Tag Archives: health maintenance

Aromatherapy for Health Maintenance

Do you know……Just the other day, someone sent this message on WhatsApp:

“Medicine is not Health Care, Medicine is Sick Care. Good food, Vigorous exercise, Great friends, Sound sleep, Mental stimulation—That’s Health Care.” Write Yourself a Prescription……Marc Middleton

I thought of sharing with you all because as a Clinical Aromatherapist, I too believe in Holistic approach to our health care. In this technologically driven modern world, we are forgetting to interact with our natural surrounding and not reaping the healing benefits which our ancestors did. We are damaging our own health by breaking the law of nature and by breaking our relationship with mother nature. Now, researchers are recognizing the healing and nurturing properties of combining the alternative health care modalities with conventio

nal allopathic medicine for our mind-body-soul healthy maintenance. As a result, natural medicine and prevention is gaining popularity in dealing with chronic disorders. Fortunately, our body is a self-maintaining, self-repairing, and self-healing machine, as long as we take good care of it.

Unlike in the Western tradition, in Chinese medicine, they consider the interdependence of physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of a patient. So, for the whole person to be healthy, the sum of its parts must be healthy. For the maintenance of optimum health, prevention is the best practice by following healthy diet, exercising, hygiene, proper rest, and resp

ecting our environment. Similarly, Ayurveda, which means in Sanskrit, ‘knowledge of life’, originated in India more than 5,000 years ago from the ancient Vedic culture and is often called the “Mother of All Healing”, places great emphasis on individual body’s physical constitution, emotional nature, spiritual outlook, and balance in one’s life.

Aromatherapy is the art and science of using Essential Oils, that are aromatic

, volatile compounds extracted from various parts of plants to improve physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Essential oils affect our physiology, emotions, and behavior by stimulating hormones and neurotransmitters and should be used correctly often by inhali

ng, or by diffusing, or by applying topically with proper dilution (refer to aromawellness.net). Aromatherapy can be used as an alternative, holistic treatment together with conventional medicine or with other complementary treatments like; massage, acupuncture, acupressure, crystal healing for the maintenance of our healthy body and alleviating certain conditions. Like:

Stress, anxiety

Chronic Pain

Easing Nausea

Soothing Sore Muscles

Trouble Sleeping


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
visit aromawellness.net, to order
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment