical threat of any kind. Adults and children get infected primarily through head-to-head contact with an infected child-adult who has either lice or their eggs (nits), or through sharing items like hats, combs, pillows, bedding, scarves, and towels.
Wet combing using a fine toothed comb is the easy, cheap, effective, but time consuming method of treating head lice or can use over-the-counter medicated shampoo. For non-toxic natural alternative to treat lice use Essential Oil which is plants natural defense against pests and pathogens. That is why they can be an effective treatment for head lice. Essential oils that are effective against lice are:

Lice Treatment with Essential Oil
Tea tree Essential Oil
Lavender Essential Oil
Neem Essential Oil
Clove Essential Oil
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Aniseed Essential Oil
Peppermint Essential Oil
Thyme Essential Oil
Nutmeg Essential Oil
Rosemary Essential Oil
Lice Treatment Blend
10 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
8 drops Lavender Essential Oil
8 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
4 drops Rosemary Essential Oil (for child 2-5 yrs, substitute Thyme Essential Oil)
1.5 oz (45 ml) Coconut Oil
0.25 oz (7.5ml) Olive Oil
0.25 oz (7.5ml) Neem Oil
Melt Coconut Oil in a 4oz glass jar in a hot water pan, remove the jar, add Olive Oil, Neem Oil and all Essential Oils, mix, close the lid, label.
Dampen hair and massage the Lice Treatment blend into the scalp and hair upto edges. Comb through the hair with a fine tooth comb, cover head with a shower cap and allow to sit for 2-4 hours. Carefully remove shower cap, and dispose in a sealed zip lock bag. Comb hair once again, Rinse with a mixture of equal parts of Apple Cider Vinegar & water and Shampoo. Repeat every 4-5 days for 3-4 wks.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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