Rest to Revitalize
A Lovely Monday Morning to you all!
Do you know………..Our mind and body function interdependently as a whole. It is important to realize the role of rest in our life. We can’t achieve physical wellness, if other parts of our life is stressed and under unrest mode. Generally, our overall attitude is to try to minimize rest as much as possible to

Rest to Revitalize
accomplish more, thinking we are being more productive and efficient, without realizing we are damaging our physical, mental, and spiritual health causing more challenges. We are so much attached to our worldly affairs that we forget to find the true meaning of life in our surroundings, in the serenity of our mother nature, and always feel ‘Short of Time’. It is so ironic, that in this so called modern age, we are constantly making inventions to save time for every activity, but in every conversation, we hear repeatedly, ‘I don’t have time to spare or not even to die’.
“If you relax your mind, it can begin working for you.” – Bryant McGill
We should have a set of daily routine to stay organized and function efficiently, but be flexible and adaptable. If one day things don’t get done as per schedule, it should not be the matter of stress and it won’t be the end of the world. We just have to break lose our negative destructive pattern of daily living and rewire our subconscious mind to restructure our personal excellence. We do have to set realistic goals to avoid stress, anxiety, and feeling of failure. We should not consider ourselves, ‘Do it all Individual’, that’s when we end up falling flat on our face frustrated and stressed out. So, it’s always a good practice to seek help from others when desired and be willing to help others in need.
Generally, when we are talking about rest, we think only about sleep, but rest is more than just
sleep. Yes, sleep is very crucial for the normal function of our body, but rest includes self-care, relaxation, entertainment, enjoying a hobby, doing restful activities, and power down our minds for a while, (Please refer to my blog of May 12, 2018, Self-care with Essential Oils). In Ayurveda and TCM, it’s believed that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. A quality rest helps to restore our inner peace, our Qi flows and our spirit is content, which makes our entire internal environment balanced and in harmony.
Aromatherapy using Essential Oils is good way to support the body’s own healing system, thus assist the natural abilities of our body to rest and recover from stress and illness. Essential Oils are natural, volatile, concentrated, liquid plant extracts with different therapeutic properties and have been used since ancient times to cure different ailments and to promote well-being of mind, body, and spirit. The most common use of essential oils is through topical application (aromatherapy massage) due to their small molecular size which easily gets absorbed by the skin and through inhalation or smelling essential oils that directly affects the limbic system of the brain. Following essential oils could be used for self-healing due to their relaxing, emotional well- being, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, to improve circulation, properties; Lavender, Peppermint, Tea tree, Eucalyptus, Roman Chamomile, Rosemary, Frankincense, Citrus oils, Geranium, Rose, Sandalwood, Cypress, Neroli
Calming-Relaxing BATH SALT
2 Cups Epsom Salt
1 Cup Baking Soda (acts as skin softner and water conditioner)
10 Dr Bergamot E. Oil
4 Dr Geranium E. Oil
6 Dr Lavender E. Oil(if using plain Epsom Salt, use 10 Dr)
1 Tbs Sesame Oil, or Olive Oils, or Apricot Seed Oil for moisturizing consistency
Mix all in a glass bowl or Large Glass Measuring Cup with S. Steel or Plastic spoon (don’t use wooden spoon as it will absorb e.oil). Store in air tight glass or tin container. Label
Use ¼ to ½ cup for each bath.
Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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