Depression in Teens
A Lovely Monday Morning to you all!
Do you know……Depression affects adults of all ages as well as children and teens from all ethnic, racial background. It is normal to feel depressed, sad, irritated, or restless once in a while, but if feeling sad or empty all the time for at

Depression in Teens
least two weeks in a row, is the matter of concern. It could cause noticeable problems in day-to-day activities. It’s not easy to notice changes in yourself, but usually your family, friends, and/or a counsellor would notice a change in you. The most important thing to keep in mind that it is not your fault if you become depressed.
What is depression? Depression is a psychological condition that affects our feelings, behaviours, thoughts, and loss of interest. Depression is among the most treatable of mental disorders. With proper diagnosis, 80% to 90 % of people with depression respond well to treatment. It’s important not to confuse depression with sadness or grief-bereavement.
Depression symptoms in children, teens (and adults) can vary from mild to severe which could be:
sadness, irritability, clinginess, worry, aches – pains, refusing to go to school, being underweight, feeling hopeless and worthless, anger, poor performance at school, feeling misunderstood and extremely sensitive, using recreational drugs or alcohol, sleeping too much, frequent or recurrent suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, self-harm, loss of interest in normal activities, avoidance of social interaction, and reduced appetite – weight loss or increased cravings for food – weight gain.
Several factors could be the cause of depression:
Biochemistry: Differences in certain chemicals in the brain may contribute to symptoms of depression
Genetics: Depression can run in families
Personality: Children with low self-esteem appear to be more likely to experience depression.
Environmental factors: Continuous exposure to violence, neglect, physical or sexual abuse, or poverty may make children and teens more vulnerable to depression.
If you have a child or teen who is in danger of suicide (or has made a suicide attempt), make sure someone stays with him/her. Parents or children and teens should try to reach out to a close friend or loved one or contact a minister or spiritual leader in your faith or try to have family therapy. For mild symptoms, psychotherapy, or “talk therapy,” is sometimes used alone for, but for moderate to severe depression, psychotherapy is often used with antidepressant medications. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) has been found to be effective in treating depression. We know that synthetic medications and psychotropic drugs often have many negative side effects.
Aromatherapy is a holistic treatment method that has been used for emotional and physical ailments since centuries. Essential oils are natural, volatile, liquid extract of different parts of plants with therapeutic properties. Essential oils are either inhaled or applied topically in conjunction with conventional mental health treatment to promote mental wellbeing, boost mood, and ease physical discomfort. Following essential oils could be used with caution to alleviate depression:
Lavender, Frankincense, Bergamot, Orange, Grapefruit, Roman Chamomile, Geranium, Ylang ylang, Vetiver
Massage Blend to Relieve Depression:
8 drops Bergamot Essential Oil
6 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
4 drops Geranium Essential Oil
2 oz (60 ml) Almond Oil or Grapeseed Oil
Drop essential oils in a 2 oz. glass jar, add carrier oil, cover, label, mix well. Massage daily on wrist, back of neck and bottom of feet for couple of weeks, break for a week, then restart. Consult a trained Aromatherapist and your medical provider to discuss the effect and the progress.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing
Free Zoom ‘108 OM Chanting’
On Next Full Moon Day, Thu. Oct.1, 2020
at 6:00 am and 5:30pm
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OM is the basic sound of the universe that allows us to harmonize with the external forces and with our own nature internally. So by chanting OM, we are acknowledging our connection to nature and all other living beings.
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