Tag Archives: covid-19

Yoga for Maintaining Body Balance

Yoga for Maintaining Body Balance
 A Lovely  Monday Morning to you all!

Do you know……..Yoga is becoming a main stream activity. Yoga was first introduced to the Western world by Swami Vivekananda (was an Indian Hindu Monk, a chief disciple of the 19th-century Indian mystic Ramakrishna

      Yoga for Maintaining Body Balance

Paramahansa), more than a hundred years ago and is rapidly getting integrated into our public education, health care, and the workplace. Yoga is not a religion it is a spiritual and ascetic discipline, a philosophy which originated in ancient India about 5000 years ago. It helps improve the flow of energy (Prana) in body and.is an excellent energizing, relaxation technique that promotes physical and mental calm. Here are some practical benefits of Yoga that people may experience:

Increased flexibility and balance

Improved muscle strength and tone

Reduced joint pain, relaxation, and better sleep

Increased stamina and body awareness

Reduced stress, tension and apprehension

Alleviates Ability to heal physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually

Ability to increase self-worth through greater self-confidence

Capability to connect to others on a deeper, more spiritual level

Re-balance body’s entire organ function

Encourages forgiveness

One out of three elderly people of age 65 and over, is likely to fall in their lifetime. As we age, our muscle strength starts to diminish. Older people are prone to falling due to unsteadiness that increases the risk of falling and fracturing hips, legs, arms, and/or any other body part. If we lose our balance, quality of life changes due to fear of falling and anxiety starts to replace our confidence followed by many other health issues, like; high blood pressure, increase weight gain, aches-pains, stress, insomnia, etc.

To make body resilient, strong to walk, to get out of chair, increase muscle tone, to increase endurance, and calm the mind, regular practice of yoga and proper breathing technique is very important. Maintaining balance of our body is the key to our aging seniors as well as our younger generation too. We can use props, chairs or whatever helps to safely perform yoga. Yoga keeps us young and very beneficial for our overall healthy life. We can say that doing yoga on a regular basis is like long term investment for our longevity and a better physical, mental state.

Essential Oils together with Yoga facilitate healing benefits. Aromatherapy and yoga are both ancient healing practices focused on physical, mental, and spiritual health. Aromatherapy is the art and science of using Essential Oils which are natural, volatile, concentrated extract of different parts of plants. Essential Oils are incorporated to enhance the practice of Yoga for their emotional and physical benefits. Based on their therapeutic properties, Essential Oils can be used in a diffuser, or by mixing several drops with water in a spray bottle. Some of the popular Essential Oils used during Yoga are: 

Lavender: decreases stress and anxiety, calming, anti-inflammatory, for sore muscles, anti-bacterial

Frankincense: grounding, balancing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent,  boost cellular regeneration, strengthens the immune system, and stimulates the lymphatic system

Eucalyptus: anti-inflammatory, decongestant, disinfectant, antiseptic

Myrrh: for immune system, anti-infectious, antiviral

Peppermint: energizing

Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit, Tangerine: calming, cleansing, purifying

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment
combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing

Introducing: New On-line Classes
Free Zoom, 108 Om Chanting

                            Full Moon Day, Wed..Sept. 2, 2020, at 6:00am
                             Log in details to be followed
OM is the basic sound of the universe that allows us to harmonize with the external forces and with our own nature internally. It attunes us to Cosmic Consciousness and the sacred vibratory patterns that arise from it. So by chanting it, we are acknowledging our connection to nature and all other living beings.

Managing Time with Compassion

Managing Time with Compassion
 A Lovely  Monday Morning to you all!

Do you know……..We all have 24 hours in a day. Of which, approximately 6-8 hours we spent resting-sleeping, 8-12 hours working-job-business, 2 hours for food and miscellaneous activities, then we are left with 2 hours. Now, how do we utilize this precious 2 hours, is our personal choice? There is no one right way to live our life, but it will be wise to invest it for our betterment. We should look within and dream big (without getting psyched), being aware of our abilities and execute our desires.

Managing Time with Compassion

What brings us joy may be the right approach as long as it is constructive and not causing any harm to anyone or to self.

