Do you know…….We have four types of brain waves; Alpha, Beta, Theta, and Delta. When we are relaxed, our brain activity slows down to 7-14 HZ, which is said to be in Alpha State of Mind, the ideal mental state. This is what scientists associate with our Right Brain, that is responsible for our imagination, memory, creativity, intuition, awareness, and being fully in the moment. Alpha state boosts creativity, resilience, and concentration. That’s what athletes and other performers work on to achieve success, called ‘being in the zone’. We can get into an alpha state of mind, by practicing meditation or guided meditation, deep breathing, pranayam, auto hypnosis by affirmation and visualization, by running and aerobic exercises, or listening to soothing music. Now a days, there are several apps available. To attain Alpha state with relaxation, follow a set regimen and gradually turn into a habitual practice:
Choose a specific time

Alpha State of Meditation
Choose a specific place
Get comfortable
Avoid distractions
Do deep breathing and alternative breathing through nose
Use guided meditation technique
Count backward from 10 to 1, several times
Declutter your mind
Visualize a happy moment
Visualize a peaceful destination
On the other hand, Beta state of Mind is characterized with brain wave activity between 14-30 HZ. We spend most of our lives in the beta state, as we rush through the hustle – bustle of everyday life, busy checking off our to-do list, and trying to be productive. This rapid mental activity in beta mode has been linked to depression and anxiety, because often we are unable to get out of a negative pattern of thinking. Theta brainwaves occur between 4 – 7 Hz and Delta brainwaves occur below 3.5 Hz.
Studies have revealed, perhaps Aromatherapy, the art and science of using Essential Oils and drinking black, green, or white tea (leaves, naturally contain a substance called Theanine, which is an amino-acid and promotes relaxation without drowsiness), generates alpha brain waves in short time, that moves you into a state of relaxed alertness. Though, more research needs to be done.
Essential Oils are natural, volatile, aromatic, liquid plant extracts with different therapeutic properties. It has been used since ancient times for mental, spiritual and physical healing and to cure different ailments. Our most primitive sense is smell. It directly affects the limbic system of our brain, that controls are hormonal production, emotional state. Inhaling the scent of certain oils can help to ground and stabilize the energies from our emotional body. Essential oil can be inhaled directly from the bottle or place a single drop in palm, rub hands together, cup around nose, and begin breathing deeply for a calming effect, or apply a drop on wrists and neck, or apply to the bottom of the feet, or diffuse, or can wear like perfume. Researchers have found that inhaling Lavender and Sandalwood essential oils increases alpha-wave activity (relaxation), while inhaling Jasmine oil increases beta-wave activity (alertness, anxiety). Brain wave patterns can be affected by the beliefs and thoughts about the stimulus too.
Currently, when the entire world is facing the Corona Virus (Covid-19) pandemic, we need to be in Alpha state of mind. We have to be aware, not be scared. Every thought is affecting our feelings of fear which is creating more vulnerability and anxiety. We got to think right, because together with hand cleaning, we have to keep our mind clean, to circulate positive vibrations in the universe for the benefit of humanity at large.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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