Quick Tips to De-Stress with Aromatherapy
A Lovely Monday Morning to You All!
Do you know…….. Stress is a state of physical, mental, emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances or day to day life inconveniences. Unfortunately, we are living in a stressful time essentially caused by several phenomena that are inherent to today’s society, including work performance, competition, finance, natural disasters, pandemic, war.
Stress is a normal human reaction and in fact, the human body is designed to experience stress and react to it to help our body adjust to new situations. Stress can be positive, keeping us alert, motivated (e.g. during an important test) and ready to avoid danger during a perceived threat with its built-in stress response, the ‘fight-or-flight response’. While vastly different, each stressful situation, whether life-threatening or simple inconvenience, release adrenaline and cortisol into the bloodstream. Adrenaline increases blood pressure and boosts energy supplies, while cortisol releases glucose into the bloodstream, and even altering the immune system. Stress becomes a problem when stressors continue without relief or periods of relaxation, which can cause some serious health risks, including:
- Exhaustion, Insomnia
- High blood-pressure
Essential Oil Spray for Stress
- Depression, Increased anxiety
- Panic attacks, sadness
- Hormonal imbalances
- Hostility and rage
- Aggressive and impulsive behavior
- Muscle tension, aches-pains
- Overeating or under eating
- Tobacco, drug, or alcohol dependence and abuse
Which is why we need to work towards managing our stress and decluttering our life. Take a step back, and assess what is stressing you out? Then develop and explore stress management strategies:
- Positive thinking which strengthens our focus and inner resolve.
- Learning how to use empowering, encouraging self-dialogue that releases serotonin, dopamine and allows opening the needed inner resources to be successful.
- Effective communication, the most important life-skill, that connects us with others and helps in developing relationship.
- Spending time with friends and loved ones.
- Taking time out for hobbies for reading, writing, painting, music, etc.
- Healthy diet and eating habit.
- Getting regular physical activity and practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, tai chi, or massage
There are medications (Xanax, Klonopin, Valium, and Ativan) to help deal with anxiety with side effects and safety concerns, such as the risk of addiction. Anti-anxiety medications are known tranquilizers that slows down the nervous system and creates a relaxing-calming effect. Use of Essential Oils through Aromatherapy is a safe effective holistic health care approach to alleviate stress. It can conjure memories both good and bad, excite us, soothe us, even promote good night sleep. Fragrance of an essential oil can directly affect our emotional state as our sense of smell is directly linked to the limbic system of brain that activates the hypothalamus. Hypothalamus is the hormone control center in brain that regulates the sex drive, energy levels, stress, and happiness. To reap the rewards of Aromatherapy, use Essential oils proactively with patience. Essential oils can be applied topically (diluted) over the wrists, feet, back of the neck or inhale directly or can be diffused, in combination with lifestyle modifications in diet and exercise. To order ‘Stress Buster Spray’, please visit our website, aromawellness.net.
Calming Inhaler:
Add 5 drops each of Lavender, Frankincense, Orange Essential Oils in an inhaler. Inhale during difficult situations or transitional times in life or as required and carry with you always.
Calming Diffuser Blend:
20 drops Lavender Essential oil
10 drops Roman chamomile Essential oil
10 drops Clary Sage Essential oil
10 drops Geranium Essential oil
5 drops Ylang Ylang Essential oil
Blend oils in a dark glass bottle and add 5-6 drops to diffuser as needed.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing
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