Nowadays in the midst of global COVID-19 pandemic, where things are out of our control and people are scared of the uncertainty, we should try to give people a little hope. It’s not only taking a heavy toll on the economy, but taking toll on emotional health of adults, seniors, as well as our teenagers are experiencing the same devastating impact of Corona virus. Even if people are staying at home or being quarantined, they should realize that it’s for our own safety and we all are in it together. We are desperate to get back to normal, but we have to follow the protective measures of wearing face-mask and social distancing.

So, to make the best of 2 hours from 24 hours a day and to maintain physical-mental health, to avoid stress, to boost our immune system, one should conscientiously practice to:

  • Get daily exercise
  • Follow a regular sleep pattern for a better good night sleep
  • Take breaks to unwind and take help from family-friends
  • Be compassionate towards others and to oneself
  • Consume healthy food
  • Do yoga and meditation to calm the mind
  • Take Aromatherapy massage and/or bath using Essential oils to manage stress

Essential Oils are natural, volatile, concentrated, liquid plant extracts with different therapeutic properties and have been used since ancient times to cure various ailments.

Aromatherapy Calming Massage Blend:

20 drops  Bergamot E. Oil(Citrus bergamia)

10 drops Lavender E. Oil(Lavandula angustifolia)

10 drops Frankincense E. Oil(Boswellia serrata)

4 drops Sandalwood E. Oil(Santalum album)

4 drops Clary sage E. Oil(Salvia sclarea)

4oz Apricot Seed Carrier Oil

1tsp Alcohol

Combine all these in a 4oz dark glass spray bottle, close, mix well, label. At bed time, massage on feet sole, or apply under nose, or can add one Tbsp in bath, or can spray around bed for calming effect.

Om Healing………..Uma
 (Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment


Easy DIY Hand Sanitizer

Easy DIY Hand Sanitizer
A Lovely  Monday Morning to you all!

Do you know……..Before writing the recipe of this hand sanitizer, I couldn’t avoid mentioning the COVID-19. As the global community confronts the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it’s every individual’s responsibility to practice adequate healthy and safe habits. With still many unknowns and emerging challenges it

DIY Easy Hand Sanitizer

is no doubt a very stressful and difficult time to find a sustainable way to cope, while meeting social, emotional, physical needs of all.

Due to extended lockdowns, the world economy is tumbling down. So, to boost the economy, Govt. in many countries, including USA, has opened up many of the offices, malls, restaurants. This doesn’t imply that the pandemic is over. It’s still there in a mammoth form and there is no promising cure available to date. Therefore, we are accountable for our own well-being and for the people surrounding us.

To help manage and reduce transmission of Corona viruses, everyone should try to follow these evidence-based easy convenient procedures:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Frequently use alcohol based hand sanitizer
  • Stay home when sick and cover your coughs and sneezes
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth after touching objects and surfaces
  • When you are going out, wear face mask and maintain social distancing of 6 feet

Easy DIY Hand Sanitizer

¾ cup Isopropyl alcohol (70% or greater)

½ cup Aloe Vera gel

1 Tbsp vegetable glycerine

4 drops Peppermint Essential Oil

4 drops Tea tree Essential Oil

4 drops Orange Essential Oil

In a glass measuring cup or bowl, mix Aloe Vera gel, glycerine, and rubbing alcohol. Add essential oils (can substitute other essential oil to desired smell-Lemongrass, Lavender, Cinnamon, Lemon are good choices), mix well, transfer hand sanitizer into a squeeze type or a pump bottle, label. Rub a small amount onto your hands and let them completely air-dry. Use often as desired.

Use isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol not methanol and butanol, because they’re toxic.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment combined with Reiki & Chakra Healing

Energy Booster

Energy Booster
 A Lovely  Monday Morning to you all!


Do you know………Scientific fact is, energy flows from higher state to lower state. At present we are in the middle of global Covid-19 pandemic that has impacted everyone. With new cases of the novel Corona virus being reported daily around the world, we are scared of the uncertainties, the fear factor is very high and the collective consciousness of the world is very low. We react to situations according to our mental condition not dependent upon the situation.

Energy Booster E. Oil

We have to learn how to use, how to sense, how to pick up on vibrational energy to our advantage and to manifest our best life? Where attention goes energy flows, where energy flows things grow. If we look at our body as a garden, so to grow, to uplift our spirits, to improve our focus-concentration, we have to be at a very high state of mind to maintain the original seven natural qualities of the soul; love, peace, purity power, knowledge, love, happiness, and bliss.

