Fondness of LOVE
A Lovely Memorial Day Monday Morning to you all!
Do you know…….. LOVE has been a favoured topic of philosophers, poets, writers, and scientists for generations. Generally, when we talk or hear the word love, we always think of romance, passion, attraction, infatuation, and sensuality from the outer sense, but it goes far beyond that. In Internal Power-Seven Doorways to Self Discovery, by Harold W. Becker, it’s mentioned, that falling in love with ourselves, forgiving, and accepting ourselves for all our beliefs, mistakes, and recognizing our self-worth, is the foremost form of love.

Fondness of LOVE
If we don’t learn first to love ourselves, then we can’t extend our love to others. Love and fear are two profound emotions that we experience as humans. Love transcends everything, so celebrate love with everyone, even with inert objects and our beautiful mother nature for her limitless endurance for our constant abuse. From the scientific point of view, love is a powerful and permanent neurological condition, which can’t be controlled.
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” Buddha
Love is a force of nature and it’s not easy to define. Love feel is endless. It can be for your spouse, for your parents, for your children, for your siblings, for your neighbours, for your friends, for your lover, for your pets, for your community, for your country, for God and so on so forth. Love doesn’t need to be perfect, only needs to be true. Love can’t be restrained, manipulated, punished, rewarded, envied, it is inherently compassionate, humble, patient, forgiving, selfless, unconditional, perseveres, respectful, nurturing, and can only be felt. Though, often the person you feel the closest to your heart, shatters your dreams, your divine feelings to pieces beyond a repair. That’s the time, you have to show your resilience and bounce back with a new vigour.
Shakespeare in A Midsummer Night’s Dream:
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.”
Aromatherapy using Essential Oils is good way to calm the nervous system, uplift mood, increase blood circulation. Essential Oils are natural, volatile, concentrated, liquid plant extracts with different therapeutic properties and have been used since ancient times to cure different ailments, to promote well-being of mind, body, and spirit and for their aphrodisiac qualities. It can be simply diffused in the room to set the mood or use for massage mixed with a carrier oil, or could be sprayed in the room or can be worn as perfume. Following essential oils are considered be aphrodisiac:
Ylang ylang: Flowers of the Ylang ylang tree are traditionally used to decorate the bed of newly married couples on their wedding night due to their uplifting and aphrodisiac qualities. It relaxes the body and mind, and enhances mood.
Black Pepper: Has a fresh, warm and woody scent. It is an invigorating beautiful warming oil which increases energy, circulation and strengthens the nervous system.
Cinnamon: A sweet, warm and spicy scent with antiseptic qualities that awaken the senses, increase circulation and warms the body.
Ginger: The musky, earthy aroma of ginger is said to be very arousing. It’s a warming oil that has traditionally been used for better blood circulation, builds feelings of courage and confidence.
Sandalwood: The warm and sweet woody aroma of sandalwood instils a deeply nurturing sense of peace and calm. It relieves tension in the body and is deeply hydrating for the skin.
It is often used to help promote feelings of sexuality, especially in men.
Patchouli: With a lovely earthy scent, Patchouli essential oil has a grounding effect on the mind and emotions. It calms anxiety, sharpens the mind and creates a romantic atmosphere.
Rose: The sweet floral fragrance of Rose oil is thought to bring about feelings of relaxation, intimacy, love, care, and comfort. It also supports women reproductive health.
Jasmine: The sultry scent of jasmine has long been used as an aphrodisiac for both men and women. It helps boost mood and promote feelings of confidence.
Other aphrodisiac oils are, Geranium, Cypress, Clary sage, Sweet orange, Frankincense, Neroli.
Love Perfume:
3 drops Geranium Essential Oil
2 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
3 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil
10ml Almond oil or Grape seed Carrier oil
Add the essential oils into a 10-ml roller applicator vial, fill the tube with Carrier oil, close, and label. Shake well before each use and enjoy the sensual fragrance.
Love Night Diffusion:
3 drops Ylang ylang Essential Oil
3 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil
3 drops Clary sage Essential Oil
Add these essential oils directly into an electric diffuser in the bed room for a sweet, uplifting aroma.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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