Tag Archives: Association of Colors with Aromatherapy in Healing

Association of Colors with Aromatherapy in Healing

Association of Colors with Aromatherapy in Healing
 A Lovely  Monday Morning to you all!


Do you know……… Both color therapy and aromatherapy, an alternative, natural,  healing modalities for specific disorders and problems, are based on vibration healing methods. The basic concept of vibrational medicine is to treat the whole person: body, mind and spirit. According to Natural medicine, the symptoms of disease (dis-ease) are produced by energetic imbalances in our body, and the treatments with natural and bio-energetic therapies, collaborate with the predisposition of the body to heal itself.

White light is composed of a spectrum of colors (Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red). Color is Energy. Each color has a particular wavelength and each vibrates at a certain frequency that has a specific effect on the human (hue-man) body and on our energy centers (Chakras). We are unaware that these color rays are always affecting us physically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. When certain colors fall on the retina of our eyes, our nerve cells vibrate throwing back emotions, feelings, and thoughts of sadness, joy, nostalgia, etc. The slower-moving frequencies (red, orange and yellow) tend to stimulate the body and the faster-moving frequencies (turquoise, blue and violet) tend to soothe it. For example, Red color frequency is stimulating and has an energizing activating effect, whereas Pale Blue’s faster frequency has relaxing and calming effect on the body and mind.

Similarly, Essential Oil molecules are filled with living pulsating vibrations at different frequencies and are also associated with different colors.

Dominique Baudoux, a pharmacist, a world renowned aromatologists, and the president of Pranarôm laboratories, refers to essential oils as “Solar Essences.”  He investigated the frequency of essential oils between 52-320 MHz, the highest among all known organic substances. In comparison, fresh herbs measure 20-27 MHz; dried herbs 12-22 MHz; and fresh products, 5-10 MHz, while processed or canned foods measure zero. Later, it was discovered that the frequency of oils is affected by our thoughts; negative thoughts decreased frequency of oils by 12 MHz, whereas positive thoughts raised them by 10 MHz, and the prayer raised the frequency by 15 MHz. On an average, the healthy human body has a frequency of 62 to 72 MHz and gets influenced by our behavior and thoughts. Therefore, it’s important to surround ourselves with things that have a positive frequency.

The frequencies of some common essential oils are:

Rose 320 MHz (although, some research has indicated that Idaho Blue Spruce can reach up to 580 MHz).

Frankincense: 147 MHz

Lavender: 118 MHz

Sandalwood: 98 MHz

Peppermint: 78 MHz

Basil: 52 MHz

Essential oils and corresponding Colors for Chakra balancing

We and everything around us is made up of energy. This energy connects us to one another, to the universe, allows us to attract love, health, joy, and positivity. The energy rises from the base of the spine to the crown of the body. There are 7 main chakras in the human body where subtle energy channels, known as Nadis converge.  Each chakra has a coordinating color, organ representation and location in the physical body. Here are different essentials oils, their colors and the Chakras (starting from the base and moving upwards) they could effect:

 Mooladhara (Root) Chakra: is the first chakra at the base of the energy system, Its color is Red – Red Rose, Red Thyme, Red Cabbage, Black Pepper, Sage, Sandalwood, Patchouli, Jasmine and Camphor essential oils are red in color and can be used to balance and activate the root chakra associated with passion, sexual energy and reconnection with Mother Earth.

Swadisthana (Sacral) Chakra:  located in Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel. Color is Orange – Cypress, Neroli, Ginger, Carrot seed, Nutmeg, Aniseed, Calendula, Marigold essential oils are orange in color and can be used to remove blockages from the sacral chakra for enjoyment and contentment.

Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra:  located in Upper abdomen in the stomach area above the navel. Color is Yellow– Lemon, Citronella, Cilantro, Grapefruit, Basil, Fennel, Sandalwood, Caraway essential oils can be used for removing blocks from solar plexus chakra for the clarity of mind and to foster positive energy for personal transformation.

Anahata (Heart) chakra:  located in the Center of chest just above the heart. Color is Green– include Rose, Rosewood, Bergamot, Melissa, Jasmine essential oils used to evoke feelings of love, respect, harmony, and peace.

Vishuddhi (Throat) chakra:  located in the Throat. Color is Blue– Blue essential oils include Lavender, Sage, Lemongrass, and Blue Chamomile essential oils. Use of these oils can help remove problems in communication, and to become non- judgmental.

Ajna (Third Eye) chakra:  located on the Forehead between the eyes (also called the Brow Chakra). Color is Indigo. Brow chakra deals with intuition and sixth sense. The use of Rosemary, Lavender, Frankincense, Peppermint, Clary sage, Spruce and Elemi essential oils is especially beneficial to purify our being and keep our emotional self-balanced. If energies are dominant in the third eye, the person is intellectual, intuitive and lives in harmony with their surroundings.

Sahastrar (Crown) chakra: located at the very top of the head. Color is Violet– linked with the Crown chakra which is our connection to the Higher Consciousness. People who attain enlightenment are represented with the halo. This is the ultimate state which we want to attain. Neroli, Frankincense, St. John’s Wort, Angelica and Lavender essential oils are linked with this chakra.

Collectively, our chakras keep us healthy and whole. When we experience “off” times in our lives, it is generally a sign that chakras are misaligned or blocked. Unbalanced chakras can lead to a variety of physical, mental and spiritual ailments, dysfunctions as do each of the vital organs connected to the out-of-balance chakras. We can meditate on different Chakra colors (visualize their color, or light candles of that particular color while sitting quietly) to heal and balance the corresponding chakras. We can also paint or decorate our homes with different color patterns,

By integrating, colors and essential oils in our therapy, we can stimulate the individual vibration frequency of our chakras to heal and balance our energy centers and establish harmony and well-being in our lives. Perhaps the best way to use Color therapy and Aromatherapy in tandem is to choose colors and scents based upon one’s intuition.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
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