Tag Archives: Essential Oils

Body the Healing Machine

Do you know……..We all were constantly complaining that life is very challenging. No one had time to spare for their family, and especially on themselves. Now, with the global outbreak of Corona virus (Covid-19) pandemic, our life has temporarily changed. I can’t comment if it’s for good or bad, but our daily lifestyles have been impacted. Nature has provided us with the opportunity to heal our over active, heavily worked up body, mind, spirit with our inbuilt self-healing trait and establish harmony with our environment. This is the time to

                  Body the Healing Machine

explore our hidden potentials of cooking, sewing, painting, art-craft, writing, etc., to name a few. Grand Master Lu (Lu Sheng-Yen, born 27 June 1945, is the founder and spiritual leader of the True Buddha School with teachings from Buddhism and Taoism) reminds us that every event provides opportunities to learn and that health is a dynamic part of life. “Life is magic. Health is dynamic. It is true we need a strong immune system, but it is not the whole truth. We also need to see what the immune system represents?  Simply put, it is the result of your body, mind, and Spirit working as one.” 

Our body is not made to experience misery, disease, or sickness. Our cells continually look for health, balance and harmony with our surroundings. We have microcosm of macrcosm within us i.e.  human beings, are viewed as an epitome or miniature of the universe. Whatever exists in the nature exists within us to help us self- heal. When we break that natural law and stop vibrating at the same frequency, then we start attracting negative energies and victimize our body to different diseases.

Unlike in the Western traditions, Ayurveda (Ayu=long life and veda=knowledge, which means in Sanskrit, ‘knowledge of life’, originated in India more than 5,000 years ago from the ancient Vedic culture and is often called the “Mother of All Healing”), places great emphasis on individual body’s physical constitution, emotional nature, spiritual outlook, and balance of natural rhythms and cycles. Similarly, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine, teaches how to live a life of balance, wellness, and harmony. it’s rooted in unchanging natural law, which has its source beyond time). TCM believes that at birth we are born with the ability, Qi or energy to heal ourselves in a smooth, efficient, and productive way.

Modern quantum science as well as the Ayurveda and TCM, say that everything is made up of energy. We can use the vibrational frequency of nature and our internal frequency to heal and balance our bodies and emotions. According to Ayurveda and TCM, universe is composed of 5 Elements: Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and they include our internal organs. Ayurveda believes, these five elements combine to make three Doshas, that controls all the function of our mind and body:

Vata(Air and Ether) –Fall and Early Winter, Later life

Pitta(Water and Fire) –Summer, Adolesent to Middle age

Kapha(Water and Earth) –Late winter and Early Spring, Birth to Puberty

This Five Element Framework offers a diagnostic framework to recognize where imbalances in our body, mind, emotions, and spirit lie. Just as everyone has a unique fingerprint, each person has a particular pattern of energy, an individual combination of physical, mental and emotional characteristics which identifies them.

We become what we think about. If we are not feeling good, then we don’t like ourselves. We carry our thoughts not only in our mind, rather in our entire body. It’s good to have some stress, but stress beyond our tolerance could create all kinds of problem in our day to day life. When stressful events happen, distress signals to brain, that alerts endocrine system which starts producing cortisol and adrenaline or epinephrine, stress hormones. As a result, our immunity goes down. We all have ability of resiliency to bounce back from stressful events, adversities and if not, this skill can be learnt with compassionate support through self-awareness and self-care. Most of us are unaware of our full potential, hidden skills, that we can acquire by self-programming through:

  • Self- hypnosis (Visualizing body is healing itself, becoming whole and functional)
  • Self introspect
  • How to be your ideal self
  • Guided imagery
  • Relaxation, Yoga,
  • Meditation to calm mind and connect to innate wisdom.
  • Give thanks and feel gratitude in the body
  • Appropriate Sleep
  • Good healthy diet to nourish the digestive system and boost the immune system
  • Find a healthy environment and get out of a toxic environment
  • Find healthy relationship, open the door to experience peace, love, and healing you deserve
  • Letting go of worries, fears and heaviness that weigh us down and make room for the new space to grow, to learn, to enjoy.

