Do you know………All successful people have one thing in common, they are very focused, organized, and don’t lose track of their priorities. We all want to be in that category (not that others are failure), but sometimes the demands of a busy lifestyle, fill our life with stress and

Achieve Success with Essential Oils
throw us off balance.
You must be thinking, what does Essential Oil have to do anything with success? Well, not directly, but certain aromas, trigger the release of specific hormones that have a profound effect on the way we feel and behave. Our sense of smell is 10,000 times more acute than all our other senses and the only one that’s directly connected to the brain. This is why the inhalation of an aroma can instantly stimulate appetite, evoke a strong feeling (pleasant as well as sad), or remind us of a person-place.
Essential Oil aroma helps bolster our confidence and break through any self-limiting beliefs that’s causing hinderance in success. Dr. Joel Warm and Dr. William Dembar in 1995, established that exposure to certain scents may help people perform better at “sustained attention tasks”. So, whether it is academics, career or business, losing extra weight, achieving the set goal, Essential Oils can significantly boost our concentration, focus and alertness. It’s our attitude and our state of mind that determines the extent of our success? For example, losing weight is the top most New Year resolution, but quickly we lose our focus. Yes, there are many who do succeed, but there are many who struggle to lose the weight and if they do, they struggle even harder to keep it off. Because it’s a constant never-ending daily battle between the mind and body, with many variables like; our genetic makeup, hormones, brain psychology, metabolism, emotions, food intake, exercise regimen, and our surroundings. Here try considering some Essential Oils with powerful medicinal properties to support in weight loss goal plan.
Essential oils have been used to create natural cleaners, mosquito repellent, in cooking, in cosmetic and hair-skin care products. There are on going research is being done on the use of essential oils in other fields as a food preservative, to combat bacterial-viral-fungal infections. Recently, how Essential Oils can be used to psychologically effect in retail industries to attract customers, influence their opinion-mood, buying decision to create customer base combined with other factors. Studies have demonstrated that adequate choice of essential oil aromas, blends in waiting rooms, storefronts, and offices may improve customer’s experience, encourage customers to spend more time in a store or restaurant, that can possibly increase sales. Here are some of the interesting Essential Oils that can be inhaled directly or used in a diffuser or in room spray to create a holistic environment to achieve the goal:
Vetiver Essential Oil has a nice musky, earthy aroma, suitable in men’s products area like; shaving kit, men’s fragrance or men’s clothing, while Geranium Essential Oil will be more effective for women’s products like; lingerie, linen, fragrance and body products. Neroli, Ylang ylang, and Patchouli Essential Oils are considered “gender neutral” in the research.
Cedarwood Essential Oil: helps to ground energy. Cedar herb is commonly known to build wealth, prosperity, to bring luck and good fortune. Cedar chips are used to purify, clear sacred space and promote happiness and harmony.
Frankincense Essential Oil: is a de-stress without becoming too relaxed to meet the dead line. A study published in the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology found that the aroma of Frankincense could activate anti-depressive pathways in the brain and lower anxiety.
Bay laurel Essential Oil: strengthens the memory and helps maintain concentration, especially during prolonged tasks. Motivates people who lack energy or confidence. Bay leaves used by both the Greeks and Romans, as a sign of glory, high esteem, success, triumph and victory for centuries. They used in crown wreaths to celebrate their achievements and victories.
Rosemary Essential Oil: instills confidence and motivation during periods of self-doubt, open to new ideas. As Shakespeare wrote in the 1600s, “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance.” Rosemary is known to stimulate the mind and the memory.
Peppermint Essential Oil: its refreshing, invigorating and pungent smell works like a power boost for a fatigued mind. It stimulates the brain making it sharper and alert, rejuvenate the senses, and increase the ability to think clearly and effectively.
Lemon Essential Oil: clean and refreshing by nature, it dispels confusion, motivating, facilitates clarity of thought. Cheers up the mood, promotes good health, energy, healing. According to research at Ohio State University, smelling lemon raises levels of norepinephrine, a brain chemical linked to easier decision making.
Bergamot Essential Oil: soothes the nerves and alleviates feelings of anxiety and depression. Provides encouragement at the time of hopelessness.
Grapefruit Essential Oil: its positive and upbeat scent is the perfect antidote for tension, frustration, irritability, and moodiness. Helps people deal with failures and unpleasant situations more effectively.
Myrrh Essential Oil: the ancient Egyptians used it for a vast array of health benefits, to overcome fear and trauma. It helps establish trust in one’s self and develop trust in others to achieve one’s goals.
Orange Essential Oil: Is good for positive thinking, creativity, happiness, harmony and over all feelings of well-being. Orange fruit, itself has been associated with good luck, abundance, happiness, fortune and prosperity, generosity and gratitude.
Dr. Joel Warm and Dr. William Dembar. “Olfactory Stimulation and Sustained Attention”. Compendium of Olfactory Research, (Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 1995) p 47.
Spangenberg, E., Crowley, A., & Henderson, P. (1996). Improving the Store Environment: Do Olfactory Cues Affect Evaluations and Behaviors? Journal of Marketing, 60(2), 67.
Spangenberg, E., Sprott, D., Grohmann, B., & Tracy, D. (2006). Gender-congruent ambient scent influences on approach and avoidance behaviors in a retail store. Journal Of Business Research, 59(12), 1281-1287.
Guéguen, N. & Petr, C. (2006). Odors and consumer behavior in a restaurant. International Journal Of Hospitality Management, 25(2), 335-339.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
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