Tag Archives: happiness

Managing Time with Compassion

Managing Time with Compassion
 A Lovely  Monday Morning to you all!

Do you know……..We all have 24 hours in a day. Of which, approximately 6-8 hours we spent resting-sleeping, 8-12 hours working-job-business, 2 hours for food and miscellaneous activities, then we are left with 2 hours. Now, how do we utilize this precious 2 hours, is our personal choice? There is no one right way to live our life, but it will be wise to invest it for our betterment. We should look within and dream big (without getting psyched), being aware of our abilities and execute our desires.

Managing Time with Compassion

What brings us joy may be the right approach as long as it is constructive and not causing any harm to anyone or to self.

Nowadays in the midst of global COVID-19 pandemic, where things are out of our control and people are scared of the uncertainty, we should try to give people a little hope. It’s not only taking a heavy toll on the economy, but taking toll on emotional health of adults, seniors, as well as our teenagers are experiencing the same devastating impact of Corona virus. Even if people are staying at home or being quarantined, they should realize that it’s for our own safety and we all are in it together. We are desperate to get back to normal, but we have to follow the protective measures of wearing face-mask and social distancing.

So, to make the best of 2 hours from 24 hours a day and to maintain physical-mental health, to avoid stress, to boost our immune system, one should conscientiously practice to:

  • Get daily exercise
  • Follow a regular sleep pattern for a better good night sleep
  • Take breaks to unwind and take help from family-friends
  • Be compassionate towards others and to oneself
  • Consume healthy food
  • Do yoga and meditation to calm the mind
  • Take Aromatherapy massage and/or bath using Essential oils to manage stress

Essential Oils are natural, volatile, concentrated, liquid plant extracts with different therapeutic properties and have been used since ancient times to cure various ailments.

Aromatherapy Calming Massage Blend:

20 drops  Bergamot E. Oil(Citrus bergamia)

10 drops Lavender E. Oil(Lavandula angustifolia)

10 drops Frankincense E. Oil(Boswellia serrata)

4 drops Sandalwood E. Oil(Santalum album)

4 drops Clary sage E. Oil(Salvia sclarea)

4oz Apricot Seed Carrier Oil

1tsp Alcohol

Combine all these in a 4oz dark glass spray bottle, close, mix well, label. At bed time, massage on feet sole, or apply under nose, or can add one Tbsp in bath, or can spray around bed for calming effect.

Om Healing………..Uma
 (Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment


Attain Happiness with Aromatherapy

Since last few weeks, we have been noticing, that our communities, our country, and the entire world is changing on an hourly basis due to Corona Virus (Covid-19) outbreak, being felt all over the world. We all have to take necessary steps to keep ourselves and those around us safe and healthy. Please wash hands frequently, cover your cough and sneeze using the bend of your elbow or a tissue. We’re all vulnerable right now, regardless of borders, class, religion, and hierarchical identities. Stay at home if you feel unwell. Prevention is best practice. Please share only accurate information from the World Health Organization (WHO) or from trusted sources.

 Do you know………Laughter is not happiness. Usually we think, happiness is a feeling of being satisfied, being content the way life should be. In fact, the happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything. With my personal life experiences, I think, happiness comes from within; the ability to love, the art to disagree and to accept, being fearless, being true to yourself, all this stem from the state of being happy.

         Attain Happiness with Aromatherapy

“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.”– Denis Waitley

Why are we unhappy? It’s because of our physical health (WHO, analysed that on an average every 100 people has 200 illnesses), our disturbed mental-emotional health, our strained relationship, our anger-ego-greed-lust-insecurity-fear, lack of understanding and accountability, conscious. These negative qualities of our personality, makes us hostile and we start blaming others for our mishaps (while it’s true that sometimes without realizing, we unknowingly let others take advantage of our trust, of our simplicity, and as a result get hurt) and in turn lose happiness. In such situations, if we perform the random act of kindness, it leads to profound happiness in life and thankfulness for the abundance is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Ultimately, whatever action gives us happiness, we start repeating it frequently, and in no time it becomes our habit. That is why, taking self-care and care of our mental-emotional health is more important than ever. To attain happiness, can follow these guidelines:

  1. Staying Grounded: by regularly practicing meditation, yoga, mindfulness, and exercising, will help with hormonal imbalance, which in turn will keep your stress and anxiety in check.
  2. Avoid negativity and toxic people: who pull you down, instead of being your support or a friend in need.
  3. Pay attention to self-care by giving yourself a TLC(tender loving care). Catching up on tasks is great, but don’t hesitate to take breaks and pause. Pamper yourself to a nice Aromatherapy massage.
  1. Indulge in activities that gives you pleasure, but you haven’t had time for it before. You deserve it.
  2. Walk in nature to get connected with your surroundings and the beautiful mother nature.
  3. Be compassionate to others and spread kindness, you will get blessings in return.
  4. Spend quality times with your loved ones.
  5. Finally, smell your favourite Essential oil that has the power to affect person’s mood.

Essential Oils are natural, volatile, liquid plant extracts with different therapeutic properties and have been used since ancient times to cure different ailments. A sense of smell is one of the five senses and a powerful connector between people and the world around them. Aromas are highly emotive and everyone reacts to scents differently based on their past experiences, memory, and emotions. This, in turn, may provide some relief in mood disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and help with feelings of happiness.Tangerine, Peppermint and Eucalyptus essential oils can help with the mental focus, discipline, and coping mechanisms, Grapefruit essential oil helps to uplift, to cheer up, while Rose absolute and Geranium essential oil brings balance of spirit and feeling of harmony. Rosemary is clarifying, Sandalwood, Clove, Frankincense essential oils, help with breathing, grounding, and to stay centered.

Happiness Room Spray:

3-4 oz. Distilled Water

1 Tbsp Alcohol

10 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil

10 drops Lavender Essential Oil

8 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil

8 drops Ylang ylang Essential Oil

In a 4 oz. spray bottle, add essential oils, 3 oz. distilled water, 1 Tbsp alcohol (I use Vodka), close the bottle, mix, and label. Spray in room as desired. Mix well before each use.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
to order .visit aromawellness.net
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment



Happiness Fragrance

Do you know……….Our thoughts affect our feelings, our feelings affect our actions, and our actions determine our happiness. Behavioral scientists have observed, that optimistic people are emotionally and physically healthier and tend to be happier, have better moods, more persevering, and successful. They stay calm and stable amidst most pressure and crises. They consider life debacles as transient without blaming others, because our thoughts crea

te our world surrounding us. It sounds absurd, but with our own choice, we have made our habit to get disturbed with unfavorable situations. It simply means that what we think, do, and say affects who we become on the outside, the inside, and in our brain. Therefore, it means we can retrain our brain to be more positive, make our thoughts to become inspirational, and develop the sense of gratitude to:

Lead happy, rich, fulfilled life

Spend most time socializing and stay mentally sharp

Have good relationships

Have stronger immune systems with better health habits

Live longer, stress free than pessimists

To avoid falling into bad mood traps, blaming others, and having pessimistic,  negative thoughts, we can easily get out of them simply by practicing; Meditation, Exercise, Deep breathing, Better-healthier diet,

and Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the art and science of using Essential Oils to alleviate variety of ailments. Essential Oils are natural, volatile, concentrated liquid, extracted by distillation from different parts of plants and possess individual therapeutic properties. Following safety and precautions, use essential oils that are; energizing, uplifting, refreshing, enhance peace and happiness. Eg: Orange, Jasmine, Rose, Frankincense, Clary Sage, Sandalwood, Cinnamon, Orange, Neroli, Lavender, Petitgrain, Bergamot, Grapefruit, Ylang ylang, etc.

Researchers have revealed that Essential Oils can help improve person’s mood, by triggering the Limbic system of our brain. Everyone is different and reacts differently to the fragrance, therefore chose essential oil(s) that works best for you.

Happiness Diffuser Blend:

20 drops Lemon Essential Oil

20 drops Clary Sage Essential Oil

20 drops Frankincense Essential Oil

20 drops Cedarwood Essential Oil

10 drops Ylang ylang  Essential Oil

10 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil

Add these essential oils in a 5 ml dark glass dropper bottle, cover, label, mix gently by inverting back ‘n forth. Add 5-10 drops to the diffuser water as needed for hours of uplifting, pleasant fragrance.


Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
visit aromawellness.net, to order
Call 414-793-8645, to schedule your consultation appointment