Self-Protection and Healing
A Lovely Monday Morning to you all!
Do you know………. No one can fool you and take advantage of your innocence, your emotions, until you consciously or subconsciously allow them to enter in your aura.

Self Healing
Unfortunately, you realize your mistake after your entire life turns upside down. In the beginning, it seems difficult, heart wrenching, you feel betrayed, worthless, exhausted, and hatred towards that individual, but do not give in, it is never too late. You gather the courage and spring back on your two feet. You must be thinking, it is easier said than done, but I am telling you this from my own experience.
Before they could inflict any more damage and could invade your mind and aura, you put a protective shield of non-reaction around you to let their negative energy bounce back. Do not forget, if you interact with them, you are giving them permission to mess up with your inner self. That is why you emit love and positive energy towards them. Yes, you read it right, you do emit unconditional love and positive energy so that their negative energy cannot penetrate and get absorbed within you. You learn to ignore and guard your inner consciousness using your divine intelligence. If you dwell in negative thoughts, you will be negative and if you dwell in positive thoughts, you will have positive energies. Energy body is the blueprint that the physical body follows. For healing, align your inner world and outer world. Do not only focus on self, because if you want to heal yourself, you will have to be the instrument to heal others too. You can attain peace and healing by:
- Loving yourself and being compassionate towards others
- Daily Meditation
- Practicing Chakra Sadhana, especially Solar Plexus and Heart Chakra
- Spiritual healing: is not linked to a particular religion. It is not faith healing. The word ‘spiritual’ originated from the Latin word ‘spiritus’ meaning ‘breath of life’. The healing involves the transfer of energy; in other words, it is not from the healer him or herself, but the healer links with ‘Universal’ or Divine energy to channel healing for the mind, body and spirit.
- Since centuries, Essential oils have been traditionally used for medicinal and spiritual health purposes. Extracted from plants, essential oils bring the healing properties of mother nature right to us. When essential oils are diffused or inhaled, compounds are absorbed through nose receptors which send messages through Olfactory system, to the Limbic system, part of the brain responsible for our emotions, our feelings. When essential oils are applied topically for cosmetic reasons or to treat aches, pains, and inflammation, the compounds are absorbed into the skin and eventually enter the bloodstream before they’re metabolized by the liver. Following essential oils can be used to heal mind, body, and soul: Lavender, Chamomile, Sandalwood, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Bergamot, Geranium, Frankincense, Oregano, Lemon, Peppermint, Rosemary.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing
Free Zoom ‘108 OM Chanting’
On Next Full Moon Day, Sat. Oct. 31, 2020
at 6:00 pm
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OM is the basic sound of the universe that allows us to harmonize with the external forces and with our own nature internally. By chanting OM, we are acknowledging our connection to the nature and healing our inner self.
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