Inner peace is what natural healing looks like. When we’re at peace, our Qi flows and our spirit is content, that makes our entire internal environment balanced and in harmony. Ultimately, we feel healthy inside-out. In Ayurveda and TCM, they don’t treat the individual disease, but treat the person as a whole. It’s based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Its main goal is to promote good health, not fight disease.

Aromatherapy using Essential Oils is good way to support the body’s own healing system. Essential Oils are natural, volatile, concentrated, liquid plant extracts with different therapeutic properties and have been used since ancient times to cure different ailments. Essential oils have a very small molecular size and are easily absorbed by the skin. Following essential oils could be used for self-healing; Lavender, Peppermint, Tea tree, Eucalyptus, Roman Chamomile, Rosemary, Frankincense, Citrus oils, Geranium, Rose, Sandalwood

Grounding-Relaxing Spray:

2 oz. distilled water

15 drops lavender Essential Oil

10 drops grapefruit Essential Oil

5 drops geranium Essential Oil

1 tsp alcohol (vodka)

Add oils to a glass spray bottle, close, label, mix and spray in the room or on linen, use as desired. Mix well before each use.

Refreshing Ginger-Mint Tea

6-8 Fresh Mint Leaves (provides cooling effect in throat) or 1 Peppermint tea bag

4 Slices of fresh Ginger (warms and supports stomach functions) or 2 Ginger tea bags

In a pan, bring 4 cups of water to boil with fresh ginger slices, simmer for 5 minutes, turn off the flame, add peppermint leaves, cover  and let steep for 5 minutes, strain, drink hot or warm throughout the day. Can add honey (nourish and moisturize lungs and lemon (optional).

 For an emergency health condition seeking an immediate medical intervention by conventional medicine is the best choice.

Om Healing………..Uma

 (Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment

Significance of Mudras


Do you know….. A Mudra, in Sanskrit means “seal”, “mark”, or “gesture”; is a symbolic or ritual gesture, pose in Indian religions and culture. Most mudras are performed with the hands and fingers, often in combination with movements of the wrists, elbows, and shoulders, while some involve the entire body. Mudras have been used for thousands of years to assist in meditation, healing, in the ceremonies, dances, sculptures, and painting iconography (i.e. representations of Buddha). In modern world, we most commonly associate mudras with hand positions in yoga and meditation.

            Significance of Mudras

Mudras are used to change the mood, perception and attitude of a person. In Yoga, mudras are practiced in conjunction with pranayama (yogic breathing exercises), generally while seated in Padmasana (Lotus Pose), or Sukhasana (Easy Pose), or Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose), or even by sitting comfortably upright on a chair, to stimulate different parts of the body and mind, to increase awareness and mindfulness, to affect the flow of prana in the subtle body, and unblock chakras. Each mudra has its effect at three levels; body, mind, and soul. They provide us with the courage to handle difficult situations in our lives with ease.

Here I’ll talk about the five elements and mudras associated with those five elements. According to ancient scriptures and Ayurveda, there are five elements that are the basis of all cosmic creation; Fire (Agni), Air (Vayu), Space (Aakasha), Earth (Prithivi), and Water (Varun, Jal). These five elements are integral part of every human being and we all exhibit different balance of these elements. Interestingly, each of our fingers of both hands, represent one of the five elements, which is associated with a different chakra (wheel of energy) in the body:

Thumb – Fire (Agni) – Manipur (Solar Plexus) Chakra

Index finger – Air (Vayu) – Anahat (Heart) Chakra

Middle Finger – Ether (Space or Aakash) – Vishuddhi (Throat) Chakra

Ring Finger – Earth (Prithivi) – Muladhar (Root) Chakra

Small Finger – Water (Varun or Jal) – Swadhisthan (Sacral) Chakra

Regular 10-20 minutes per day practice of an appropriate yoga mudra, can balance these elements for our physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Of the many types of hand mudras, some are as follows:

  1. Prithivi (Earth) Mudra: touch the tip of your ring finger with the tip of thumb while the other fingers are kept straight. It is connected with Muladhar chakra.

Accordingly, this mudra strengthens the element earth within us. It helps in grounding energy and connecting with the earth. As a result, will feel safe, stable and secure in difficult times.

  1. Varun (Water or Jal) Mudra: touch the tip of your little finger (water) and the tip of thumb together, while the other fingers remain extended.Varun is the Sanskrit word for water and is connected with Sacral chakra.

Practicing this mudra helps with lack of water element in the body, which often results in dehydration, dryness of skin, hair, eyes, mouth, muscle cramps, skin issues like eczema, psoriasis, or digestive problems, constipation.

  1. Surya (Sun, Fire,Agni) Mudra: fold your ring finger down and place thumb on top of the ring finger, giving it a light pressure, keep the other fingers straight. It is connected to Solar Plexus chakra.

This is the mudra of fire, heat and sun. One of the best mudras for weight loss. It stands for prana or life force energy in our organs, that can be activated by this mudra to improve digestion, boost metabolism, help lose weight, improve vision, keep cholesterol in control, and energize the body.

  1. Vayu (Air) Mudra: Fold your index finger and place thumb on the back of index finger and keep other fingers straight. It is connected to Heart chakra.

By increasing the air element inside, this helps in pain relief from joint pains, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, helps in digestion, with gas and bloating, better blood circulation, helps with asthma, relaxation, remove guilt feeling. Vayu mudra is associated with Vata dosha, so beneficial for vata type people.

  1. Aakash (Ether, Space) Mudra: Bring the tips of your middle finger and thumb together creating a circle, while keeping the three fingers straight. It is connected to Throat chakra.

Aakash mudra creates a healing space within our body. It activates our throat chakra which stands for self-expression, communication and speaking out truth, controls overeating, calcium and phosphorus absorption from diet, helps detox our body, releases tension, negativity, and gives a feeling of completeness.

I would like to mention here Gyan mudra: which is one of the most recognized of the mudras. Touch the tips of thumb and index finger with palms facing upward.

This mudra is believed to reduce stress, relax the mind, calming, and spiritually awakening. It stimulates the air element in the body, which ultimately leads to an increase in the memory power, nervous system, level of concentration and pituitary gland production.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment




Alpha State of Meditation

Do you know…….We have four types of brain waves; Alpha, Beta, Theta, and Delta. When we are relaxed, our brain activity slows down to 7-14 HZ, which is said to be in Alpha State of Mind, the ideal mental state. This is what scientists associate with our Right Brain, that is responsible for our imagination, memory, creativity, intuition, awareness, and being fully in the moment. Alpha state boosts creativity, resilience, and concentration. That’s what athletes and other performers work on to achieve success, called ‘being in the zone’. We can get into an alpha state of mind, by practicing meditation or guided meditation, deep breathing, pranayam, auto hypnosis by affirmation and visualization, by running and aerobic exercises, or listening to soothing music. Now a days, there are several apps available. To attain Alpha state with relaxation, follow a set regimen and gradually turn into a habitual practice:



Choose a specific time

           Alpha State of Meditation

Choose a specific place

Get comfortable

Avoid distractions

Do deep breathing and alternative breathing through nose

Use guided meditation technique

Count backward from 10 to 1, several times

Declutter your mind

Visualize a happy moment

Visualize a peaceful destination

On the other hand, Beta state of Mind is characterized with brain wave activity between 14-30 HZ. We spend most of our lives in the beta state, as we rush through the hustle – bustle of everyday life, busy checking off our to-do list, and trying to be productive. This rapid mental activity in beta mode has been linked to depression and anxiety, because often we are unable to get out of a negative pattern of thinking. Theta brainwaves occur between 4 – 7 Hz and Delta brainwaves occur below 3.5 Hz.

Studies have revealed, perhaps Aromatherapy, the art and science of using Essential Oils and drinking black, green, or white tea (leaves, naturally contain a substance called Theanine, which is an amino-acid and promotes relaxation without drowsiness), generates alpha brain waves in short time, that moves you into a state of relaxed alertness. Though, more research needs to be done.

Essential Oils are natural, volatile, aromatic, liquid plant extracts with different therapeutic properties. It has been used since ancient times for mental, spiritual and physical healing and to cure different ailments. Our most primitive sense is smell. It directly affects the limbic system of our brain, that controls are hormonal production, emotional state. Inhaling the scent of certain oils can help to ground and stabilize the energies from our emotional body. Essential oil can be inhaled directly from the bottle or place a single drop in palm, rub hands together, cup around nose, and begin breathing deeply for a calming effect, or apply a drop on wrists and neck, or apply to the bottom of the feet, or diffuse, or can wear like perfume. Researchers have found that inhaling Lavender and Sandalwood essential oils increases alpha-wave activity (relaxation), while inhaling Jasmine oil increases beta-wave activity (alertness, anxiety). Brain wave patterns can be affected by the beliefs and thoughts about the stimulus too.


Currently, when the entire world is facing the Corona Virus (Covid-19) pandemic, we need to be in Alpha state of mind. We have to be aware, not be scared. Every thought is affecting our feelings of fear which is creating more vulnerability and anxiety. We got to think right, because together with hand cleaning, we have to keep our mind clean, to circulate positive vibrations in the universe for the benefit of humanity at large.

 Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment

Attain Happiness with Aromatherapy

Since last few weeks, we have been noticing, that our communities, our country, and the entire world is changing on an hourly basis due to Corona Virus (Covid-19) outbreak, being felt all over the world. We all have to take necessary steps to keep ourselves and those around us safe and healthy. Please wash hands frequently, cover your cough and sneeze using the bend of your elbow or a tissue. We’re all vulnerable right now, regardless of borders, class, religion, and hierarchical identities. Stay at home if you feel unwell. Prevention is best practice. Please share only accurate information from the World Health Organization (WHO) or from trusted sources.

 Do you know………Laughter is not happiness. Usually we think, happiness is a feeling of being satisfied, being content the way life should be. In fact, the happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything. With my personal life experiences, I think, happiness comes from within; the ability to love, the art to disagree and to accept, being fearless, being true to yourself, all this stem from the state of being happy.

         Attain Happiness with Aromatherapy

“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”– Denis Waitley

Why are we unhappy? It’s because of our physical health (WHO, analysed that on an average every 100 people has 200 illnesses), our disturbed mental-emotional health, our strained relationship, our anger-ego-greed-lust-insecurity-fear, lack of understanding and accountability, conscious. These negative qualities of our personality, makes us hostile and we start blaming others for our mishaps (while it’s true that sometimes without realizing, we unknowingly let others take advantage of our trust, of our simplicity, and as a result get hurt) and in turn lose happiness. In such situations, if we perform the random act of kindness, it leads to profound happiness in life and thankfulness for the abundance is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Ultimately, whatever action gives us happiness, we start repeating it frequently, and in no time it becomes our habit. That is why, taking self-care and care of our mental-emotional health is more important than ever. To attain happiness, can follow these guidelines:

  1. Staying Grounded: by regularly practicing meditation, yoga, mindfulness, and exercising, will help with hormonal imbalance, which in turn will keep your stress and anxiety in check.
  2. Avoid negativity and toxic people: who pull you down, instead of being your support or a friend in need.
  3. Pay attention to self-care by giving yourself a TLC(tender loving care). Catching up on tasks is great, but don’t hesitate to take breaks and pause. Pamper yourself to a nice Aromatherapy massage.
  1. Indulge in activities that gives you pleasure, but you haven’t had time for it before. You deserve it.
  2. Walk in nature to get connected with your surroundings and the beautiful mother nature.
  3. Be compassionate to others and spread kindness, you will get blessings in return.
  4. Spend quality times with your loved ones.
  5. Finally, smell your favourite Essential oil that has the power to affect person’s mood.

Essential Oils are natural, volatile, liquid plant extracts with different therapeutic properties and have been used since ancient times to cure different ailments. A sense of smell is one of the five senses and a powerful connector between people and the world around them. Aromas are highly emotive and everyone reacts to scents differently based on their past experiences, memory, and emotions. This, in turn, may provide some relief in mood disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and help with feelings of happiness.Tangerine, Peppermint and Eucalyptus essential oils can help with the mental focus, discipline, and coping mechanisms, Grapefruit essential oil helps to uplift, to cheer up, while Rose absolute and Geranium essential oil brings balance of spirit and feeling of harmony. Rosemary is clarifying, Sandalwood, Clove, Frankincense essential oils, help with breathing, grounding, and to stay centered.

Happiness Room Spray:

3-4 oz. Distilled Water

1 Tbsp Alcohol

10 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil

10 drops Lavender Essential Oil

8 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil

8 drops Ylang ylang Essential Oil

In a 4 oz. spray bottle, add essential oils, 3 oz. distilled water, 1 Tbsp alcohol (I use Vodka), close the bottle, mix, and label. Spray in room as desired. Mix well before each use.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment



Emotional Detox with Aromatherapy

Do you know……….. It is terrifying to lose control of our emotions. We all go through some psychological problems of brain fog, depression, anxiety, tantrums, anger, etc., but we should not let it become a part of our daily routine. Emotional detox is the release of negative emotions and thoughts.

      Emotional Detox with Aromatherapy

If you have psychological issues, you likely have some sort of gut issue and vice-versa. Unfortunately, the brain and the gut are intimately linked. You must have heard or even used, ‘This is my ‘gut feeling’. Gut feeling is our body’s primal response to subconscious information. Most of us have experienced the sense of knowing things before we know them without any obvious explanation. The ultimate purpose of gut instinct is to protect us.


 It’s important to heal the fatigue, gut and digestive symptoms; constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, etc., simply by managing eating habits, exercising, and healthy life style. Together with these important actions, practice yoga and meditation regularly, make a gratitude journal, spend time outside in nature, indulge in activities to deal with negative emotions, avoid depressive situations, and try to stay calm.

Toxic emotions which stem from negative beliefs and attitudinal patterns, need to be purged. Sometimes these waves of emotional detox intertwine with one another, that leave us feeling physically drained and exhausted. Emotional detox is hard, but it is important to continue healing our body. In today’s fast paced, electronic, toxin filled world, it’s safe to say that many of us are not grounded or only partially grounded. Grounding and being grounded is a term in aromatherapy used to mean connecting with the present, being in the now and physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and energetically rooted like a tree (The tree stands firmly rooted to the ground, reaches for sun energy, bears flowers-fruits, sways, and changes with the season). Being grounded can also mean having a clear vision of ourselves and keeping our reactive, ego-centric behaviors in check. Essential oils have been the most amazing natural remedy to help mitigate these toxic emotions and begin healing our mental health. Essential oils for grounding obtained from the barks, roots, needles and resin of aromatic plants, eg:

Vetiver, Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Myrrh, Patchouli, Black Spruce, Cypress, Angelica Root, Roman Chamomile, Ylang ylang, Rosewood

 Inhaling the scent of certain oils can help to ground and stabilize the energies being detoxed from our emotional body.  Essential oil can be inhaled directly from the bottle or place a single drop in palm, rub hands together, cup around nose, and begin breathing deeply for a calming effect, or apply a drop on wrists and neck, or apply to the bottom of the feet, or diffuse, or can wear like perfume.

Grounding-Calming Blend:

5 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil

5 drops Cedarwood Essential Oil

5 drops Lavender Essential Oil

5 drops Bergamot Essential Oil

2 drops Vetiver Essential Oil

2 oz Grapeseed or Almond carrier oil

Combine Essential oils and Carrier oil into a 2 oz. dark glass dropper bottle, label, and mix well. Massage 3-5drops near tail bone and lower back daily at night before bed time to open up root chakra, which is a powerful tool to get grounded.

Note: if begin considering harming yourself or others, seek immediate medical attention.


Om Healing………..Uma

 (Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment



Aromatic Natural Body Powder

Do you know…….Generally we use body powder for softer skin, light fragrance, and even in shoes to refresh that smelly shoes. Many store bought body powders and baby powders contain talcum, which is suspected to be

              Aromatic Dusting Powder

containing the known carcinogen, asbestos. Therefore, try to avoid the use of commercially available body powder and hand make the aromatic natural body powder containing essential oils, that will deodorize and soften your skin.

Since centuries, Essential Oils have been utilized in cosmetics, fragrances, healing, as an antiseptic, and for health remedies. These Essential Oils are natural, volatile, concentrated liquid extracts taken from the roots, leaves, seeds, bark, or blossoms of plants. There are great many options of essential oils to choose from for the body powder recipe:

Vanilla, Lavender, Sweet orange, Jasmine, Geranium, Rose otto or absolute, Lemon, Clove, Cinnamon, Ylang ylang, Clary sage, Masculine scents: Bergamot, Vetiver, Nutmeg, Patchouli

Try making this natural body powder with these readily available natural products. This is a basic idea to get you started. You can customize this in different ways.


1C Corn Starch or preferably Arrow Root Powder

¼ C Baking Soda

1tsp Jojoba or Coconut Oil

2 Tbsp Rose water

15 dr Bergamot or Jasmine or Rose Essential Oil

30 dr Lavender Essential Oil

In a large glass bowl or measuring cup mix corn starch (arrow root powder) and baking soda with a fork or wire whisk. In a separate bowl, add essential oils to the Coconut (Jojoba) oil and stir well to combine, add oil mixture to powder mixture stirring well with a fork until no lumps remain. Pore the powder in an empty clean old powder container or a spice jar or in any air tight container, cap, label, and store in a cool, dry, dark place. This homemade body powder will last 4-6 months. Use this smooth and soothing powder as deodorant or just apply the finished powder into your arm pits or wherever you struggle with perspiration.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment

Aromatic Reed Diffuser

Do you know…….Reed Diffuser is an elegant way to aromatize any room with light, subtle aroma. Homemade Aromatherapy reed diffuser is also an easy and cost effective excellent holiday gift or a birthday gift, or a house warming gift, or a gift for any other occasion. It can be customized according to season, occasion, personal scent preference. So get creative and have fun.

              Aromatic Reed Diffuser

Peaceful Aromatic Diffuser Blend

8 drops Bergamot Essential Oil

6 drops Frankincense Essential Oil

6 drops Palmarosa Essential Oil

4 drops Geranium Essential Oil

¼ cup Carrier Oil or Distilled Water

2 Tbsp Alcohol (Vodka or Rubbing Alcohol)


Add 1/4 cup of lighter carrier oil (Apricot Seed or Safflower or Sweet Almond) or distilled water (or can use Dipropylene glycol, but I don’t like using it) to a glass measuring cup, add above essential oils (or your desired Essential Oils), add 2Tbsp of alcohol, stir the mixture well with a reed stick and pour it in a narrow neck glass bottle or jar.

Add the rattan reeds to the bottle so that the ends are submerged fully in the oil. Rattan reeds can be cut to desired length if needed. Turn the reeds upside down every few days or at least once a week to get the most aroma from the mixture.

Once a month can top up with more essential oils, depending how well they last – base essential oils tend to last much longer than top notes.

If the liquid mixture starts to look or smell unpleasant, dump it out, wash the jar, and make a new batch.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment


Inflammation the Culprit

Do you know……Researchers found that, Inflammation plays a major role in everyone’s health. It is our body’s natural mechanism to fight against infections, injuries, toxins, with the help of our Immune system that releases antibodies in attempt to heal itself. This increases the blood circulation to the affected area and inflammation

                        Inflammation the Culprit

happens. However, not all inflammation is good. It could be Acute or Chronic. Acute inflammation causes pain, redness, swelling in the affected area, while Chronic inflammation symptoms are; fatigue, fever, rashes, abdominal pain, digestive issues, chest pain, headache, arthritis, asthma, dementia. It could be subtler from mild to severe and could linger for an extended period. It could be caused by: Auto immune disorder, Smoking, Alcohol, Obesity, Chronic Stress, Cancer, Untreated Acute Inflammation.

Inflammation could be treated with:

Over-the-counter Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil), naproxen (Aleve), but long-term use peptic ulcer and kidney disease.

Steroids. Corticosteroids are a type of steroid hormone. They decrease inflammation and suppress the immune system, which in long-term can lead to vision problems, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis.

Supplements. Certain supplements may help to reduce inflammation; Fish oil, Lipoic acid, and Curcumin. Some spices that are helpful in chronic inflammation and inflammatory diseases are ginger, garlic, turmeric, cayenne, clove.

Diet: Researchers found that Mediterranean diet has lower markers of inflammation.

Essential Oils that contain carvacrol, eugenol, curcumin, 1.8-cineole, are great tools for alleviating inflammation. Essential Oils are natural, volatile, concentrated liquid extract of different parts of plants, that have been used since centuries in healing process for their therapeutic properties. Following essential oils are commonly used to treat inflammation:

Thyme, Clove, Rose, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Bergamot, Roman chamomile, Ginger, Turmeric, Basil, Rosemary, Juniper

Essential oils are usually inhaled directly, or used in steam inhalation, or in warm bath or in a diffuser, or as a room spray-body spray, or massaged into the skin.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment

Nutritious Aromatic Plants

Do you know…… Hippocrates said, “Food is medicine.” Therefore, to have health and vitality, one must consume low fat and high fiber food. Should avoid high fat meal, be active, and try to follow some sort of 20-30 minutes exercise regimen daily. Green leafy vegetables are high in calcium, magnesium, low in sugar, and protect against heart disease.

                         Chrysanthemum tea

Several plants have been grown as a house plant, in gardens, and commercially for their ornamental decorative purposes together with their therapeutic and nutritional values. They have been used since centuries for their medicinal, aromatic properties in Cosmetic industries, in Naturopaethy, Ayurvedic, and Chinese medicine, to promote healing and well-being. For eg:

Rose (Rosa species): for their culinary, cosmetics, medicinal, aromatic properties. In far East, rose petals, rose water, rose essence are used in many food recipes and cosmetics. Rose Essential Oils are rich in vitamins, minerals, and are used in Aromatherapy as an antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-oxidant, moisturizing, astringent Dog rose hips are used for medicinal remedies,

Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis): flowers and leaves are very nutritious and used for culinary purposes. Hibiscus Essential Oils are extracted from leaves and flowers of the plant. It is rich in anti-oxidants, amino acids, Vitamins A & C and used for deep conditioning hair treatment, hair growth and shine, dandruff control.

Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus): it is herbaceous perennial plant. Carnation flowers are very fragrant and considered to be anti-spasmodic, diaphoretic, nervine, and invigorating.  They have been traditionally used for treating fevers. It has peppery flavour and flower petals are used in salads and for dish garnishing. Carnation absolute is obtained from the flowers of carnation plants by solvent extraction method and is anti-bacterial, alleviate gastric discomfort.

Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium): or mum flowers are found all over the world and contain aminoacids, Vitamins A & B. Besides being an ornamental flower, it is used to relieve cold-flu symptoms, high blood pressure, and as nerve calming. In China, Chrysanthemum tea is very common.

Calendula (Calendula officinalis): Calendula is an annual herb with yellow to orange flowers (commonly known as Marigold flowers) and is often used in soups, salads, stews, and for the treatment of inflammation and skin wounds. Calendula officinalis essential oil is antimicrobial, anti-inlammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-spasmodic and is often used in wound healing and treating diaper rash.

Lotus (Nilumbo nucifera); It is a perennial, aquatic herb from India. Lotus plant and flower symbolizes knowledge, purity, serenity, and considered a sacred symbol in India, China, Egypt. Lotus flower opens in the morning and closes at night. All parts of the plant have been used since centuries for culinary and medicinal purposes. Lotus essential oil is extracted from dried lotus flowers through steam distillation and is mostly used for enhancing mood, spirituality, relaxation, and serenity. It is antidepressant, aphrodisiac, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, nervine, antimicrobial.

Just like these, there are several other plant varieties like; Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla), Periwinkle (Catheranthus roseus), Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis), Amaltas (Cassia fistula), Ashoka (Saraca asoca), etc. have been used in culinary and for their medicinal properties. Kaffir lime (Bergamot).