As a clinical Aromatherapist, I like to utilize the therapeutic properties of Essential Oils to improve energy levels naturally. Essential oils are great natural holistic approach to feel revitalized and energetic, leading to greater productivity. Of course, if you notice your friends or family member going through a serious depressive state, then immediately seek medical attention. Essential Oils are the natural, volatile, concentrated extract distilled from different parts of the plants, used holistically to alleviate several physical and emotional ailments. When Essential Oil(s) inhaled directly or applied topically, they can influence areas of the brain that control feelings of tiredness and stress, thus leaving us feeling more awake, focused, and confident. Researchers have studied that essential oils may affect a number of biological factors; including heart rate, stress levels, blood pressure, breathing, immune function. and other causes of fatigue. Certain oils can actually provide an energy boost and a warming effect on the body caused by increased blood flow. Some of the following Essential Oils are used for boosting energy:

Citrus: Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit, Lime, Tangerine, Mandarin, Bergamot

Spicy: Black pepper, Cinnamon bark, Clove, Ginger

Bark: Frankincense

Minty: Peppermint, Wintergreen, Spearmint

Coniferous: White fir, Pine, Juniper berry, Spruce

Herbal: Rosemary, Sage, Tea tree, Thyme, Basil, Lemongrass

There are three ways we can use essential oils; direct inhalation, indirect inhalation, and topical application. For direct inhalation, simply add two drops of essential oil in your hand, rub them together, take 3-4 deep breath and you will,  instantaneously feel the response or can add essential oil to a cotton ball (or Kleenex) in a sandwich bag and inhale as required. For indirect inhalation, add few drops of essential oil(s) to a diffuser to help soothe, calm, uplift mood and energy levels in your surroundings. To apply topically, rub 1-2 drops of essential oil to your wrists, or below the feet or on the neck, or can dilute your desired essential oils with a carrier oil (Jojoba oil, Argan oil, Almond oil, Coconut oil) and use as a full body massage oil to balance nervous energy and promote positive energy.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment


Happiness Index

Happiness Index
A Lovely  Monday Morning to you all!


Do you know…………There is a myth, that we get happiness with materialistic things. Yes, it’s good to have money and buy all the things that money can buy for comfort and luxury. But, these are temporary fixes.

                               Happiness Index

We should wait once in a while to check if we have lost the things that money can’t buy; our health, our love, our happiness, our peace of mind, our respect, our family. Have you ever looked at a child playing with whatever is available and creates happiness for herself/himself, but as we grow, our happiness index becomes dependent on someone else, our earning, our education, our social status, our family, our need to have power over other people. When we embody real happiness for ourselves, we enrich our lives with  better decisions and choices.

Why are we unhappy? It’s because of our physical health (WHO, analysed that on an average every 100 people has 200 illnesses), our disturbed mental-emotional health, our strained relationship, our anger-ego-greed-lust-insecurity-fear, lack of understanding and accountability, conscious. These negative qualities of our personality, makes us hostile and we start blaming others for our mishaps (often without realizing, we unknowingly gave this right to others to take advantage of our trust, of our simplicity, and as a result get hurt) and in turn lose happiness. In such situations, if we perform the random act of kindness, it leads to profound happiness in life and thankfulness for the abundance is the natural impulse to express that feeling. The ability to love, to disagree

and to accept, all stems from the state of being happy. If we perform the random act of kindness, it leads to profound happiness in life. Ultimately, whatever action gives us happiness, we start repeating it frequently, and in no time it becomes our habit. That is why, taking self-care and care of our mental health is more important than ever. Happiness means exuberant health. To attain happiness, we can follow these guidelines:

  1. Staying Grounded: by regularly practicing meditation, yoga, mindfulness, and exercising, will help with our hormonal balance, which in turn will keep our stress and anxiety in check. Also, spirituality and prayer provide people to engage in a meditative act. Researchers have studies that meditation has a strong link with happiness and well-being, because it calms the body, reduces stress, and encourage positive thinking.
  2. Avoid negativity and toxic people: who pull you down, instead of being your support.
  3. Pay attention to self-care by giving yourself a TLC(tender loving care). Catching up on tasks is great, but don’t hesitate to take breaks and pause. Pamper yourself to a nice Aromatherapy massage.
  4. Indulge in activities that gives you pleasure, but you haven’t had time for it before. You deserve it.
  5. Walk in nature to get connected with your surroundings and the beautiful mother nature.
  6. Be compassionate to others and spread kindness, you will get blessings in return.
  7. Spend quality times with your loved ones.
  8. Finally, smell your favourite Essential oil that has the power to affect person’s mood.

Essential Oils are natural, volatile, liquid plant extracts with different therapeutic properties and have been used since ancient times to cure different ailments. A sense of smell is one of the five senses and a powerful connector between people and the world around them. Aromas are highly emotive and everyone reacts to scents differently based on their past experiences, memory, and emotions. This, in turn, may provide some relief in mood disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and help with feelings of happiness.Tangerine, Peppermint and Eucalyptus essential oils can help with the mental focus, discipline, and coping mechanisms, Grapefruit essential oil helps to uplift, to cheer up, while Rose absolute and Geranium essential oil brings balance of spirit and feeling of harmony. Rosemary is clarifying, Sandalwood, Clove, Frankincense essential oils, help with breathing, grounding, and to stay centered.

Note: The Happy Planet Index measures what matters: sustainable well-being for all. It tells us how well nations are doing at achieving long, happy, sustainable lives. The Global Emotions survey ranks South American countries at the top of the list. Conversely the World Happiness survey ranks Scandinavian countries highly. If you combine the results of both surveys in 2019, Canada and Iceland end up being the “happiest” countries, and not Finland or Denmark, which have grabbed the most headlines due to the popularity of the World Happiness Report. So much depends on the definition of happiness. Can read more, https://worldhappiness.report/ed/2020/#read

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment

Aromatic Reed Diffuser

Aromatic Reed Diffuser
 A Lovely  Monday Morning to you all!


Do you know…….Reed diffuser is an elegant way to aromatize any room without the use of heat or flame. Homemade Aromatherapy reed diffuser is very popular and is an excellent holiday gift that can be customized in many ways. So get creative and have fun.

With Corona pandemic and with new cases of the novel coronavirus being reported daily around the world, here is a simple DIY disinfecting reed diffuser recipe:

Disinfecting Aromatic Reed Diffuser

           Disinfecting Reed Diffuser

6 drops Bergamot Essential Oil

4 drops Lemon grass Essential Oil

4 drops Lavender Essential Oil

4 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil

¼ Cup Apricot or Jojoba Carrier Oil

2 Tbsp Alcohol

Rattan Reeds and a glass jar with narrow neck

Add ¼ cup of Apricot Seed or Jojoba Carrier oil (or can use Dipropylene glycol, but I don’t like using it) to a glass measuring cup, now add 2Tbsp of alcohol (Vodka or rubbing alcohol), and above essential oils (or add 15-20drops of  your desired Essential Oils). Stir the mixture well with a reed stick and pour it in a narrow neck glass bottle or jar. Add the rattan reeds to the bottle so that the ends are submerged fully in the oil (Rattan reeds can be cut to desired length if needed). The reeds soak up the scent and emit a pleasant aroma in any room or office space.Turn the reeds upside down once in couple of weeks to get the most aroma from the mixture. Once a month can top up with more essential oils, depending on how much mixture is left. Base note essential oils tend to last much longer than top notes.

FYI: According to WHO (World Health Organization), Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. This virus is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales. Most people who get COVID-19 have mild or moderate symptoms, cough, fever, difficulty breathing, can recover if seek medical care early. The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is being well informed about the cause and the spread of the disease. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently, Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze, don’t touch your face with dirty hands, and maintaining social distancing of 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people. The current statistics is, more than 491,000 people have died from COVID-19, while more than 9.6 million confirmed cases in at least 188 countries and territories and more than 4.8 million people have recovered to date.

 Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment

Coping with Current Situation

Coping with Current Situation
A Lovely Monday Morning to you all!


Do you know……..times are hard, stressful, confusing, following the global outbreak of Corona virus, and we are still adapting to the new normal. We face changes constantly in our lives, only we have to learn how to cope with it effectively without damaging our physical, mental, and spiritual health.

