Do you know….. A Mudra, in Sanskrit means “seal”, “mark”, or “gesture”; is a symbolic or ritual gesture, pose in Indian religions and culture. Most mudras are performed with the hands and fingers, often in combination with movements of the wrists, elbows, and shoulders, while some involve the entire body. Mudras have been used for thousands of years to assist in meditation, healing, in the ceremonies, dances, sculptures, and painting iconography (i.e. representations of Buddha). In modern world, we most commonly associate mudras with hand positions in yoga and meditation.

Significance of Mudras
Mudras are used to change the mood, perception and attitude of a person. In Yoga, mudras are practiced in conjunction with pranayama (yogic breathing exercises), generally while seated in Padmasana (Lotus Pose), or Sukhasana (Easy Pose), or Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose), or even by sitting comfortably upright on a chair, to stimulate different parts of the body and mind, to increase awareness and mindfulness, to affect the flow of prana in the subtle body, and unblock chakras. Each mudra has its effect at three levels; body, mind, and soul. They provide us with the courage to handle difficult situations in our lives with ease.
Here I’ll talk about the five elements and mudras associated with those five elements. According to ancient scriptures and Ayurveda, there are five elements that are the basis of all cosmic creation; Fire (Agni), Air (Vayu), Space (Aakasha), Earth (Prithivi), and Water (Varun, Jal). These five elements are integral part of every human being and we all exhibit different balance of these elements. Interestingly, each of our fingers of both hands, represent one of the five elements, which is associated with a different chakra (wheel of energy) in the body:
Thumb – Fire (Agni) – Manipur (Solar Plexus) Chakra
Index finger – Air (Vayu) – Anahat (Heart) Chakra
Middle Finger – Ether (Space or Aakash) – Vishuddhi (Throat) Chakra
Ring Finger – Earth (Prithivi) – Muladhar (Root) Chakra
Small Finger – Water (Varun or Jal) – Swadhisthan (Sacral) Chakra
Regular 10-20 minutes per day practice of an appropriate yoga mudra, can balance these elements for our physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Of the many types of hand mudras, some are as follows:
- Prithivi (Earth) Mudra: touch the tip of your ring finger with the tip of thumb while the other fingers are kept straight. It is connected with Muladhar chakra.
Accordingly, this mudra strengthens the element earth within us. It helps in grounding energy and connecting with the earth. As a result, will feel safe, stable and secure in difficult times.
- Varun (Water or Jal) Mudra: touch the tip of your little finger (water) and the tip of thumb together, while the other fingers remain extended.Varun is the Sanskrit word for water and is connected with Sacral chakra.
Practicing this mudra helps with lack of water element in the body, which often results in dehydration, dryness of skin, hair, eyes, mouth, muscle cramps, skin issues like eczema, psoriasis, or digestive problems, constipation.
- Surya (Sun, Fire,Agni) Mudra: fold your ring finger down and place thumb on top of the ring finger, giving it a light pressure, keep the other fingers straight. It is connected to Solar Plexus chakra.
This is the mudra of fire, heat and sun. One of the best mudras for weight loss. It stands for prana or life force energy in our organs, that can be activated by this mudra to improve digestion, boost metabolism, help lose weight, improve vision, keep cholesterol in control, and energize the body.
- Vayu (Air) Mudra: Fold your index finger and place thumb on the back of index finger and keep other fingers straight. It is connected to Heart chakra.
By increasing the air element inside, this helps in pain relief from joint pains, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, helps in digestion, with gas and bloating, better blood circulation, helps with asthma, relaxation, remove guilt feeling. Vayu mudra is associated with Vata dosha, so beneficial for vata type people.
- Aakash (Ether, Space) Mudra: Bring the tips of your middle finger and thumb together creating a circle, while keeping the three fingers straight. It is connected to Throat chakra.
Aakash mudra creates a healing space within our body. It activates our throat chakra which stands for self-expression, communication and speaking out truth, controls overeating, calcium and phosphorus absorption from diet, helps detox our body, releases tension, negativity, and gives a feeling of completeness.
I would like to mention here Gyan mudra: which is one of the most recognized of the mudras. Touch the tips of thumb and index finger with palms facing upward.
This mudra is believed to reduce stress, relax the mind, calming, and spiritually awakening. It stimulates the air element in the body, which ultimately leads to an increase in the memory power, nervous system, level of concentration and pituitary gland production.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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