Chrysanthemum tea:

3-6 personally dried pesticide free Chrysanthemum flowers or store bought

Boil 8oz water, add flowers, cover and let it steep for a few minutes, strain in a cup and enjoy the tea.

As always, if you’re pregnant or nursing, ask your doctor before drinking chrysanthemum tea.

Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment


Aromatherapy Aid to Eating Disorders

Do you know…………… Eating disorder (anorexia and bulimia) is engaging in unusual and persistent behaviors in order to prevent weight gain, by attempting to follow rigid dietary rules, like only consuming very small number of calories of a limited number of food at specific times per day, which puts the body in starvation mode. Per dictionary meaning; “Anorexia, also called Anorexia nervosa, a disorder characterized by fear of becoming fat and refusal of food leading to debility and even death.” It affects 3 in 100 and not surprisingly, it affects the teens

                           Eating Disorder

in industrialized countries the most. In Western world, where size zero models – actors are the role models, young people, especially girls, see themselves not standing up to the cultural expectations of the social norm. Anorexia is often preceded by a traumatic event and other emotional problems.

Common signs and some statistics from National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders:

  • A key characteristic of anorexia nervosa is being extremely underweight compared to their ‘ideal weight’, lying about food intake,
  • Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. 1 in 5 anorexia deaths is by suicide.
  • 50–80 percent of the risk for anorexia and bulimia is genetic.
  • 33–50 percent of anorexia patients suffer from depression, anxiety disorders, low self-esteem, and social phobia because of intense fear of weight gain or of “becoming fat,”
  • At least 30 million people of all ages and genders suffer from an eating disorder in the U.S.
  • They are generally addicted to an unhealthy amount of excessive, rigid exercising activities.
  • Complications due to anorexia can include amenorrhea (loss of periods), infertility, reduced bone mass, cognitive changes, dry skin – hair, heart problems, and in severe cases even death.

Eating disorder is a serious condition and an early intervention is thought to be one of the most important ways of preventing complications due to anorexia. It’s not an easy disorder to be treated permanently, but today a wide range of effective treatments are available including; regularly monitored by a doctor, cognitive behavioral therapy, support groups, dietic guidance, acupuncture, guided meditation to reduce stress-anxiety, and therapeutic use of Essential Oils through Aromatherapy to tackle the underlying cause.

Inhalation of essential oils may alter emotions that could change the underlying psychology and disturbed-thinking pattern which supports the self-destructed behavior. Essential oil aroma directly affects the limbic system of the brain. There are several essential oils that are calming, anti-depressant, and soothing, that are traditionally used for anorexia based on each individual needs, eg:

Bergamot: Is uplifting, antidepressant, regulates the appetite.

Lavender: Is calming, anti-anxiety, and helps with insomnia.

Mandarin, Orange, Grape fruit, Tangerine, Neroli: Is gentle, calming, anti-depressant, promotes happiness. It calms nervous tension and restlessness. It is also traditionally used for digestive disorders.

Angelica: Is calming, helps release and let go of negative feelings, trauma or anger, used for loss of appetite as well.

Lemon: Is used for digestive problems, anxiety, anti-depressant. It promotes a sense of well-being. Its has invigorating, warming, and enhancing aroma. Lemon also promotes clarity of thought and purpose as well as physical energy.

Ginger: Is stimulating, used for courage, loss of appetite and other digestive disorder.

Jasmine: In addition to its romantic and exotic qualities, used to support healthy-looking skin.

Clary sage, Coriander, Patchouli, Basil, Peppermint Essential Oils can also be considered.

Eating Disorder Massage Oil:

4 drops Bergamot Essential Oil

3 drops Lemon Essential Oil

2 drops Lavender Essential Oil

2 drops Ginger Essential Oil

1 drop Patchouli Essential Oil

1 oz Almond or Grape seed or Coconut Oil

1 oz amber or dark glass bottle

Add essential oils in 1oz glass bottle, pour the carrier oil of choice, cap, label, and mix well. Massage on the sole of feet or on wrist or back of neck, or on stomach twice daily or as needed. Can just open the bottle and inhale deeply.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment