Archive | 2018

Natural Wash for your Pet Canine Friend

Do you know………. Essential oils are naturally occurring, potent volatile aromatic compounds that are extracted from  the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants with a distinct therapeutic properties used in natural healing treatment for humans and animals. Though, dogs are more sensitive to essential oil than humans, therefore consult a trained Aromatherapist or your veterinarian before using any essential oil. There are often several essential oils which can be beneficial for dogs and there are some essential oils that should never be used for animals, few eg:

Anise, Birch, Camphor, Clove, Garlic, Horseradish, Juniper, Mustard, Oregano, Tea Tree, Thyme, Peppermint, Ylang ylang, Wintergreen, or Yarrow

Natural Shampoo for Canine Friend

 Safety of Essential Oils for Dogs:

Do not add Essential Oils to dog’s food or drinking water

Don’t use Essential Oils for puppies under 10 weeks of age

Apply Essential Oil only with proper dilution

Avoid eyes, nose, anal area, and genital areas.

Chose 3-4 Essential Oils from the safe list based on the need on hand

Natural Canine Wash-Shampoo:

1/4 Cup Unscented Castile Soap

1/4 Cup Apple cider Vinegar

2 Cups Warm Water

2 drops Lavender Essential Oil (relaxing, Calming, repels fleas, antiseptic, helps wounds heal well)

1 drop Lemon Grass Essential Oil (ticks and fleas repellent, can improve dog’s skin)

 Add all ingredients in a glass jar, cover, mix, label. Use enough quantity to wash and shampoo your dog, lather, rinse thoroughly with warm water. Pat dry.

Bell, Kristen Leigh. 2004. Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals. Forres, Scotland: Findhorn Press.
Herron, M.E., et al. 2008. Retrospective evaluation of the effects of diazepam in dogs with anxiety-related behavior problems, JAVMA 233(9): 1420–24.
Keith, Elizabeth Rowan. 2010. “Essential Oil Use in Canine Veterinary Medicine.” Schwartz, Stefanie. 2003. Separation anxiety syndrome in dogs and cats, JAVMA 222(11): 1526–32.
Villar, D., et al. 1994. Toxicity of melaleuca oil and related essential oils applied topically on dogs and cats, Veterinary and Human Toxicology 36(2): 139–42.…et-canine-friend/

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment

Happy Hormones and Aromatherapy

Do you know………….. Hormones play a huge role in the way that our body reacts and responds to life, and even the slightest imbalance causes unpleasant symptoms. Today, I will talk about the Happy Hormones. Many of you have probably already noticed the feeling of pure satisfaction after a workout or helping others in need or the growing confidence in your own capabilities after completion of a project. This is the result of biochemical processes and the release of so-called Happiness Hormones in our body. The most popular ones are Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphin (D.O.S.E. of happiness).

Technically, some of these are neurotransmitters (A chemical that is released from a nerve cell which transmits an impulse from a nerve cell to another nerve, muscle, organ, or other tissue) and not hormones (A chemical that is secreted by specialized glands called endocrine glands into the bloodstream), but for our topic here, we will call them Hormones.

Dopamine: is a neurotransmitter and is produced in three different areas of the brain including hypothalamus. These three areas of the brain affect different bodily functions, such as movement, memory, sleep, mood, pleasurable reward and to take action to move toward them, emotional responses, behavior and cognition. Dopamine is the main reason why you feel good while exercising. Why you are able to finish your workout even if your body and your mind both want to give up. Also, when you are appreciated for your work or at home, Dopamine is released that makes you feel accomplished and happy. Similarly, when you buy a new car or a house, or new home-computer gadgets, or any type of shopping, your happiness is because of Dopamine. The presence of a certain kind of dopamine receptor is also associated with sensation seeking people, commonly known as “risk takers.”

Oxytocin: is a naturally occurring hormone that is made in the hypothalamus and is stored and released by the posterior pituitary gland in the brain. Oxytocin is the “love” hormone released upon physical contact, during an orgasm and childbirth, lactation, hugging others and even shaking hands, and effects testosterone production. Oxytocin provides feelings of love and trust, which is why relationships boost our happiness.

Serotonin: is a chemical that is produced in brain, though 90% of serotonin supply is found in the digestive tract and in blood platelets. It is sometimes called the “happy chemical”, because it contributes to happiness, boosts our mood, makes us more agreeable and sociable, regulates appetite and digestion, memory, sexual desire and has a wide variety of functions in the human body. As the precursor for melatonin, it helps regulate the body’s sleep-wake cycles and the internal clock. It’s good to choose positive thoughts and remember happy events, expose to sunlight and walk in the nature, consume carbohydrate with tryptophan (milk, corn), that our body converts to serotonin.

Endorhins: They are manufactured in brain, spinal cord, and many other parts of our body. Endorphins are the body’s very own natural analgesics, or painkillers. They are released during times of stress and pain, trigger a positive feeling in the body during strenuous exercise, and puts a person in a good mood. Endorphins function in the brain similarly to morphine. This is a feeling of everlasting power, joy, described as euphoric and among runners, this state is also known as the “runner’s high”. It can be accompanied by a positive and energizing outlook on life, doing rigorous exercise with guidance and consuming spicy food.

In any case, it’s nice to know that we are physically geared towards happiness through the production of “happy hormones”. Happiness is not only in our minds, it is also in our bodies and lifestyle factors affect them.

Utilizing Essential Oils: Maintenance of the body-mind-soul, is the key to reach balance in life utilizing Essential Oils (Aromatherapy) tool on a consistent basis, ensures that we will be providing our body with natural solutions for hormonal balance. The fragrance of an essential oil can directly affect our emotional state as our sense of smell is directly linked to the limbic system of the brain that activates the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the hormone control center in the body that regulates the sex drive, energy levels, stress, and happiness. To reap the rewards of Aromatherapy, use Essential Oils proactively with patience. Apply Essential Oils topically(diluted) over the wrists, feet, back of the neck and ovaries or inhale directly, in combination with lifestyle modifications in diet and exercise. This will allow the body to heal itself and find its own equilibrium. Following Essential Oils are good for Hormonal Balance function:

Patchouli, Peppermint, Geranium, Ylang ylang, Rose, Sandalwood, Thyme, Lavender, Jasmine, Clary sage, Bergamot, Green myrtle

Hormonal Balance Synergy Blend:

8 drops Clary sage essential oil
4 drops Lavender essential oil

4 drops bergamot essential oil
2 drops geranium essential oil
2 drops ylang ylang essential oil
10 ml Almond oil

Place essential oils in a10 ml. glass rollerball bottle, fill to the top with almond oil, cover, mix, label. Roll the blend over ovaries and pulse points (neck, ankles, and wrists) 2-3 times/day or as needed.

At the end, it’s very simple, to stay happy; apply your essential oils regularly, exercise every day to get endorphins, accomplish goals to get dopamine, be nice to others and to yourself to get serotonin, and hug your family-friends-kids to get oxytocin.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment

Achieving Success with Essential Oils

Do you know………All successful people have one thing in common, they are very focused, organized, and don’t lose track of their priorities. We all want to be in that category (not that others are failure), but sometimes the demands of a busy lifestyle, fill our life with stress and

  Achieve Success with Essential Oils

throw us off balance.

You must be thinking, what does Essential Oil have to do anything with success? Well, not directly, but certain aromas, trigger the release of specific hormones that have a profound effect on the way we feel and behave. Our sense of smell is 10,000 times more acute than all our other senses and the only one that’s directly connected to the brain. This is why the inhalation of an aroma can instantly stimulate appetite, evoke a strong feeling (pleasant as well as sad), or remind us of a person-place.

Essential Oil aroma helps bolster our confidence and break through any self-limiting beliefs that’s causing hinderance in success. Dr. Joel Warm and Dr. William Dembar in 1995, established that exposure to certain scents may help people perform better at “sustained attention tasks”. So, whether it is academics, career or business, losing extra weight, achieving the set goal, Essential Oils can significantly boost our concentration, focus and alertness. It’s our attitude and our state of mind that determines the extent of our success? For example, losing weight is the top most New Year resolution, but quickly we lose our focus. Yes, there are many who do succeed, but there are many who struggle to lose the weight and if they do, they struggle even harder to keep it off. Because it’s a constant never-ending daily battle between the mind and body, with many variables like; our genetic makeup, hormones, brain psychology, metabolism, emotions, food intake, exercise regimen, and our surroundings. Here try considering some Essential Oils with powerful medicinal properties to support in weight loss goal plan.

Essential oils have been used to create natural cleaners, mosquito repellent, in cooking, in cosmetic and hair-skin care products. There are on going research is being done on the use of essential oils in other fields as a food preservative, to combat bacterial-viral-fungal infections. Recently, how Essential Oils can be used to psychologically effect in retail industries to attract customers, influence their opinion-mood, buying decision to create customer base combined with other factors. Studies have demonstrated that adequate choice of essential oil aromas, blends in waiting rooms, storefronts, and offices may improve customer’s experience, encourage customers to spend more time in a store or restaurant, that can possibly increase sales. Here are some of the interesting Essential Oils that can be inhaled directly or used in a diffuser or in room spray to create a holistic environment to achieve the goal:

Vetiver Essential Oil has a nice musky, earthy aroma, suitable in men’s products area like; shaving kit, men’s fragrance or men’s clothing, while Geranium Essential Oil will be more effective for women’s products like; lingerie, linen, fragrance and body products. Neroli, Ylang ylang, and Patchouli Essential Oils are considered “gender neutral” in the research.

Cedarwood Essential Oil: helps to ground energy. Cedar herb is commonly known to build wealth, prosperity, to bring luck and good fortune. Cedar chips are used to purify, clear sacred space and promote happiness and harmony.

Frankincense Essential Oil: is a de-stress without becoming too relaxed to meet the dead line. A study published in the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology found that the aroma of Frankincense could activate anti-depressive pathways in the brain and lower anxiety.

Bay laurel Essential Oil: strengthens the memory and helps maintain concentration, especially during prolonged tasks.  Motivates people who lack energy or confidence. Bay leaves used by both the Greeks and Romans, as a sign of glory, high esteem, success, triumph and victory for centuries. They used in crown wreaths to celebrate their achievements and victories.
Rosemary Essential Oil: instills confidence and motivation during periods of self-doubt, open to new ideas. As Shakespeare wrote in the 1600s, “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance.” Rosemary is known to stimulate the mind and the memory.
Peppermint Essential Oil: its refreshing, invigorating and pungent smell works like a power boost for a fatigued mind. It stimulates the brain making it sharper and alert, rejuvenate the senses, and increase the ability to think clearly and effectively.

Lemon Essential Oil: clean and refreshing by nature, it dispels confusion, motivating, facilitates clarity of thought. Cheers up the mood, promotes good health, energy, healing. According to research at Ohio State University, smelling lemon raises levels of norepinephrine, a brain chemical linked to easier decision making.

Bergamot Essential Oil: soothes the nerves and alleviates feelings of anxiety and depression. Provides encouragement at the time of hopelessness.
Grapefruit Essential Oil: its positive and upbeat scent is the perfect antidote for tension, frustration, irritability, and moodiness.  Helps people deal with failures and unpleasant situations more effectively.

Myrrh Essential Oil: the ancient Egyptians used it for a vast array of health benefits, to overcome fear and trauma. It helps establish trust in one’s self and develop trust in others to achieve one’s goals.

Orange Essential Oil: Is good for positive thinking, creativity, happiness, harmony and over all feelings of well-being. Orange fruit, itself has been associated with good luck, abundance, happiness, fortune and prosperity, generosity and gratitude.


Dr. Joel Warm and Dr. William Dembar. “Olfactory Stimulation and Sustained Attention”. Compendium of Olfactory Research, (Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 1995) p 47.

Spangenberg, E., Crowley, A., & Henderson, P. (1996). Improving the Store Environment: Do Olfactory Cues Affect Evaluations and Behaviors? Journal of Marketing60(2), 67.

Spangenberg, E., Sprott, D., Grohmann, B., & Tracy, D. (2006). Gender-congruent ambient scent influences on approach and avoidance behaviors in a retail store. Journal Of Business Research59(12), 1281-1287.

Guéguen, N. & Petr, C. (2006). Odors and consumer behavior in a restaurant. International Journal Of Hospitality Management25(2), 335-339.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment


Healing Aromatic Bath

Do you know………….. For our own tender-loving-care, we can create a soothing, invigorating, yet relaxing spa in the comfort of our own home without patronizing spas and spending money. Amidst our unavoidable busy life style, balancing family-friend-work obligations, it’s important to create some time to de-stress, unwind, indulge and meditate, allowing our bodies to rejuvenate.

“There’s no place like a bath to stretch your soul and listen to your own inner voice.” -Seneca(Roman philosopher, statesman, dramatist)

This could be accomplished with an Aromatic Relaxing Bath. This bath not only cleans the body, but relaxes both body and mind and imparts a peaceful calming feel that is

            Healing Aromatic Bath

necessary for staying healthy. It also gives a chance to be alone and can indulge in your favourite book, if so desire. Since centuries, Essential oils have been traditionally used for medicinal and spiritual health purposes. Extracted from plants, essential oils bring the healing properties of mother nature right to our tub. Adding essential oils to a bath, based on their therapeutic properties, can help:

Relieve stress and combat depression
Boost immunity and getting Energized
Decrease Inflammation
Aid in Digestion
Healthy Skin
Respiratory stimulation

1 cup Epsom salt (relieve aches, pains, sore muscles)
1/2 cup baking soda (soothes & calms dry skin)
1/2 cup Silk Unsweetened Plain or Vanilla Almond milk (source of vitamin E)
2 tablespoons coconut oil (hydrates and softens skin)
10 drops Bergamot Essential Oil
5 drops Jasmine or Geranium Essential Oil
5 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
Dried Lavender flowers, Rosemary Sprigs, and fresh Rose petals (optional)

Mix together Epsom salt and baking soda in a large bowl. Add essential oils and stir well to distribute evenly. Gently stir through dried lavender flowers and/or rosemary sprigs (optional).
Transfer the salt blend into a glass jar, cover, label. When ready for a bath, add to the warm running water in a bath tub, spread some rose petals, soak and enjoy bath for at least 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with clean warm water and simply towel off. Try doing this once every week or at least twice a month to reap the therapeutic benefits of Essential Oils.

Here are a few other Essential Oil combinations that can be used for following needs:
Reduce Stress & Anxiety: 10 drops Frankincense, 5 drops Lavender and 5 drops Bergamot
Sleep Aid: 10 drops Lavender, 5 drops Chamomile
Relieve Muscle Soreness & Inflammation: 8 drops Peppermint oil, 5 drops lavender, 5 drops Grapefruit
Headache or Sinus Relief: 8 drops Peppermint oil, 10 drops Eucalyptus, 2 drops Clove
Invigorating: 5 drops Rosemary, 5 drops Geranium, 5 drops Orange, 5 drops Frankincense


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment

Aromatherapy & Spirituality

Aromatherapy & Spirituality

Do you know……… In my Mindfulness Meditation class, I was taught and ironically heard the similar very powerful, important life message on ‘Awakening with Brahma Kumaris’ (World Spiritual Organization) talk show. I wish I would have learnt it long time back, but in Hindi language, there is a proverb, ‘jab jaago tabhi savera’, which is like the phrase, ‘Better late than never’. Here is the message and how we can tap into therapeutic qualities of Essential Oils for the peace and tranquility in our lives:

Aromatherapy & Spirituality

              Aromatherapy & Spirituality

When you really decide and not just wish, when you really commit and not just try, when you really

take responsibility and not just hope, that’s when miracle happens in life. Wish, try, and hope have an element of doubt, while decision, commitment, and responsibility will ensure success. The power of discernment and decision work together. We may discern right, but till we implement in our daily life, we will not create miracles. Words like wish and try, deplete soul power and postpone our success.

We can’t let situations-people rob us of our soul power. It’s like giving our power away to anyone and everyone and allowing them to rob us. Even when we move away from situations and decide to keep silent, we are depleting our power more, because in silence, we are thinking of that person-situation more as our mind is not at peace. Love, peace is every soul’s natural power, innate quality, but for it to flow unconditionally, will have to change ourselves with loving intention and knowledge. This way, gradually layer of our accumulated, acquired ego, anger, hurt, name, status, start getting chipped off and the originality of soul will emerge. Therefore, for our own peace and power, we will have to learn to forget, forgive others (no matter whatever the underlying cause is), stop thinking of the incidence over and over, cursing, and blaming others.

We have a choice to create our habitual way of thinking, living, and behaving, which soon becomes our automated way of responding. When we blame others for our habitual response, we are giving our power away to them and become ‘unaware of living’. You will be surprised to know that you are not the only one with problems rather no one is free of problems. It’s also pretty easy to deal with them and get out of them, using;

Simple Mindful Meditation

Proper Exercise & Deep Breathing

Healthy Eating, and

Aromatherapy/Essential Oils, due to their specific therapeutic aromatic compounds, that imparts a very grounding yet uplifting sense of balance, encourage positivity, focus, and alertness:

Basil Essential Oil: promotes positivity, assertiveness
Bergamot Essential Oil: is calming, encourages determination, willpower
Clary Sage Essential Oil: for positive mood, calm and peace
Frankincense Essential Oil: encourages personal and spiritual growth, clears up emotional exhaustion, depression
Fennel Essential Oil: raise self-esteem, stamina, ward off negative thoughts
Geranium, Rose Essential Oil: emotional support, dissolves frustration, irritability
Grapefruit Essential Oil: energizing, brings feeling of joy, alertness, spontaneity
Lavender Essential Oil: supports our sleep, mood, worries and apprehension.
Vetiver Essential Oil: encourages self-esteem and is very grounding,     control/adapt to Change

Aromatic Mindfulness Diffuser Blend:

4 drops Patchouli Essential Oil

4 drops Orange, Neroli, or Grapefruit Essential Oil

2 drops Geranium Essential Oil

Add to a diffuser during day time or as desired. Diffusing essential oils for emotional, mental or spiritual health is the easiest way to reap their therapeutic benefits.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment

Lavender Essential Oil, A Friend

Lavender Essential Oil, A Friend

Do you know………. Lavender Essential Oil (Lavandula angustifolia) is just as popular

                            Lavender Oil, A Friend

today as it was over 2500 years ago. It has been used for centuries; Egyptians used for mummification, Greeks used for perfumery, Roman civilization recognized lavender for its healing and antiseptic qualities, in 16th century France, lavender was regarded as an effective and reliable anti-infection oil.

René-Maurice Gattefossé, a French chemist and scholar, born in Montchat near Lyon in 1881, is regarded as the Father of Aromatherapy and inventor of the word Aromatherapy. In 1910, while working in the laboratory, he burned his hand and plunged his hand into the nearest tub of liquid which just happened to be Lavender Essential Oil. He was later amazed with negligible scarring and experienced firsthand the healing power of Lavender Oil on skin. This inspired him to experiment with Essential Oils during the First World War on soldiers in the military hospitals that increased the rate of healing the wound and so on. His book Aromathérapie: Les Huiles Essentielles Hormones Végétales,  brought his ideas to the attention of a wider public in 1937. It was translated into English as Aromatherapy and so the name was born.

The name “Lavender” is derived from the Latin, lavare, meaning, “to wash”. Greeks and Romans perfumed their bathwater with lavender for clean wash, burned lavender incense.

There are several species of lavender with hundreds of various genotypes differentiated by variations ranging from growth form to chemical composition of essential oil. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is the most versatile of all essential oils that belongs to Lamiaceae family with calming, relaxing, and balancing attributes. It is extracted from the fragrant flowers of the lavender plant by steam distillation. The major constituents of Lavandula angustifolia essential oil are linalol (Monoterpinol), linalyl acetate (Esters), 1,8-cineole, camphor, and endo-borneol. Because of its sweet, floral, herbaceous fragrance and therapeutic properties, Lavender oil is used in everything from soaps, shampoos and lotions to potpourri, massage oils and air fresheners. It’s like having your own first-aid kit.

 Lavender Essential Oil has many health benefits including:

  • It is used as a disinfectant, an antiseptic, an anti-microbial, an anti-inflammatory
  • Nourishing skin due to its high antioxidant content
  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Sleep aid
  • Heal wounds and minor burns
  • Alleviating pain
  • Stimulating the brain
  • Improving blood circulation
  • Disinfecting and cleaning
  • As a natural air freshener

Quick and Easy Recipes Using Lavender Essential Oil:

Soothing facial toner: Add 2 drops of Lavender Oil (as an antiseptic) to 1 tsp of witch hazel (tones the skin). Mix and soak a cotton ball with the blend, apply onto the affected areas daily or as needed.

Healing cuts and scrapes: Add 3-4 drops of Lavender oil to 1 tsp of Coconut Oil or Tamanu Oil (to promote wound healing by stimulating the skin to produce new cells), apply the mix with a Q-tip or a cotton ball or a clean hand to the bruise as needed.

Hair massage oil: Mix 10 drops each of Lavender, Cedarwood, and Thyme Essential Oil in 1oz (30ml) of Coconut or Almond Oil and massage into the scalp daily at night for a minimum of 3 months. Can wash hair in the morning or leave.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment

Power of Clove Essential Oil

Power of Clove Essential Oil

Do you know………. about a month back, I felt some inflammation and pain around back of my upper teeth gum, so being an Aromatherapist, immediately thought of Clove Essential Oil. What I did, in a 5ml glass vial, I combined 2 drops of Clove Essential Oil with 1tsp of Olive Oil, soaked a swab tip with the clove oil blend and gently swiped the affected area being careful not to touch the swab to other parts of the mouth or lips as Clove oil is a hot, potent oil. Repeated this every 6hrs for 2 days. By third day, I was very happy to notice significant reduction in pain and swelling, so continued this treatment for a week till the swelling disappeared completely. Of course, if it wouldn’t have helped in first 2 days, I would have contacted my Dentist.

What Is Clove Bud Oil?


For centuries, cloves have been used as a pain reliever and as a spice in cooking. Clove was used extensively in ancient Indian and Chinese civilizations, then was spread to other parts of the world. Clove bud oil (Eugenia caryophyllata) is derived from clove tree, an evergreen tree of the Myrtaceae family, native to Southeast Asian countries, which produces a flower bud often referred to as clove bud, that possesses a variety of beneficial medicinal properties and have a distinct strong aroma. The main bioactive element in clove is called Eugenol, that has strong analgesic and antiseptic properties, together with vitamin C, potassium and calcium content. Clove oil blends well with many other essential oils; including Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Basil, Rosemary, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Orange, Geranium essential oil.

Since ancient times, the cloves and their essential oil have been utilized for its antiseptic, antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, and stimulant properties. Likewise, clove oil is often used as a natural insect repellent.

Mouth rinse: place one drop of clove essential oil in ¼ cup of water and gargle to avoid bad breath and for a refreshing effect.

Oil pulling: is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that involves swishing oil in mouth to remove bacteria and promote oral hygiene. Swirl 1Tbsp of coconut oil mixed with 1 drop clove essential oil in mouth, then spit in garbage to avoid possible clogging.

How to UseFall and winter season Invigorating Diffuser: diffuse three drops of clove, two drops of cinnamon and one drop of orange essential oils for an invigorating scent.

Primary Benefits of Clove Essential Oil:

Powerful antioxidant properties

Promotes circulation

Pain reducer and anti-inflammatory

Helps with indigestion and motion sickness

Supports cardiovascular health

Helps soothe teeth and gums and promotes oral health

Supports a healthy immune system

Natural insect repellent

Skin care products

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment

Alleviate Bursitis Pain with Aromatherapy

Do you know……… The difference between Bursitis vs. Arthritis?  According to the American College of Rheumatology,  Bursitis, similar to tendonitis are usually the result of minor injuries or repetitive overuse of the soft tissue around muscles and bones, whereas arthritis is a degenerative joint disease that is sometimes caused by an autoimmune disorder.

Bursitis is inflammation of fluid filled sacs called bursae. Bursae, are found throughout the entire body, present near the joints. The bursae are lined with cells that form the synovial membrane and secrete the synovial fluid. They cushion and lubricate the space between bones and connective tissues (joints, tendons and ligaments), and muscles to ensure smooth movement of joints. When inflamed, movement becomes difficult and even muscles become stiff.

Bursitis is generally caused by repetitive movement and excessive pressure at a particular joint. It commonly occurs in heel, knee, shoulder, elbows, hip, and foot too. Symptoms of Bursitis:

            Essential Oil for Bursitis

Pain in the affected region

Swelling, redness

Warm to the touch


Prominent pain while moving makes movement difficult

More pain during the early morning and night

Treatment for bursitis involves:

Rest the Affected Area and avoid

aggravating exercises or activities

Use Ice to Control Swelling

Stretching and move the Area

Essential oils, with their powerful anti-inflammatory, analgesic, restorative therapeutic properties can have profound effect to control bursitis pain. Following Essential Oils can be applied diluted to the affected area in circular motion to boost circulation, reduce inflammation, and pain:




Winter Green

Lemon grass








Juniper Berry



With proper care, bursitis pain usually goes away within several weeks without the need for medications or surgery. According to a 2011, article in the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, most bursitis patients respond well to nonsurgical management, including ice, activity modification, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Bursitis Pain Essential Oil Blend: 1oz

30ml Coconut or Almond Oil

5 drops Turmeric Essential Oil

5 drops Juniper Berry Essential Oil

3 drops Marjoram Essential Oil

3 drops Peppermint Essential Oil

2 drops Eucalyptus globulus Essential Oil

8 drops Vit E

Add Essential Oils, Vit E in a dark glass bottle, top with carrier oil, close, mix well, and label. Apply 3-6 drops on the affected area twice daily or as needed and massage in circular motion.

Om Healing………………………..Uma

Essential Oils for Goodnight Sleep

Do you know…………… Sleep is regulated by two body systems: sleep/wake homeostasis and the circadian biological clock. According to the National Institutes of Health, our body clocks regulate our body’s circadian rhythms; the patterns of physical, mental, and behavioral changes,

Essential Oils for Goodnight Sleep

including sleep patterns, regulated by body temperature, hormone secretion, and external factors like light and darkness. Our body’s master clock is located in a part of the brain’s hypothalamus called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which receives light information from the retina in the eye and sends the information to the parts of the brain, and the gland that releases the sleep hormone, melatonin, which gets suppressed by light. Circadian rhythm causes the level of wakefulness to rise and dip throughout the day. Most people feel the strongest desire to sleep between 1:00pm and 3:00pm (the post-lunch, afternoon nap) and then again between 2:00am and 4:00am, that can vary from person to person.

There are five stages of sleep: stage 1, 2, 3, 4 (Non-REM), and 5 is REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, according to the American Sleep Association (ASA). Over the course of the night, the body will go through this five-stage cycle four to six times, spending an average of 90 minutes in each stage. Stage 1 is considered light sleep, and it is easy to wake someone. Our eye movements stop, and brain waves slow in stage 2. However, stages 3 and 4 are referred to as deep sleep. In REM sleep, the sleeper experiences dreams. Each stage of sleep serves a unique restorative function, including muscle recovery, hormone regulation, and memory consolidation.

According to Chinese medicine, it’s not only how much sleep you get that matters, but also

                 Circadian Biological Clock

at what time do we sleep? In Chinese medicine, energy or qi, moves through the body’s meridians and organs in a 24hour cycle. Every two hours the qi (or energy) is strongest within a particular organ and its functions within the body. A bedtime of 10:30pm (at the latest) is advised so that you are asleep by 11pm when the Liver and Gallbladder start to regulate qi, process emotions, balance hormones and detoxify the body. From 11 PM – 3 AM, the Liver and Gallbladder is active which is most important for maintaining health, especially as we age. Any disharmony in our physical body, is tied to our emotional state.

Aromatherapy is a good way to promote relaxation that can help get our bodies into a restful state ready for sleep. Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine with the use of Essential oils from plants to heal the mind, body, and soul. Essential oils smell pleasant and making specific essential oils scent part of bedtime routine, can help train our mind with falling asleep. Not only do essential oils with a sedative effect promote sleep, but they can also diminish anxiety, lower blood pressure, and relieve stress that builds up throughout the day. Many people prefer to use essential oils, because they’re natural and don’t create the common side effects of drowsiness and other health risks associated with many conventional sleep medications. Though, more research is still needed regarding essential oils and sleep, the studies done so far do suggest that using essential oils before bedtime can help alleviate mild sleep problems. Can apply them in a variety of ways: through a diffuser, or apply topically mixed in a cream or a carrier oil, or spritzed on, or in a room spray. Effective Essential Oils to alleviate sleep problem are:


Ylang ylang


Roman Chamomile




Recipe for Sleep Blend: 5ml

Mix 10 drops of Lavender Essential Oil and 5 drops of Cedarwood Essential oil in a 5 ml euro glass bottle, add 5ml sweet almond oil, cap it, mix, and label. Apply and massage 4-6 drops to sole of feet and neck at bed time.

 Recipe for Diffuser:

Diffuse 2 to 4 drops each of Lavender, Cedarwood, and Valerian Essential Oils in an essential oil diffuser at night during bed time. Most diffusers have a timer or automatic shut-off so you can let it run as you fall asleep without any worries.

Try following these simple steps for bed time preparations to reset sleep cycle and help you fall asleep:
Set a consistent bed time routine

Keeping sleep schedule

Avoid alcohol, nicotine, caffeine close to bed time & early evening to prevent stimulating the body

Don’t exercise close to bed time, ideally 4-5 hrs gap

Schedule 30mts wind down period before sleep:

Dim the lights
Read relaxing book
Listen to soothing music
Avoid late meals

Consult your medical provider

Sweet dreams. Om healing………………Uma

Essential Oils for Bruises and Abrasions

Do you know………… Last week, while working in my yard, I fell face down from 3.5 feet high retaining wall. Luckily, I was saved by my wild flower bed, but sustained bad neck sprain and few bruises together with abrasions. My friend, who was visiting, helped me on my feet and brought me inside the house.

Essential Oils for Bruises & Abrasions

Of course, at first, I was shook up. I washed off dirt from my face, hands and legs and checked my wounds to make sure I didn’t need stitches or immediate medical intervention. Being an Aromatherapist, I wanted to use a natural home remedy of essential oils for pain relief and to heal fast and effectively.

I mixed; 6 drops Lavender Essential Oil (antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties) and 3 Drops Helichrysum Essential Oil (anti-inflammatory, helps stop bleeding and promotes cell regeneration), 3 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil (antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial and germicide properties) in 1Tbsp Grape Seed Oil and applied topically on my bruises and abrasions. Continued with this blend for 4 days, twice daily. It worked like a magic and I have to admit that after second day, I had bare minimum pain.

For neck sprain, I did take some Advil and made another blend; 6 drops Lavender Essential Oil, 3 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil (antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties), 3 drops Peppermint Essential Oil (analgesic, muscle relaxant, cooling, invigorating and antispasmodic properties) in 1 Tbsp Grape Seed Oil, and applied on back of my neck and shoulder, twice daily.

Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts with different therapeutic properties and can help heal wounds, cuts and scrapes by:
Disinfecting the wound
Slow down bleeding
Reduce inflammation
Alleviate pain
Avoid scarring

Good Essential Oils for Bruises are:
Lavender Essential Oil
Helichrysum Essential Oil
Rosemary Essential Oil
Frankincense Essential Oil
Tea Tree Essential Oil
Myrrh Essential Oil
Geranium Essential Oil

Recipe for Home Made First-Aid Spray, 2oz

10 drs Lavender Essential Oil
8 drs Tea Tree Essential Oil
6 drs Frankincense Essential Oil
½ tsp sea salt
2oz distilled water

Add salt to an 2oz glass spray bottle. Drop in essential oils and allow the salt to absorb them. Fill the bottle with distilled water. Shake well and label.
Spray on cuts, scrapes, as well as wounds before applying a bandage. Repeat 2-3x a day or as required.

Om Healing……………………Uma