Aromatic Bath

Do you know………….. For our own tender-loving-care, we can create a soothing, invigorating, yet relaxing spa in the comfort of our own home without patronizing spas and spending money. Amidst our unavoidable busy life style, balancing family-friend-work obligations, it’s important to create some time to de-stress, unwind, indulge and meditate, allowing our bodies to rejuvenate.

“There’s no place like a bath to stretch your soul and listen to your own inner voice.” -Seneca(Roman philosopher, statesman, dramatist)

This could be accomplished with an Aromatic Relaxing Bath. This bath not only cleans the body, but relaxes both body and mind and imparts a peaceful calming feel that is necessary for staying healthy. It also gives a chance to be alone and can indulge in your favourite book, if so desire. Since centuries, Essential oils have been traditionally used for medicinal and spiritual health purposes. Extracted from plants, essential oils bring the healing properties of mother nature right to our tub. Adding essential oils to a bath, based on their therapeutic properties, can help:

Relieve Stress and combat Depression
Boost Immunity and getting Energized
Decrease Inflammation
Aid in Digestion
Healthy Skin
Respiratory stimulation

1 cup Epsom salt (relieve aches, pains, sore muscles)
1/2 cup baking soda (soothes & calms dry skin)
1/2 cup Silk Unsweetened Plain or Vanilla Almond milk (source of vitamin E)
2 tablespoons coconut oil (hydrates and softens skin)
10 drops Bergamot Essential Oil
5 drops Jasmine or Geranium Essential Oil
5 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
Dried Lavender flowers, Rosemary Sprigs, and fresh Rose petals (optional)

Mix together Epsom salt and baking soda in a large bowl. Add essential oils and stir well to distribute evenly. Gently stir through dried lavender flowers and/or rosemary sprigs (optional). Transfer the salt blend into a glass jar, cover, label. When ready for a bath, add half a cup of prepared bath salt to the warm running water in a bath tub, spread some rose petals, soak and enjoy bath for at least 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with clean warm water and simply towel off. Try doing this once every week or at least twice a month to reap the therapeutic benefits of Essential Oils.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing

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