Absorption of Essential Oils

Do you know……..Essential oils get absorbed in our body in three ways, either by:

Inhalation through Olfactory System

Topical application (through skin)


 Inhalation is the easiest, effective, and inexpensive mode of Essential oil administration that can be carried out anywhere at any time. Inhalation is especially helpful in alleviating emotional problems like stress, anxiety, depression and respiratory problems, as some essential can be directly transported to the lungs within no time. The sense of smell is the most primitive of all our senses and travels to brain faster than sight or sound. Aroma can trigger memory of emotional and even physical responses of people or places. When any scent is inhaled, the aromatic molecules travel up to the nose and get trapped by olfactory membrane nerve cells that triggers electrical impulses to the olfactory bulb that transmits impulses to the limbic system of the brain. Limbic system directly connects to those parts of the brain that controls our heart rate, breathing, memory, stress level. Therefore, Essential Oils can have profound physiological, psychological effect on our well-being. Helen Keller, an American Educator, who was deaf and blind, once said, “Smell is a potent wizard that transports us across thousands of miles and all the years we have lived.”

Essential oils are applied topically, either neat (undiluted) or as a blend in a carrier oil. Essential oils are lipophilic (fat-loving or fat-soluble) i.e. they mix well with oil and have a greater tendency for transdermal absorption. Researchers have proved that all essential oil components have molecular weight under 500 Dalton (the standard measurement unit of atomic mass), so they penetrate through outer layer of our skin, the epidermis, with relative ease, make into the bloodstream, and diffuse to various organs. Skin (outer layer) —-> Skin (inner layer) —-> Capillaries —->Blood stream —-> Target organs —-> Cell receptors —> Metabolized and excreted. While traveling in the body, the oils also act to revitalize and detoxify organs involved in metabolism and drainage (kidneys, liver and lymphatic network).  Besides this, viscosity of essential oils also effect the penetration through the epidermis to blood vessels for systemic circulation.

The oral ingestion of essential oils is not a common practice in the US, but in France, it is more common, under the observation of a trained Aromatherapists, specially trained physicians, and pharmacists. Studies show that taking essential oils internally is the least effective way to reap their therapeutic benefits as the oil ends up in the digestive tract before reaching the bloodstream. Oral ingestion of essential oils is NOT recommended for the general public because some essential oils can be toxic to the liver or kidneys, or could show potential drug interactions, or the beneficial chemical constitution could change during gastric processing. Therefore, either educate yourself in essential oil practice or seek expert advice.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
visit aromawellness.net, to order
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment


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