Alleviate Heel Pain with Aromatherapy
A Lovely Monday Morning to you all!
Do you know……. Heel pain can result from variety of conditions, like; Plantar Fasciitis, Haglund’s Deformity, Achilles tendonitis, etc.

Plantar Fasciitis
Our feet is the most neglected part of our body, while they deserve lot of pampering, because our feet carry our weight (light or heavy) day after day without any vacation except for the night time when most of us are in bed sleeping or if we are sick. We cram our feet into tight socks, gym shoes, and pinching high heels, or standing around chatting-working, or walking to class-work-to the car, or running to catch a train-bus, or exercising, etc., etc. Energetically the feet represent our connection with earth and rooting us to mother nature, the sense of being grounded.
Many people experience heel pain with first few steps in the morning due to Plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is a thick connective tissue running across the sole of the foot. Tenderness usually subsides with movement, however being in motion for too long and getting up from the chair can trigger discomfort once again. Overweight people or those being flat-footed or having a high arch or abnormal walking pattern or wearing ill-fitted footwear may face foot problems more.
Haglund’s deformity (pump bump) is a bony enlargement on the back of the heel near the Achilles tendon that becomes irritated when the bony enlargement rubs against shoes and often leads to painful bursitis between the tendon and bone. This condition is usually caused by wearing shoes that are too tight or stiff in the heel or pump-style high heels.
The Achilles tendon is a thick tendon located in the back of the leg attaches to the upper part of the heel. Inflammation of this tendon (generally seen in athletes or overactive people) causes swelling, soreness, and tightness.

Heel Pain
Inflammation is the root cause of many diseases including heel pain. Generally, people try to find the easiest solution to this problem by popping a painkiller, however synthetic analgesics have a list of side effects. Medical experts suggest, plantar fasciitis can be improved or reversed with simple foot stretches and leg exercises, heel lifts, icing that will increase the flexibility and strength of feet.
Our priority should be to restore the health of our feet. A great safe way to reduce tenderness, inflammation of feet, and improve blood circulation would be with Aromatherapy using Essential oils. Since centuries, Essential Oils have been utilized in cosmetics, fragrances, for healing, health remedies, and as an antiseptic. These Essential Oils are natural, volatile, liquid, concentrated extracts taken from the roots, leaves, seeds, bark, or blossoms of plants and should be diluted for a safe topical application following an expert advice and all safety rules. This does not mean that essential oils are proven cure for Plantar Fasciitis, but it is easy to understand potential benefits of essential oils and the powerful mind-body connection. If you find relief and calmness from using essential oils, feel free to continue using them. Best essential oils to relieve heel pain are: Lavender, Bergamot, Basil, Peppermint, Ginger, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Frankincense.
Pain-Relief Massage Blend
4 drops Peppermint essential oil
4 drops Frankincense essential oil
4 drops Ginger essential oil
1(15ml) Tbsp Olive oil
Add essential oils to a 15ml euro glass vial, add Olive oil, cover, label and mix well. Apply 4-6 drops of this blend and massage on feet or the affected area twice a day or as needed. Can apply couple of drops on your pulse points too for calming experience.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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