Tag Archives: Sea Salt benefit in Aromatherapy

Sea Salt Advantage in Aromatherapy

Do you know…… Salt is arguably one of the world’s most important cooking ingredients. All salt is sodium chloride (NaCl), and it all comes from seawater or earth. We can use kosher salt, sea salt

Sea Salt Advantage in Aromatherapy

and table salt, based on our taste and choice. Sea salt, also called bay salt, solar salt, is salt that is produced by the evaporation of salt water bodies. Since ancient times, sea salt has been used for its therapeutic properties in healing injuries, wounds, as a seasoning in cooking, cosmetics, and for preserving food. Unlike refined salts, the preparation of sea salt usually includes very little processing. It is little darker, flakier or in crystal form, retains its moisture, minerals (vital minerals like; sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, bromide, chloride, iron, copper, fluoride, and zinc, among others), and therapeutic qualities that is easily utilized and absorbed by the human body. The climate and the geographical location of the region (The Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, and the North Sea are the main regions) also play a significant role in the quality and combination of minerals present in the sea salt.

Health Benefits of Sea Salt

 Sea salt consists of a similar assortment of minerals and natural healing elements as those found on skin cells. This makes it a perfect natural ingredient to be used for therapeutic treatments combined with Essential Oils in Aromatherapy:

Skin Care and beauty products

Oral Health

Relief from Arthritis

Encourages Exfoliation


Maintains Electrolyte Balance

Gives Relief from Acne

Relaxes Aching Feet

Maintaining Healthy Level of Blood Pressure

Calming Bath for Restful Sleep

Luxurious-Calming Aromatherapy Bath Salt Recipe: 2oz (56gr)

1oz Sea Salt (Crystal-medium)

1 oz Himalayan Salt (Crystal-medium)

1 Tbsp (15 ml) Castile Soap

2 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil

2 drops Chamomile Essential Oil

2 drops Lavender Essential Oil

Add salts to a large glass bowl, pour castile soap, add essential oils, mix gently with steel spoon. Now add this to your warm bath to enjoy the aromatic, relaxing bath or store in a glass jar, cover, label for future use. Only make a small batch at a time.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
visit aromawellness.net, to order
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment