Tag Archives: Blend

Essential Oil Massage Benefits

Essential Oil Massage Benefits
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know……. Our body self-repairs throughout our life span, but the normal wear-tear is unavoidable with gradual aging process. To increase the strength and flexibility, one can incorporate the massage in their everyday living style. Massage is not only enjoyable, but is beneficial for the maintenance of physical, mental, and emotional health. Massage is a general term for pressing, rubbing and manipulating our skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Most people can benefit from massage. According to American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), there are twenty-five benefits of getting massage done, some of which are:

Relaxes tight muscles and improves mobility of joints

                Aromatherapy Massage

Improves posture and coordination

Improves insomnia

Increases circulation, relieves itchy-dry skin

Relieves stress, tension, anxiety

Increases Vitality and mental alertness

Relieves joint and arthritic pain

There are many different types of massage, which includes:

Swedish massage: is a gentle form of massage that uses long strokes, kneading, deep circular movements, vibration and tapping to help relax and energize.

Deep massage: this massage technique uses slower, more-forceful strokes to target the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue.

Sports massage: is similar to Swedish massage for people involved in sports activities.

Trigger point massage: focuses on areas of tight muscle because of injury and overuse.

Therapeutic massage: is supportive and restorative type of therapeutic massage using essential oil for healing. It is called Aromatherapy massage. It’s not a deep tissue massage and has a profound effect on mind and body.

Essential oils, the natural, concentrated, volatile, liquid extract of plants, possess different therapeutic properties that have been used since centuries to cure various ailments. Can choose 1 or more essential oils (24-30 drops to 2oz of carrier oil) for:

Muscle Relaxing and soothing: Lavender, Sweet Marjoram, Chamomile

                 Aromatherapy Massage

Calming and balancing: Geranium, Clary sage, Frankincense

Romantic and sensual: Ylang ylang, Sweet Orange, Jasmine

Purifying and cleansing: Tea tree, Lavender, Neroli

Energizing and uplifting: Peppermint, Clary sage, Rosemary, Rose, Ylang ylang

Decongesting: Eucalyptus, Pine, Tea tree

Depending on what you are trying to achieve you can use essential oils in one or more ways below:

Full-body massage: This involves mixing and creating a blend of one or more essential oils to carrier oils. For example, a blend with peppermint oil might be created to relieve pain in deep tissue massage or adding lavender essential oil to a carrier oil can provide immense relaxation.

Head and scalp massage:  A scalp massage is excellent for rejuvenating blood circulation in the scalp and relieving tension. The medicinal properties of both carrier oils and essential oils will also help scalp conditions such as dryness, dandruff, itching and more.

Face massage: Rubbing a little carrier oil infused with an essential oil into the palms of your hands and cupping the face will provide an instant, soothing effect. Carrier oils such as Argan oil, Jojoba oil, Coconut oil, Almond oil are amazing for the face and skin.

Foot massage: A foot massage or rub is a great way to unwind and relax. Since feet have larger pores they absorb essential oils fairly quickly and it gets into the bloodstream faster.

Ear massage: Did you know there are over 200 acupuncture points on the ear? Stimulating these points can activate the respective organs restoring balance in the body. With a little essential oil blend, using both the thumb and index finger gently massage the earlobe using a small circular action.

Muscle Relaxing Massage Oil:

8 drops Clary sage Essential oil

8 drops Lavender Essential Oil

5 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil

3 drops Chamomile Essential Oil

2 oz Olive or sweet Almond or Grapeseed carrier oil

Add these essential oils to a 2 oz glass bottle, pour 2oz of carrier oil, 6drs Vit E, cover the bottle, mix, label. Use as desired. Mix well before using for massage.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing

Quick Tips to De-Stress with Aromatherapy

Quick Tips to De-Stress with Aromatherapy
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know…….. Stress is a state of physical, mental, emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances or day to day life inconveniences. Unfortunately, we are living in a stressful time essentially caused by several phenomena that are inherent to today’s society, including work performance, competition, finance, natural disasters, pandemic, war.