We know from constant exposure to news broadcasting, digital media, and the newspaper, many countries went into lockdown, placing restrictions on the movement of people and barring international visitors, to impede the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 (the virus causing COVID-19) virus and prevent community transmission. Unfortunately, even with strict lock downs and social distancing measures, countries across the world are struggling to contain the spread of the novel Corona virus. It has already resulted in Confirmed 4.1M (+61,554), Recovered 1.4M, and Deaths 282K (+8,499), across the globe in the absence of treatments, vaccines, or the diagnostics, and continues to increase by the day. Initially, the virus was thought to spread only when we came in contact with the infected person, but the recent scientific research/studies have revealed the spread even by the silent asymptomatic carriers. This Corona pandemic is not only affecting our health, but has brought the global economy to an unprecedented halt.  Unemployment is at the rise and some experts are comparing the current crisis with the Great Depression of the 1930s.

We have to try to keep abreast with the ever changing situation and have to keep thinking, improvising the best case scenario to ride out of this storm. It’s not easy to feel normal in times of uncertainty and avoid being stressed. Here, we should not forget about the emotional state of our young and little ones. We have to be mindful towards them and help them to manage difficult emotions and inspire kindness toward others. This social distancing and isolation could cause tension, anxiety, physical abuse, and long term mental health condition. Researchers and nutritional psychiatry suggest, that with the intervention of balanced nutritional diet, mental wellness could be improved.

It’s amazing that the entire world is facing the same crisis, not only a few of us, so to bring happiness in crisis, we all have to:

  • Emit positive vibrations of love, compassion, gratitude, blessings, cooperation for the entire human kind, not the vibrations of fear and anxiety. It will change our feelings and would be beneficial to all of us. We all have heard, thoughts become our reality and effects our health, our family, our community, our state, our country, and pretty soon becomes the global vibration and in turn would heal the planet.
  • Give gratitude to the Almighty for giving us yet another new day in our lives. Let us show our gratitude towards our family and the people who are instrumental (Researchers, Scientists, Doctors, Para-Medical staffs, Police force, and the Administration) in keeping us safe.
  • Not be dependent on the situation and let it spoil our happiness.
  • Give our gratitude for the food, water we are having. Let us continue cooking and eating home cooked meal which is a healthy life style habit, filled with high energy, and definitely filled with love and compassion.
  • Be thankful to the Digital technology for providing the tools for efficient remote instructions, working, learning-teaching environment, exercising, entertainment, during this corona virus pandemic.

Per WHO (World Health Organization) website, Corona is known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) and SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). The most recently discovered Corona virus causes Corona virus disease COVID-19. So, practicing hand and respiratory hygiene is important at all times and is the best way to protect others and yourself. Besides social distancing, there are ways to take care of our health in naturalistic, holistic manner:

Drink lots of water (possibly lukewarm, with lemon and honey) to stay hydrated, avoid alcoholic beverages

Irrigate sinuses using a Neti-Pot with saline nasal water

Direct inhalation of Essential oils: Essential oils have been used for centuries as a natural way to support emotional and physical health due to their individual therapeutic properties. Can inhale the aromatic molecules right from the bottle of sinus relieving essential oils (Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Lavender, Tea tree), or add 2-3 drops of oils to a handkerchief, cotton ball, or inhaler tube, and breathe in as needed.

Steam Inhalation: is a very effective way to relieve stuffy nose and could help with upper respiratory tract infection. Boil 2-3 cups tap water and pour into a heat-proof bowl. Add 4-6 drops of essential oils (2 drops each of Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and 1 drop Peppermint Essential Oils) and stir slowly. Cover the back of your head with a towel, carefully lean over the bowl, and breathe in the steam through your nose and mouth as long as the steam is rising (for 2-4 minutes). Keep your eyes closed to prevent eye irritation. Repeat this once every other day for 10-15 days or as needed. (Instead of essential oils, can also use herbs: like 1 teaspoons of oregano and 1 teaspoons of basil).

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment


Corona Virus in Laymen Term

Do you know…..In the wake of recent global development and the fatal impact of Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic, my friend, an eminent scientist, and a noted scholar, Dr. A. Vaishampayan, of the prestigious university of India, Banaras Hindu University, wrote this article for the understanding of laymen about the necessity to protect humans from the fatal Corona Virus and the necessity of social distancing. With his permission, I am sharing this valuable piece of information with you:

Friends, regularly asking me as to why Corona Virus is fatal to human beings only, may please note that phylogenetic analysis classifies it into FOUR types, i.e., (1) α (Alpha), (2) β (Beta), (3) γ (Gamma), and (4) δ (Delta), of which the serological tests have shown a matching GENETIC binding site of α & β in mammals, while γ & δ in birds. Accordingly, Covid-β is relatively Novel (reasonably more powerful than Type-α) that has a greater matching RECEPTIVE GENE site in human beings (while Covid-α might have infected a Tigress in New York, that’s a matter of further research). Matching site means something like a Lectin (from host) and Ricadhesin (from microbe) to be recognized for effective beneficial or injurious infection in plants. This is as true as we often feel crazy to match the colour of our red dress with matching sandals and accessories, and we don’t mind moving to one and/or the other shop(s) till we find the exact matching, suitable one. That’s why we have to confine ourselves in-house, such that this poisonous virus has no opportunity to search out whether we serologically match as its exact target or not, since if it matches, it will start destroying the human cells & respiratory system fast (belonging to any religion, race or geographical location), no sooner it completes its first 14 days of lag phase (as depicted below). But no worry, as the brilliant human mind of scientific community is busy producing an antidote that will vasectomize the matching/ recognizing/ victimizing genetic site of Covid-19 to be disrespectfully bounced back from a human surface. 

It won’t be out of place to mention that poisonous (Venomous) Snakes are Visible from Naked Eyes, hence we can change our route to protect ourselves, as & when these are seen once a while, and even if something unfortunate happens, an instant effort of doctors can save our life with the help of Established Antivenin Medicines available.

Unfortunately, in sharp contrast, the Corona Virus is Microscopic and NOT at all visible from Naked Eyes, yet diffused in the environment as a parasite in human beings it infects, the symptoms of which may NOT be apparent before two weeks. Since any scientifically proven Preventive or Curative Medicine, Antigen or Vaccine is NOT at all available so far, we have the only option to PROTECT OURSELVES BY PROMISING CONFINEMENT TO THE HOUSE (IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH EXPERTS’ RECOMMENDATIONS) TO KEEP US AWAY FROM THE IMPETUOUSLY CONTAGIOUS CORONA VIRUS that FATALLY chokes the Human Respiratory System.

We have to show our obligation to each and every individual from the medical, administration, police, other emergency services, and the unique magnanimous government at the top (appreciated round the globe) whose selfless, untiring & systematic efforts around the clock, has been very wisely, promptly & voluntarily confronting Corona Virus pandemic. Let us fight it out through the commensurate scientific & science-based medical/administrative advice by faithfully maintaining social distance and vehemently locking us down in our house, till the Virus fails to find out a new host or till the scientists come out with the appropriate drug (Interferon bio-synthesizing capacity in a human being) to change the VIRAL GENE ACTION (illustrated above).

Until confirmed preventives or curatives are available, in order to maintain our respiratory & esophageal clearance:

Can frequently drink hot or warm water: boiled with clove, crushed black pepper, and grated ginger, strained, mixed with lemon (optional).

Direct inhalation of essential oils: Right from the bottle or add 2-3 drops of essential oils (Peppermint, Eucalyptus, and/or Lavender) to a handkerchief, cotton ball, or inhaler tube, and breathe in as needed.

Steam Inhalation: is an effective way to relieve stuffy nose and sinus infection. Boil 2-3 cups tap water and pour into a heat-proof bowl. Add 4-6 drops of essential oils (2 drops each of Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and 1 drop Peppermint Essential Oils) and stir. Cover back of your head with a towel, carefully lean over the bowl without getting burn, and breathe in the steam through your nose and mouth as long as the steam is rising (for 2-4 minutes). Keep your eyes closed to prevent eye irritation. Repeat this 2-3 times a week for couple of weeks or as needed. (Instead of essential oils, can also use herbs: like 1 teaspoon of Oregano and 1 teaspoon of Basil or Holy Basil-Tulsi).


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment