Tag Archives: herbal tea

Digestive Tea

Do you know……..People have been drinking herbal teas since centuries to help with nausea, constipation, indigestion, and as a refreshment drink. You can try some herbal teas being aware of your caffeine sensitivity and choosing accordingly. Common herbs, seeds, root, flowers used for tea are:

                   Digestive Tea

Ginger root

Marshmallow root

Fennel seeds

Coriander seeds

Ajwain seeds


Dandelion flowers

Chamomile flowers

Green tea leaves

Peppermint leaves

Tulsi leaves(holy basil)

Enjoy this Digestive, Soothing Tea recipe, after consuming your meal or everyday in the morning.

Digestive Tea Recipe:

Fennel Seeds, Coriander Seeds, Ajwain(Ajowan) Seeds

Washed & Minced Fresh Ginger Root


Honey or Agave Nectar(optional)

Fresh Lemon Juice(optional)

Take equal parts (I used ¼ cup each) of Fennel Seeds, Coriander Seeds, Ajwain Seeds and dry roast whole seeds in a pan for couple of minutes. Cool and store in a tight lid jar.

To make tea: Add 1tsp of the mixture to 2 cups of water in a pot, 1tsp of minced/grated fresh ginger, and 3-6 crushed peppercorn. Simmer for a minute, cover to steep, strain in a cup and enjoy hot tea. Can add lemon juice and honey or agave nectar for your desired taste.

It is not a baking recipe, so can use in approximation and adjust quantity to your taste and requirement. This is a very refreshing tea and good for digestive pain, bloating, gas. Can drink this tea every day on a regular basis.

Can make the tea simply with one ingredient also:

Dandelion Tea:  combine 2 cups of Dandelion flowers and 4 cups of water in a saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil, then remove from heat, cover, let it steep for 2-5 minutes. Strain and drink the hot tea.

Black Tea or Green Tea: steep a Black (or Green) tea bag in 1 cup (250 ml) of boiled water for 2-5 minutes before drinking it. You can also use loose Black tea leaves or Green tea leaves in the boiling water, remove from heat, cover, steep, and strain before drinking.

Fennel Tea: combine 1 teaspoon of Fennel seeds and 4 cups of water in a saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil, then remove from heat, cover, let it steep for 2-5 minutes. Strain and drink the hot tea.

Ginger Tea: combine 1teaspoon grated or chopped fresh Ginger root and 4 cups of water in a saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil, then remove from heat, cover, let it steep for 2-5 minutes. Strain and drink the hot tea.

Health Benefits of:
Fennel Seed:
These are edible seeds and taste similar to licorice, mouth freshner, high in antioxidant, flavonoids, digestive, inflammation, culinary spice.
Coriander Seed: Aids in digestion, good source of iron and magnesium, nausea, culinary spice.
Ajwain Seed: Good appetizer, abdominal pain, cough, joint pain, indigestion, culinary spice
Ginger: Used for morning sickness, heartburn, cold-flu, culinary spice

Dandelion: Flower tea promote digestion

Green tea: Green tea is rich in flavonoids and caffeine and help in improving the metabolism rate

Peppermint: Peppermint tea is good for reducing inflammation, with upset stomach, bloating, and excess gas

Marshmallow root: Tea may stimulate mucus production in digestive tract

Chamomile: The soothing effect of chamomile tea helps with acid reflux and relieving the symptoms of diarrhea

Note: Can purchase these whole spices from any Indian Grocery Store or Specialty Health Food Store. 


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
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