Forgiveness the Life Mantra
A Lovely Monday Morning to you all!
Do you know…….Today, I heard on Brahma Kumaris ((World Spiritual Organization), a very
important message, “If you are still holding onto anger, mistrust, or the sadness from the past, you will project those feelings onto anyone new who comes in your life. Resentment does not protect you from anything, but it does prevent you from connecting deeply with people who try to love you in the future. Heal your heart not just for you, but for everyone who comes in your future path.”
Forgiveness is a controversial subject of discussion, difficult to agree upon, and hard to achieve. I understand it is not easy to forgive the person who betrayed us. We hold on to that anger of being deceived and fooled intentionally, but it always made us feel worse. Studies revealed, forgiveness has clear, positive effects on human well-being. It is an important aspect of maintaining social order, fostering social relationships, and promoting physical health. Most importantly, forgiveness is liberating for human spirit. According to Chinese medicine, negative emotions are believed to cause a disruption in the body’s energy system, often connected to certain meridians and organs in the body. Most world religions include teachings on forgiveness, which provide guidance for the practice of forgiveness. The concept of forgiveness might differ, but it stil
l calls for love and pure heart. I liked this simple Hawaiian forgiveness ritual of Ho’oponopono, based on using few simple sentences to help you forgive, forget the past, heal and bless yourself and others. Four tenets are disclosed for creating peace with oneself and others: “I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, and Thank you.”
“Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” We could choose to harbor resentment, be a victim and remain energetically stuck in that entanglement, be stressed out from deep seated emotions, or we could choose to forgive and let it go. So, it is good practice to start working
on forgiveness gradually to release the stored emotions from the key meridians and organs in the body. Before we could forgive this other person, we need to first forgive ourselves. The stress response in our body cannot differentiate between current physical stresses or emotional and thought driven stressors. A body in stress cannot heal. As a Clinical Aromatherapist, as a Reiki and Energy Healer, to really help people heal, we need to address the problem at its root and help them release their deeply embedded unpleasant emotions, experiences, and negative thought patterns.
Researchers have found that Essential oils are a great way to reconnect back with nature and to achieve feelings of peace and forgiveness. When we inhale a distinct aroma, the scent travels through the olfactory system (controls our sense of smell) to the limbic system of our brain that produces a distinct response to the aroma to enhance our well-being and manage emotions. Higher frequency essential oil (human brain vibrates i.e. has frequency of 72-90 MHz and healthy body vibrates at 62-72 MHz – refer to my blog, Vibrational Healing with Aromatherapy 06012020, on my web site: over 90 MHz, helps us release things quicker by raising our spiritual awareness and allow the soul to forgive, forget and release negative energies. Based on individual requirement, can use following category essential oils to reap the benefit:
Calming Essential oils: Floral oils, are typically composed of monoterpene alcohols that have calming properties; Rose, Jasmine, Geranium
Grounding Essential Oils: Tree, herb, and grass oils, primarily include sesquiterpenes, esters, and oxides that have grounding, soothing emotions and feelings of renewal properties; Frankincense, Sandalwood
Uplifting & Energizing Essential Oils: Citrus oils, typically possess limonene, beta-pinene, and monoterpenes and Peppermint oil is energizing because high concentration of ketones; Bergamot, Lemon
Warming Essential Oils: Typically Spice oils, because of their phenol content; Coriander, Cinnamon
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Om Healing………..Uma
(Founder of AromaWellness)
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