Tag Archives: Coconut Oil

Health Benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Health Benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil
A Lovely Valentine Monday Morning to You All!

Do you know………Eucalyptus essential oil is useful to treat a variety of common diseases due to its

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

strong germicidal, disinfectant, mucolytic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antioxidant, antiseptic, repellent, and decongestant therapeutic properties. It works amazingly when inhaled or applied topically in diluted form. Researchers studied that its “broad-spectrum antimicrobial action makes it an attractive alternative to pharmaceuticals. Eucalyptus essential oil can be found in many over-the-counter products including insect repellent, decongestants, cough suppressants, mouthwash, cosmetics, and muscle rubs.

Although native to Australia, Eucalyptus tree is now cultivated in many areas of the world. Eucalyptus essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves of selected Eucalyptus tree that belongs to family Myrtaceae. There are many Eucalyptus species, but essential oils of Eucalyptus radiata and Eucalyptus globulus (which is also called fever tree or gum tree) are retrieved for their medicinal properties. Eucalyptus globulus is a clear, thin oil with woody, earthy aroma. Main constituent is 60-75% 1, 8 cineol. Eucalyptus essential oil is approved by the FDA as a Food Additive (FA) or Flavouring Agent (FL), however, not advised for children under 6 years of age and Eucalyptus oil is not safe for direct internal use (ingested). Eucalyptus oil blends well with a number of oils including bergamot, cedarwood, peppermint, lavender, chamomile, rosemary, thyme, juniper, and lemongrass essential oils.

Eucalyptus essential oil benefits:

  • Improve respiratory conditions.
  • Relieve cough.
  • Improve seasonal allergies.
  • Fight infections.
  • Reduce pain and inflammation: People suffering from joint pain caused by arthritis or rheumatism or gout, make your own topical massage rub with 10 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil, 10 drops of Peppermint essential oil and Coconut or Moringa or Olive carrier oil.Apply on the affected area 2-3 times a day or as needed.
  • Alleviate headaches: Diffuse 5 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil or inhale the oil directly from the bottle, or apply 2-3 drops topically to temple and back of neck.
  • Aid wound care.
  • Improve earaches: Apply 2–3 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil diluted with 1 tsp of coconut carrier oil to your chest and back of neck or gently rub 1 drop into the outer part of your ear canal.
  • Boost mental clarity.
  • Repel rats: Add 20 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil to a spray bottle filled with water and spray areas that are prone to rats, such as small openings in home or near pantry. Caution, be careful around cats, as Eucalyptus can be irritating to them.
  • Clear Sinuses: Carefully pour 2 cups of boiling water into a bowl, add 2 drops each of Eucalyptus and Peppermint essential oils, then place a towel over your head covering the hot water bowl, inhale deeply the aromatic vapor for 4-8 minutes.
  • Alleviate Sore throat: Apply 2-3 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil to chest and throat, or gargle with 2-3 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil added to a cup of luke warm water once daily for 4-5 days without swallowing it.
  • Soothe Insect bites: Apply 1-3 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil to a clean cotton ball or on a Q-tip, apply it to the insect bite area 2-3 times daily until it disappears.
  • It affects, energize solar plexus and heart chakras.

Home made DIY Vapor Rub

DIY Vapor Rub

1/2 cup Coconut oil

¼ cup Bees wax grated

¼ cup Shea butter

30 drops Eucalyptus essential oil

30 drops Peppermint Essential Oil

15 drops Tea tree Essential Oil

Place a saucepan with half a cup of water over a medium heat, place a glass jar or measuring cup with bees wax, coconut oil, and shea butter in the pan, let it melt, keep stirring to combine. Carefully take the jar out of the saucepan, bring the mixture to room temperature, whip with a hand blender, add in essential oils, mix well. Scoop prepared mixture into a clean glass container with tight lid, label, store in a cool, dark place. Just apply a small amount of rub on the chest during a cold or when have a cough. Rub can be applied on upper and middle back as well. Use as needed.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing


Energy Booster

Energy Booster
 A Lovely  Monday Morning to you all!


Do you know………Scientific fact is, energy flows from higher state to lower state. At present we are in the middle of global Covid-19 pandemic that has impacted everyone. With new cases of the novel Corona virus being reported daily around the world, we are scared of the uncertainties, the fear factor is very high and the collective consciousness of the world is very low. We react to situations according to our mental condition not dependent upon the situation.

Energy Booster E. Oil

We have to learn how to use, how to sense, how to pick up on vibrational energy to our advantage and to manifest our best life? Where attention goes energy flows, where energy flows things grow. If we look at our body as a garden, so to grow, to uplift our spirits, to improve our focus-concentration, we have to be at a very high state of mind to maintain the original seven natural qualities of the soul; love, peace, purity power, knowledge, love, happiness, and bliss.

As a clinical Aromatherapist, I like to utilize the therapeutic properties of Essential Oils to improve energy levels naturally. Essential oils are great natural holistic approach to feel revitalized and energetic, leading to greater productivity. Of course, if you notice your friends or family member going through a serious depressive state, then immediately seek medical attention. Essential Oils are the natural, volatile, concentrated extract distilled from different parts of the plants, used holistically to alleviate several physical and emotional ailments. When Essential Oil(s) inhaled directly or applied topically, they can influence areas of the brain that control feelings of tiredness and stress, thus leaving us feeling more awake, focused, and confident. Researchers have studied that essential oils may affect a number of biological factors; including heart rate, stress levels, blood pressure, breathing, immune function. and other causes of fatigue. Certain oils can actually provide an energy boost and a warming effect on the body caused by increased blood flow. Some of the following Essential Oils are used for boosting energy:

Citrus: Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit, Lime, Tangerine, Mandarin, Bergamot

Spicy: Black pepper, Cinnamon bark, Clove, Ginger

Bark: Frankincense

Minty: Peppermint, Wintergreen, Spearmint

Coniferous: White fir, Pine, Juniper berry, Spruce

Herbal: Rosemary, Sage, Tea tree, Thyme, Basil, Lemongrass

There are three ways we can use essential oils; direct inhalation, indirect inhalation, and topical application. For direct inhalation, simply add two drops of essential oil in your hand, rub them together, take 3-4 deep breath and you will,  instantaneously feel the response or can add essential oil to a cotton ball (or Kleenex) in a sandwich bag and inhale as required. For indirect inhalation, add few drops of essential oil(s) to a diffuser to help soothe, calm, uplift mood and energy levels in your surroundings. To apply topically, rub 1-2 drops of essential oil to your wrists, or below the feet or on the neck, or can dilute your desired essential oils with a carrier oil (Jojoba oil, Argan oil, Almond oil, Coconut oil) and use as a full body massage oil to balance nervous energy and promote positive energy.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment


Essential Oil for Stretch Mark

Do you know……… Women are more prone to stretch marks than men  and Pregnancy is a very common time for women to experience stretch marks, because the body size grows faster than skin (middle layer-dermis) and becomes overstretched to the point of  tearing that causes scars. This scar  medically referred to as Striae Gravidarum. This skin stretching could also occur during the growth spurts of adolescence, after weight gain or weight loss and usually develop on the:

   Essential Oil for Stretch Mark






upper arms

Although stretch marks can fade and become less noticeable over time, they do not disappear. There is no miracle treatment, but Essential Oils (Argan, Rosehip, Lavender, Frakincense, Geranium) are a nice aromatic way of reducing stretch marks visibility by helping the cells to regenerate.

Stretch Mark Cream:

1 Tbsp Aloe Vera gel

8 ml melted Coconut Oil

7 ml Olive Oil

8 drops Lavender Essential Oil

6 drops Frankincense Essential Oil

4 drops Geranium Essential Oil

6 drops Vit E

Mix everything in a 30ml glass jar, close, label, use on affected area daily with recommended precaution.

People who are pregnant or breast-feeding should avoid the use of essential oils on the skin until the baby is born and/or done with breast feeding schedule, unless advised differently by their doctor.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
visit aromawellness.net, to order
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment

Coconut Oil Use in Aromatherapy

Do you know………Coconut Oil is the do-everything natural cost effective oil that can be used for cooking, skin care, hair care, massage, aromatherapy, bio-fuel, as antimicrobial agent, etc. It’s easily available, affordable, and used by large majority of the population.

         Coconut Oil Use in Aromatherapy

Coconut oil is surging in popularity as a “health food,” after being discarded for a long time because of its high saturated fat content. Coconut oil is rich in antioxidants, and has anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties. When used on hair, it improves scalp health, supports hair growth and shine without the common harmful chemicals found in regular commercial products.

Coconut oil is made by pressing; fresh coconut meat called, ‘Wet Method-Cold Pressed’ without use of heat where the temperature remains below 120 degrees F; this is believed to help retain more nutrients and produces Virgin Coconut Oil or dried coconut meat (Copra) called, ‘Dry Method-Machine Pressed’, the oil is then steamed or heated to deodorize the oil and bleached by filtering through clay to remove impurities and any remaining bacteria. This process produces Refined Coconut Oil with higher smoke point at about 400-450 degrees F, is flavourless and odorless. The refined oil has no coconut taste or smell and is used for cooking, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical purposes. It’s called RBD coconut oil for “Refined, Bleached, and Deodorized”.

Coconut Oil contains 92% of saturated fatty acids in the form of triglycerides, most of it are medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) with lauric acid at 45-65%.  . MCFAs with chains of 6 to 12 carbon atoms (C6–C12) are not common to different vegetable oils, that makes coconut oil an excellent solvent for flavours, essences, emulsifiers, as carrier oil in Aromatherapy, etc. In contrast, saturated fats in animal fats and most other vegetable oils are mainly long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs), which contain 14 to 18 carbon atoms (C14–C18). Studies have shown that molecular chain length greatly influences a fatty acid’s metabolic and physiologic properties. Triacylglycerides (TAGs) composed of MCFAs are more water-soluble, quickly absorbed, and readily digestible, than TAGs containing LCFAs.

Natural Face Wash with Coconut Oil:

25 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil

15 drops Lavender Essential Oil (skin soothing properties)

8 drops Geranium Essential Oil (anti-aging properties)

1 (8oz) cup Coconut Oil

1 Tbsp baking soda

In an 8oz glass jar pour the melted Coconut Oil (can melt in a pan over slow flame), bring to room temperature, add Baking Soda, mix well, add Essential Oils, mix well, cover, label, store in a cool place. Use it everyday or as needed for face wash.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
visit aromawellness.net, to order
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment