Scientific Name Importance in Aromatherapy

Do you know…… Scientific system of nomenclature is a system of unique name, used by scientists to identify an organism and plant based on their common traits and their origin. It consists of Genus (a generic epithet ), followed by species (a specific epithet). Unlike common names, these scientific names are important, because they allow people, scientists, researchers throughout the world to communicate ambiguously about animals and plants and usually come from Latin or Greek. For example, the scientific name of, narrow leaf firethorn is Pyracantha (Greek for fire) angustifolia (Latin for narrow leaves).

Swedish botanist, Carl Linne (Linnaeus, 1707-1778), devised Binomial System (two name naming system) of precise identification of plants called Taxonomy, which is used internationally. The Binomial name consists of a Genus, which is always written first and capitalized and followed by a species which is in lower case and the entire name is italicized. Here are the levels of highest to lowest classification as follows:









In Aromatherapy, which is the science and art of using natural, volatile essence of different parts of plants, called Essential Oils, extracted usually by Steam Distillation. Each Essential Oil possess different chemical component giving it different therapeutic properties that is utilized to harmonize our physical and mental well-being. There still, remains much to be discovered through research and experience. Since, Essential Oils are derived from the plant kingdom, it’s important to identify them by their scientific names for their proper therapeutic properties. In Aromatherapy, generally Family, Genus, and Species is used, eg;

Lavender (true English or French Lavender) – Lavandula angustifolia

Variety (var), is used for subdivision of species for the variant of horticultural origin or importance, eg; Bitter orange

Citrus aurantium var amara

Chemotype (ct), is visually identical plants from a single species, but produce essential oils with different chemical components giving it different therapeutic properties, eg; Thyme

Thymus vulgaris ct. linalol
Thymus vulgaris ct. thymol

Some more examples of Scientific names of Essential Oils:

Lavender (true English or French Lavender) – Lavandula angustifolia

Lavender, Spike – Lavendula latifolia

Lavandin – Lavendula x intermedia (hybrid between Lavandula angustifolia and Lavandula latifolia)

Tea Tree– Melaleuca alternifolia

Rosalina– Melaleuca ericifolia

Cajeput – Melaleuca leucendendra

Melaleuca Quinquenervia (Niaouli) – Melaleuca quinguenervia

Neroli (Bitter Orange, orange blossom) – Citrus aurantium

Sweet Orange (Orange peel) – Citrus sinensis

Orange leaf (Petitgrain) – Citrus aurantium

Tangerine rind – Citrus reticulata

Thymus vulgaris ct. linalol
Thymus vulgaris ct. thymol

Thymus vulgaris ct. geraniol

Essential Oils are very potent, concentrated extract, therefore it’s important to gain full understanding of these oils for their best effective use as a complimentary, holistic Aromatherapy with conventional medicine.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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