Do you know…… The aura is an electromagnetic force field that surrounds all living things in both the animal and plant kingdom and interpenetrates the physical body. Everything is made up of energy and has a vibrational frequency which is the rate at which vibration occurs and it could be changed. Our body attunes to its surroundings. That’s why it’s important to surround with things that have a positive frequency or vibration (vibes or awareness). Any energy disturbances i.e. the

Vibrational Healing with Essential Oil
change in the harmonious coherent frequencies of the subtle body due to any physical or emotional or organic imbalance, precede the appearance of disease and illness in the physical body. This blockage of the flow of life energy can be characterized by inflammation, irritation, and illness. The frequency of human body can be measured by a Biofeedback machine, that usually operate by detecting skin temperature, muscle tension, and/or brain wave activity.
According to researchers in Washington, using Tainio Technology, the vibrational frequency of Essential oils are the highest of any other measured natural substances. Essential oils have been used for centuries for their healing and medicinal properties. Through the principle of entrainment, the oil’s higher frequency will raise the vibratory quality of the individual. For example;
Rose oil is typically cited as the highest frequency essential oil, resonating at 320 MHz (although some research has indicated that Idaho Blue Spruce can reach up to 580 MHz). Frequencies of some common essential oils:
Frankincense: 147 MHz
Lavender: 118 MHz
Myrrh: 105 MHz
Sandalwood: 98 MHz
Angelica: 85 MHz
Peppermint: 78 MHz
Basil: 52 MHz
A healthy body typically has a frequency ranging from 62 to 78 MHz, whereas disease sets in at 57 MHz. Fresh produce and herbs vibrate from 20 to 27 MHz, whereas dry herbs carry a frequency between 12 and 22 MHz. Canned and processed foods have no measurable frequency (0 MHz).
Based on the information, by changing your food choices and by smelling, diffusing, and topically applying high quality Essential oils, you can almost immediately increase your vibrational energy for your well-being.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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