Stress is a normal human reaction and in fact, the human body is designed to experience stress and react to it to help our body adjust to new situations. Stress can be positive, keeping us alert, motivated (e.g. during an important test) and ready to avoid danger during a perceived threat with its built-in stress response, the ‘fight-or-flight response’. While vastly different, each stressful situation, whether life-threatening or simple inconvenience, release adrenaline and cortisol into the bloodstream. Adrenaline increases blood pressure and boosts energy supplies, while cortisol releases glucose into the bloodstream, and even altering the immune system. Stress becomes a problem when stressors continue without relief or periods of relaxation, which can cause some serious health risks, including:

  • Exhaustion, Insomnia
  • High blood-pressure

                  Essential Oil Spray for Stress

  • Depression, Increased anxiety
  • Panic attacks, sadness
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Hostility and rage
  • Aggressive and impulsive behavior
  • Muscle tension, aches-pains
  • Overeating or under eating
  • Tobacco, drug, or alcohol dependence and abuse

Which is why we need to work towards managing our stress and decluttering our life. Take a step back, and assess what is stressing you out? Then develop and explore stress management strategies:

  • Positive thinking which strengthens our focus and inner resolve.
  • Learning how to use empowering, encouraging self-dialogue that releases serotonin,    dopamine and allows opening the needed inner resources to be successful.
  • Effective communication, the most important life-skill, that connects us with others and helps in developing relationship.
  • Spending time with friends and loved ones.
  • Taking time out for hobbies for reading, writing, painting, music, etc.
  • Healthy diet and eating habit.
  • Getting regular physical activity and practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, tai chi, or massage

There are medications (Xanax, Klonopin, Valium, and Ativan) to help deal with anxiety with side effects and safety concerns, such as the risk of addiction. Anti-anxiety medications are known tranquilizers that slows down the nervous system and creates a relaxing-calming effect. Use of Essential Oils through Aromatherapy is a safe effective holistic health care approach to alleviate stress. It can conjure memories both good and bad, excite us, soothe us, even promote good night sleep. Fragrance of an essential oil can directly affect our emotional state as our sense of smell is directly linked to the limbic system of brain that activates the hypothalamus. Hypothalamus is the hormone control center in brain that regulates the sex drive, energy levels, stress, and happiness. To reap the rewards of Aromatherapy, use Essential oils proactively with patience. Essential oils can be applied topically (diluted) over the wrists, feet, back of the neck or inhale directly or can be diffused, in combination with lifestyle modifications in diet and exercise. To order ‘Stress Buster Spray’, please visit our website, aromawellness.net.

 Calming Inhaler:

Add 5 drops each of Lavender, Frankincense, Orange Essential Oils in an inhaler. Inhale during difficult situations or transitional times in life or as required and carry with you always.

Calming Diffuser Blend:

20 drops Lavender Essential oil

10 drops Roman chamomile Essential oil
10 drops Clary Sage Essential oil
10 drops Geranium Essential oil
5 drops Ylang Ylang Essential oil

Blend oils in a dark glass bottle and add 5-6 drops to diffuser as needed.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing

Boost Positivity with Essential Oil

Boost Positivity with Essential Oil
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know……..Over the past two years we all are going through a strange period of on and off covid restrictions. Even mother nature is not being very cooperative. Still with cold Spring temperatures we are moving towards Summer,

        Boost Positivity with E. Oil

challenging ourselves to face the ongoing unpredictability of our surroundings. We are not sure if we are enjoying the work from home schedule or getting fed-up of being around family 24×7 or do we like the regular office routine of 8am to 5pm? Therefore, it is important that we keep our mind, our brain healthy both holistically and spiritually. For our brain to work optimally throughout our life, we will have to make better life choices of healthy balanced diet, regular exercise, meditation, yoga, or some physical activity, creative mental activities, a good night sleep, managing inevitable daily stress, and keep a healthy heart.

We can use Essential Oils to maintain our brain health, to increase awareness, regulate sleep pattern, manage stress- anxiety, enhance calmness, alleviate muscle soreness.  Essential oils are natural, concentrated, volatile, liquid aromatic extract with individual therapeutic properties from different parts of plants and have been used since centuries in beauty products and to cure various ailments. e.g. Frankincense, Lavender, Vetiver, Peppermint, Rosemary, Ylang ylang, Orange, Rose, Eucalyptus, Tea tree, Sage, Lemon, Geranium, Sandalwood, etc. Essential oils could simply be diffused, inhaled or can be applied topically with a proper dilution.

                    Boost Positivity with E. Oil

Mood Enhancer Room Spray: 4oz

20 drops Lavender Essential Oil

18 drops Orange Essential Oil

10 drops Geranium Essential Oil

4oz Distilled water

1Tbsp Vodka

In a 4oz dark glass spray bottle drop essential oils, add alcohol (vodka), fill with distilled water, cap, label. Mix well before each use and spray in the room or in your surrounding as and whenever desired.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing


Health Benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Health Benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil
A Lovely Valentine Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know………Eucalyptus essential oil is useful to treat a variety of common diseases due to its

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

strong germicidal, disinfectant, mucolytic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antioxidant, antiseptic, repellent, and decongestant therapeutic properties. It works amazingly when inhaled or applied topically in diluted form. Researchers studied that its “broad-spectrum antimicrobial action makes it an attractive alternative to pharmaceuticals. Eucalyptus essential oil can be found in many over-the-counter products including insect repellent, decongestants, cough suppressants, mouthwash, cosmetics, and muscle rubs.

Although native to Australia, Eucalyptus tree is now cultivated in many areas of the world. Eucalyptus essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves of selected Eucalyptus tree that belongs to family Myrtaceae. There are many Eucalyptus species, but essential oils of Eucalyptus radiata and Eucalyptus globulus (which is also called fever tree or gum tree) are retrieved for their medicinal properties. Eucalyptus globulus is a clear, thin oil with woody, earthy aroma. Main constituent is 60-75% 1, 8 cineol. Eucalyptus essential oil is approved by the FDA as a Food Additive (FA) or Flavouring Agent (FL), however, not advised for children under 6 years of age and Eucalyptus oil is not safe for direct internal use (ingested). Eucalyptus oil blends well with a number of oils including bergamot, cedarwood, peppermint, lavender, chamomile, rosemary, thyme, juniper, and lemongrass essential oils.

Eucalyptus essential oil benefits:

  • Improve respiratory conditions.
  • Relieve cough.
  • Improve seasonal allergies.
  • Fight infections.
  • Reduce pain and inflammation: People suffering from joint pain caused by arthritis or rheumatism or gout, make your own topical massage rub with 10 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil, 10 drops of Peppermint essential oil and Coconut or Moringa or Olive carrier oil.Apply on the affected area 2-3 times a day or as needed.
  • Alleviate headaches: Diffuse 5 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil or inhale the oil directly from the bottle, or apply 2-3 drops topically to temple and back of neck.
  • Aid wound care.
  • Improve earaches: Apply 2–3 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil diluted with 1 tsp of coconut carrier oil to your chest and back of neck or gently rub 1 drop into the outer part of your ear canal.
  • Boost mental clarity.
  • Repel rats: Add 20 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil to a spray bottle filled with water and spray areas that are prone to rats, such as small openings in home or near pantry. Caution, be careful around cats, as Eucalyptus can be irritating to them.
  • Clear Sinuses: Carefully pour 2 cups of boiling water into a bowl, add 2 drops each of Eucalyptus and Peppermint essential oils, then place a towel over your head covering the hot water bowl, inhale deeply the aromatic vapor for 4-8 minutes.
  • Alleviate Sore throat: Apply 2-3 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil to chest and throat, or gargle with 2-3 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil added to a cup of luke warm water once daily for 4-5 days without swallowing it.
  • Soothe Insect bites: Apply 1-3 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil to a clean cotton ball or on a Q-tip, apply it to the insect bite area 2-3 times daily until it disappears.
  • It affects, energize solar plexus and heart chakras.

Home made DIY Vapor Rub

DIY Vapor Rub

1/2 cup Coconut oil

¼ cup Bees wax grated

¼ cup Shea butter

30 drops Eucalyptus essential oil

30 drops Peppermint Essential Oil

15 drops Tea tree Essential Oil

Place a saucepan with half a cup of water over a medium heat, place a glass jar or measuring cup with bees wax, coconut oil, and shea butter in the pan, let it melt, keep stirring to combine. Carefully take the jar out of the saucepan, bring the mixture to room temperature, whip with a hand blender, add in essential oils, mix well. Scoop prepared mixture into a clean glass container with tight lid, label, store in a cool, dark place. Just apply a small amount of rub on the chest during a cold or when have a cough. Rub can be applied on upper and middle back as well. Use as needed.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing


Benefits of Clove Essential Oil

Benefits of Clove Essential Oil
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know………. about a month back, I felt some inflammation and pain around back of my upper teeth gum. Being a Clinical Aromatherapist, I immediately thought of Clove Essential Oil. What I did, in a 5ml glass vial, I combined 2 drops of Clove Essential Oil with 1tsp of Olive Oil, mixed well, labeled. Applied 3-4 drops of this Clove oil blend on a swab tip and gently swiped the affected area being careful not to touch the swab to other parts of the mouth or lips as Clove oil is a hot, potent oil. Repeated this twice a day for couple of days. By second day, I was very happy to notice significant reduction in pain and swelling. So, continued this treatment for another 2-3 days and my pain and swelling disappeared completely. Of course, if it wouldn’t have helped in first 2 days, I would have contacted my Dentist.

What Is Clove Bud Oil?

 For centuries, clove and its essential oil have been utilized for its antiseptic, antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, stimulant, and pain-relieving properties. Clove was used extensively as a spice in ancient Indian and Chinese civilizations, then was spread to other parts of the world. Clove bud oil (Eugenia caryophyllata) is derived from clove tree, an evergreen tree of the Myrtaceae family, native to Southeast Asian countries, which produces a flower bud often referred to as Clove bud. Clove essential oil possess a variety of medicinal properties and have a distinct strong aroma. The main bioactive element in Clove is called Eugenol, that has strong analgesic and antiseptic properties, together with vitamin C, potassium and calcium content. Clove oil blends well with many other essential oils including; Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Basil, Rosemary, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Orange, Geranium essential oil.

Primary Benefits of Clove Essential Oil:

Power of Clove Essential Oil

                       Clove Essential Oil


Powerful antioxidant properties

Promotes circulation

Pain reducer and anti-inflammatory

Helps with indigestion and motion sickness

Supports cardiovascular health

Helps soothe teeth and gums and promotes oral health

Supports a healthy immune system

Natural insect repellent

Skin care products

Mouth rinse: place one drop of clove essential oil in ¼ cup of water and gargle to avoid bad breath and for a refreshing effect.

Oil pulling: is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that involves swishing oil in mouth to remove bacteria and promote oral hygiene. Swirl 1Tbsp of coconut oil mixed with 1 drop clove essential oil in mouth, then spit in garbage to avoid possible clogging.

Fall and winter season Invigorating Diffuser: diffuse three drops of clove, two drops of cinnamon and one drop of orange essential oils for an invigorating scent.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing


The Incredible Number 7


The Incredible Number 7
A Lovely Morning to You All!

Do you know………During my yoga and meditation sessions, number 7 is mentioned often either for repetition of a particular sequence or chanting of some mantra. Out of my curiosity, I started searching and was astounded with the wealth of information. Here, I am sharing with you some of the significance of number 7 without going into details.

     Lucky Number 7

7 is the number of completeness and perfection both physical as well as spiritual. The number 7 is tied directly to God’s creation of all things and much more prevalent in nature than most of us realize; There are 7 oceans, 7 continents, 7 vertebrae in the neck, 7 basic chakras in our body, 7 layers of skin (2 outer and 5 inner), ocean waves roll in sevens, 7 colors in rainbow, music has 7 notes, there are 7 directions, the Jewish Menorah has 7 candles, the earth was created in 7 days (including a day of rest, hence 7 days in a week), a cube has 7 dimensions (including the inside), there are 7 deadly sins, 7 virtues, 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit, 7 classical planets, 7 hills in Istanbul, Rome and Jerusalem, 7 wonders of the ancient world. The number 7 is also important in Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, and Judaism. The number 7 is also featured in the Book of Revelation (7 churches, 7 angels, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, and 7 stars). The Koran speaks of 7 heavens and Muslim pilgrims walk around the Kaaba in Mecca 7 times. In Hinduism there are 7 higher worlds and 7 underworlds, 7 sages or Saptarishi, 7 stars in a constellation called Saptharishi Mandalam (Great Bear constellation, clearly visible from earth in the northern direction and it looks like a kite in the space), 7 promises, or Saptapadi, and 7 circumambulations around a fire at Hindu weddings, 7 octets or Saptak Swaras in Indian Music as the basis for Ragas compositions. In Buddhism 7 is the number of ascent, and Buddha is said to have walked this number of steps at his birth.

In medieval education, students pursued a total of seven subjects (the trivium -grammar, rhetoric, logic and the quadrivium – music, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy), collectively known as the liberal arts. In modern times, 7 is the number of games in the playoffs for NHL, MLB and NBA. There is an obvious 7-year economics crash cycle for example starting from 1966, then 1973, then 1980, then 1987, then 1994, then 2001, so on and so forth. 7 not only represents the jackpot on slot machines, but it is also the basis for many myths and folklore. In 1956, George Miller of Harvard University wrote that most people can retain roughly seven items of information in their short term memory. That is why phone numbers in the U.S. and many other countries tend to have 7 digits in a phone number after the area code. 7 is a prime number. Prime numbers are those that can only be divided by themselves and by the number 1 and 7 is considered by some to be the most ‘prime’ number within the first 10 numbers as it cannot be multiplied within the group, making it a kind of optimal-prime. It is also symbolic of togetherness and, as a result, is seen as a good omen in relationships.

It is this combination of cultural, historical, religious, numerical, and psychological factors that contribute to the allure of the number 7. If we do proper research, we will find many more significance of number 7.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing

Aromatherapy as Fist-Aid

Aromatherapy as Fist-Aid
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know…………Every day we face range of mishaps that results into aches, pains, bruises, cuts, and some sort of injury. Even the chemicals in our daily used products (cosmetics, hair-care products, or house hold cleaners) can be the cause of rash, itch, or some type of reaction to our skin.

                 Order on aromawellness.net

Our body is designed to repair and heal itself, them there are often simple natural remedies that will help to ease the symptoms. Many of these remedies are available in the comfort of home rather than going to doctor’s office or clinic. When injury is life threatening; like any type of trauma, stroke, or heart attack, conventional medical treatment is necessary.

Whether we are protecting from wind, sun or alleviating itch, or burns, or pain, Essential Oils are very versatile and quicken the healing process because of their multiple medicinal properties; Anti-bacterial, Ant-viral & Anti-fungal, Pain relieving(Analgesic), Antiseptic, Calming, Expectorant & many more. Essential oils are natural, concentrated, volatile, liquid extracts taken from the roots, leaves, seeds, bark, or blossoms of plants and used to heal mind & body without any negative side effects. Aromatherapy First-Aid kit generally have these following basic essential oils:

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia):
For Aromatherapy use, antiseptic, antiviral, antibiotic, analgesic, calming, relaxing, wounds, burns, insect bites, insomnia.

It can be used for; Headaches (put a drop of neat Lavender on both temples and back of the neck), Burns, Sunburn, Muscle aches, Relaxing-Calming, Mosquito bites.

Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia):
For Aromatherapy use, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, healing, burns, acne, itch, cuts, cold sores.

It can be used for; Sore muscles, Intestinal cramps (massage diluted Tea tree oil with a carrier oil clockwise onto abdomen), Disinfectant.

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus):
For Aromatherapy use, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, sinus issues, cold, congestion, fever.

It can be used for; Respiratory and Sinus problems, Fever (reducing the body temperature, therefore Eucalyptus is also called fever oil), Mental exhaustion

Peppermint (Mentha piperita):
For Aromatherapy use, analgesic, antiseptic, antiviral.

It can be used for sharpening the senses. It is useful for stimulating the skin and giving a cool, refreshing feeling. It aids in digestion & alleviating stomach problems, reduces inflammation, provides relief from stress, mental exhaustion, good for respiratory, sinus problems, muscle pain, headache, reduces fever and nausea. Can inhale, use for steam inhalation, in bath and/or in diffuser, use properly diluted peppermint oil topically on wrist, or on to temple, rub on chest and/or stomach for pain, indigestion.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa):
For Aromatherapy use, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, a powerful antioxidant.

It can be used topically, through inhalation, in baths, and/or vaporizers. Curcuma, which is responsible for turmeric’s yellow color, is also its most active chemical component and have many beneficial effects including accelerating toxin elimination, stimulating the immune system, digestion, blood circulation, supporting body’s natural healing processes, relieves pain and inflammation.

To order Aromatherapy First-Aid kit, go to: aromawellness.net

Home Made First-Aid Spray:

 15 drops Lavender essential oil

15 drops Tea Tree essential oil

6 drops Cypress or Helichrysum or Frankincense essential oil

1/2 tsp sea salt

2 oz distilled water

Add salt to a 2oz. glass spray bottle, drop in essential oils, top with distilled water, close, mix, label properly. Shake well before every use. Spray on cuts, scrapes, and wounds before applying a bandage 2-3 times daily until cut is healed or repeat as needed to speed healing and prevent scarring. Do make a fresh bottle once every month as required.

For Children under Five: Use Hydrosols

 30ml Lavender Hydrosol

15ml Frankincense hydrosol

15ml Tea tree Hydrosol

Add all in a 2oz glass spray bottle, close, mix and label. Use as needed.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing


Aromatherapy for Emotional Resilience

Aromatherapy for Emotional Resilience
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know………Every day we face challenges in our personal life that test our resilience. Psychologists define emotional resilience, as the ability to adapt to a stressful situation. It is your capacity to cope and bounce back from a crisis or a change in your life situation. Following are a few healthy coping mechanisms to get through a stressful situation and build emotional resilience:

  • Take care of your physical body with good nutrition and exercise.
  • Surround yourself with supportive, positive people to harness their inspirational and uplifting power.
  • Learn to adapt to change.
  • Take action, be proactive and empower yourself to initiate positive changes for a happy, healthy life.
  • Be grateful for what you have without moaning and complaining about what you are lacking. Though, the saying “count your blessings” may sound cliché, expressing gratitude is a powerful, uplifting exercise.
  • Be positively optimistic and believe in your strengths and capabilities.
  • Learn to laugh and be happy though, it is difficult to do at the time of stress and grief.
  • Aromatherapy, which is the art and science of using Essential Oils to create harmony and positive energetic vibrations that will support your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Essential Oils have been used since centuries in perfumes, beauty products, and to cure different ailments. Essential oils are pure, concentrated, natural, volatile, liquid extract from different parts of plants.

Uplifting Resilience Blend:

20 drops Cedarwood Essential Oil

(to encourage perseverance and focus, it is also calming and sedative)

20 drops Rosemary Essential Oil

             Aromatherapy for Resilence

(excellent brain and nerve tonic, increases concentration, boosts mental clarity)

20 drops Frankincense Essential Oil

(grounding, calming, raises the energetic vibration)

10 drops Rose or Geranium Essential Oil

(for promoting emotional balance, building immunity, also mood enhancer, encourage adrenal and hormonal balance)

Mix the following essential oils in a dark colored 5 ml glass euro bottle, cover, mix well, label. Can use 6-8drops of this blend in a diffuser or burner, or massage onto the base of the skull, or rub on the inside of the elbow or on the wrist, or apply 2-3 drops to the palms, rub together and inhale, or use as desired.

Some other Essential Oils with energetic clearing properties are:

Black spruce




Lemon and other Citrus oils




White sage


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing

Aromatherapy for Calming Anxiety

Aromatherapy for Calming Anxiety
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know…….. Anxiety is a general feeling of apprehension and feeling anxious about a situation, e.g.: social anxiety, reaching school on time, new classmates. new teachers, homework, about the future, job interview, separation anxiety, etc.

  Essential Oil Spray for Stress

It’s normal to experience occasional anxiety, but when it becomes persistent and overwhelming, then it could be anxiety disorder, e.g.: obsessive compulsive disorder, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), panic attacks and needs immediate medical attention. Anxiety-related illnesses are on the rise. Anxiety is often linked to depression and living with anxiety could be exhausting which could happen at any time. Anxiety is not just in someone’s head as it often manifests in physical symptoms of depression, dizziness, fainting, heart palpitations, lethargy, loss of appetite, loss of sleep, nausea, nervous twitches, sweating, shaking, stuttering, and even suicidal thoughts. The constant struggle with anxiety, could wear people down emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Many studies have shown the usefulness of Essential Oils in alleviating anxiety. Since centuries, Essential Oils have been utilized in cosmetics, fragrances, healing, as an antiseptic, and for health remedies. Essential Oils are natural, volatile, concentrated extracts taken from the roots, leaves, seeds, bark, or blossoms of plants. It should be diluted for a safe topical application following all safety rules and an expert advice. Essential oils could be inhaled or massaged topically on skin or could be diffused in the room or use for relaxing bath at the end of a long, tiring day to de-stress. Essential oil scents can stimulate smell receptors located in the nose which connect to the part of the brain that controls stress, heart rate, hormone levels, etc. Thus, essential oils can positively affect our mood and emotions. Although research has shown that aromatherapy may help relieve anxiety, it’s no substitute for seeing a healthcare professional.

Following Essential Oils could be used to relieve anxiety symptoms:

Bergamot: sedative, for nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia, depression

Clary sage: sedative, nervine, for nervous tension, panic, depression

Frankincense: sedative, for anxiety

Geranium: nervine, for anxiety, depression

Grapefruit: for depression

Jasmine: sedative, for self-esteem, depression

Jatamansi: referred to as Spikenard, used in Ayurvedic medicine to calm the mind and encourage sleep

Lavender: sedative, nervine, for panic, insomnia, depression

Lemon grass: for depression

Neroli: sedative, for anxiety, panic, insomnia, self-esteem, depression

Orange: sedative, for nervous tension, insomnia, depression

Patchouli: for depression

Peppermint: nervine, for panic, depression

Rose: sedative, for nervous tension, self-esteem, depression

Sandalwood: sedative, for nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia, depression

Valerian: promote sleep and calm nerves, sedative

Vetiver: sedative, nervine, for nervous tension, insomnia

Ylang Ylang: sedative, for anxiety, panic, depression

Air Freshener for Anxiety:

12 drops Lavender Essential Oil

12 drops Lemon or Bergamot Essential Oil

8 drops Frankincense Essential Oil

4 drops Geranium Essential Oil

2oz Distilled Water

1oz Alcohol(vodka)

In a 4oz spray glass bottle, add essential oils, pour distilled water and alcohol. Close, label the bottle and let the blend sit for a day before using it. Spray as needed, mixing well before each use. (If aroma is too strong, can reduce essential oils to 18 drops per your sensitivity)

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing

Aromatherapy for Spring Allergy

Aromatherapy for Spring Allergy
A Lovely Memorial Day Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know………. We are amidst Spring season now and the mother nature is bursting with renewed energy everywhere. Spring is the time for new growth, new beginning, fresh potential, and spring cleaning. Day light is getting longer, grass is greener, flowers are blooming, and the early morning melodious chirping of birds.

                        Spring Allergy

Unfortunately, with beautiful warm weather and long sunny days of Spring comes the allergy season, because of the release of pollen into the atmosphere. Each year, millions of Americans suffer from this seasonal allergy, commonly known as Hay Fever. When an allergic person breathes in pollen, their immune system releases antibodies that attack pollen as foreign bodies and releases histamines into the blood. This triggers the allergic symptoms of: Runny nose, Itchy and Watery eyes, Sneezing & Coughing, Post Nasal Drip, Scratchy or sore throat, Irritation or infection in the ears, and Wheezing. Allergy symptoms could be relieved by following these natural approaches:

 Aromatherapy: an alternative-holistic healthcare modality, is the art and science of therapeutically using Essential oils to alleviate variety of ailments. Essential Oils are pure, natural extract of different parts of plant with individual aroma and chemical properties. Recommended Essential Oils: 

  • Peppermint: Peppermint essential oil is highly versatile. It can help to clear the airways and relieve headache, boost energy on a sluggish, hazy day.
  • Lavender: Lavender is calming, cleansing and anti-inflammatory. In addition to reducing swelling in the airways, lavender’s relaxing scent eases nerves and can be beneficial for headaches.
  • Eucalyptus: is analgesic, anti-inflammatory, good for cold cough
  • Roman chamomile: is very relaxing and eases inflammation. But, if a person has ragweed allergy, do not use this oil and don’t drink chamomile tea as it can make symptoms worse.
  • Frankincense: is anti-inflammatory, grounding, skin friendly, relaxing, nervine
  • Lemon: is cleansing and soothes respiratory inflammation, can reduce stuffiness, uplifting and calming.

Essential oil Blend for Allergy relief:

                          Use of Neti Pot

5 drs Lavender Essential Oil

5 drs Lemon Essential Oil

5 drs Peppermint Essential Oil

5 drs Eucalyptus Essential Oil

10ml Jojoba Carrier Oil

Add these Essential Oils in a 10ml dark colored glass euro bottle and top with Jojoba carrier oil. Close, label, and mix well before use.

Ways to use the blend:

  • Rub 1 – 2 drops of the essential oil blend into the palms of hands, bring over nose and take 4 – 6 deep breaths or add 4 – 6 drops on a cotton ball in a zip lock bag to carry along and inhaling as needed.
  • Rub few drops onto feet, forehead, or chest (best done at night, so to keep inhaling aroma while asleep).
  • Diffuse 4 – 6 drops of the blend without carrier oil, in an aromatherapy diffuser throughout the day or night to ease allergic discomforts.

Nasal Irrigation: through a Neti pot(that looks like a small teapot) or a squeeze bottle with a combination of warm or room temperature distilled/sterile water, ¼ tsp salt, and ¼ tsp baking soda that will help to clear mucus and open sinus passages.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing