Tag Archives: detox

Emotional Detox with Aromatherapy

Do you know……….. It is terrifying to lose control of our emotions. We all go through some psychological problems of brain fog, depression, anxiety, tantrums, anger, etc., but we should not let it become a part of our daily routine. Emotional detox is the release of negative emotions and thoughts.

      Emotional Detox with Aromatherapy

If you have psychological issues, you likely have some sort of gut issue and vice-versa. Unfortunately, the brain and the gut are intimately linked. You must have heard or even used, ‘This is my ‘gut feeling’. Gut feeling is our body’s primal response to subconscious information. Most of us have experienced the sense of knowing things before we know them without any obvious explanation. The ultimate purpose of gut instinct is to protect us.


 It’s important to heal the fatigue, gut and digestive symptoms; constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, etc., simply by managing eating habits, exercising, and healthy life style. Together with these important actions, practice yoga and meditation regularly, make a gratitude journal, spend time outside in nature, indulge in activities to deal with negative emotions, avoid depressive situations, and try to stay calm.

Toxic emotions which stem from negative beliefs and attitudinal patterns, need to be purged. Sometimes these waves of emotional detox intertwine with one another, that leave us feeling physically drained and exhausted. Emotional detox is hard, but it is important to continue healing our body. In today’s fast paced, electronic, toxin filled world, it’s safe to say that many of us are not grounded or only partially grounded. Grounding and being grounded is a term in aromatherapy used to mean connecting with the present, being in the now and physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and energetically rooted like a tree (The tree stands firmly rooted to the ground, reaches for sun energy, bears flowers-fruits, sways, and changes with the season). Being grounded can also mean having a clear vision of ourselves and keeping our reactive, ego-centric behaviors in check. Essential oils have been the most amazing natural remedy to help mitigate these toxic emotions and begin healing our mental health. Essential oils for grounding obtained from the barks, roots, needles and resin of aromatic plants, eg:

Vetiver, Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Myrrh, Patchouli, Black Spruce, Cypress, Angelica Root, Roman Chamomile, Ylang ylang, Rosewood

 Inhaling the scent of certain oils can help to ground and stabilize the energies being detoxed from our emotional body.  Essential oil can be inhaled directly from the bottle or place a single drop in palm, rub hands together, cup around nose, and begin breathing deeply for a calming effect, or apply a drop on wrists and neck, or apply to the bottom of the feet, or diffuse, or can wear like perfume.

Grounding-Calming Blend:

5 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil

5 drops Cedarwood Essential Oil

5 drops Lavender Essential Oil

5 drops Bergamot Essential Oil

2 drops Vetiver Essential Oil

2 oz Grapeseed or Almond carrier oil

Combine Essential oils and Carrier oil into a 2 oz. dark glass dropper bottle, label, and mix well. Massage 3-5drops near tail bone and lower back daily at night before bed time to open up root chakra, which is a powerful tool to get grounded.

Note: if begin considering harming yourself or others, seek immediate medical attention.


Om Healing………..Uma

 (Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment



Detox with Essential Oils

Do you know…………Our body is designed to process and continuously excrete naturally occurring toxins from our body through our digestive, urinary, integumentary (skin), circulatory, respiratory, and lymphatic systems. Unfortunately, in present day culture, society, our body is constantly being exposed to new toxins from denatured foods and drinks, pesticides, herbicides, petroleum by-products, cigarettes. air-water pollutants, and other environmental factors.

Fatigue, constipation, gas, bad breath, low immunity, hormone imbalances, menopausal and fertility problems, skin problems, poor circulation, mood swings, stress, depression, frequent infections and mucus build-up all can be signs that the body needs extra detoxification. Skin, being the largest organ, excretes the most toxins from the body thus boosting blood circulation. This can be accomplished by doing skin detox with:

Regular exercise helps perspire

Breathe deeply for calm and

Consuming good diet and herbs

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and to flush out toxins

By simple traditional dry brushing the skin of the whole body towards the heart from bottom to top for removal of dead skin cells and increases lymphatic circulation

Aromatherapy body massage

Applying natural face detox mask using good quality, pure Essential Oils

These activities help to draw toxins out of the skin, unclog skin pores, and simultaneously revitalize, and restore skin’s natural luster. Essential Oils have been used since ancient times to cure various ailments and in beauty products. Essential Oils are pure, natural, volatile, fragrant extract of plants and their parts with different therapeutic properties. Few detoxifying Essential Oils are: Lemon, Frankincense, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang. Grapefruit, Juniper berry, Rose, Geranium

Body Detox Sugar Scrub

1/2 Cup Sea Salt

1.5 Cups Sugar

3 teaspoons Raw Honey

4 Tablespoons Castor oil (add more to have thinner fluid consistency, can use Grapeseed or Almond Oil as carrier oil)

1 teaspoon Vegetable Glycerine (glycerine)

5 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil

5 drops Frankincense Essential Oil

5 drops Juniper berry Essential Oil

5 drops Geranium Essential Oil

Mix Sea salt and Sugar in a large glass bowl, incorporate Honey and Glycerine, add Essential Oils to the mixture and stir well. Store in a glass jar with tight lid, label. To use, in a bath tub wet your body, take a handful of the mixture at a time and scrub your entire body, feet in circular motion and towards the heart to increase circulation and detoxification. Now, soak for 20-30 minutes in warm water to relax, rinse with clean water. You will feel fresh and rejuvenated. Can repeat this daily or twice a week or as desired and make new batch of scrub as needed.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment